View Poll Results: Do you want a PDW forum?

105. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    42 40.00%
  • No

    55 52.38%
  • Mods here are shit

    31 29.52%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: PDW forum?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    I don’t know, I’d like to own one of those sweet full auto PS-90s @Hansohn Brothers has.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansohn Brothers View Post
    Oh snap...

    So when is there going to be a PF Hansohn Brothers suppressor demo shoot? I'll chip in for ammo!

  3. #23
    Site Supporter Caballoflaco's Avatar
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    Away, away, away, down.......
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    I don’t know, I’d like to own that sweet full auto PS-90 @Hansohn Brothers has.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansohn Brothers View Post
    I don’t see why anybody needs a weapon of war that’s designed to shoot down spaceships on our streets.

    At @JodyH has made some strong arguments for its use in a niche roll, I was just being an Internet dick.

    My main concern is that I’ve seen a couple of forums, but I’m thinking of one in particular where they start a new forum for whatever gun of the month is being sold and modified. Then when people get bored or stop buying those threads end up being moved somewhere else so they can have a dedicated subforum for the new hotness.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Caballoflaco View Post
    I don’t see why anybody needs a weapon of war that’s designed to shoot down spaceships on our streets.
    When the Goa'uld show up, I'll be at least a little prepared.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Grey View Post
    Oh snap...

    So when is there going to be a PF Hansohn Brothers suppressor demo shoot? I'll chip in for ammo!
    I think we can work something out once we get back to something that resembles normal.

  6. #26
    To bring this around, I'll vote No to a PDW forum. I view PDWs the same as I do SBR since they generally follow the same size and purpose. The Rifle and Carbines forum is a good place to discuss PDWs. I would go as far to recommend mission specific forums such as hunting, long range precision, mobile/MOUT, personal defense, etc in the Software section. From there, we can discuss the hardware needed for the specific mission. As Pat always said, let the mission drive the gear train.

  7. #27
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    The sub-forum now is titled "Rifles and Carbines". A PDW is just an even shorter carbine. A "PCC" is a Pistol Caliber Carbine. So I vote no on a PDW forum.

    I don't think it matters that much, but if we want to be semantic (and we all know how I am with semantics). The pistol-versions of ARs and other PDWs should just be in the semi-automatic pistol sub-forum. I'm paranoid, to a degree, but placing pistols in the pistol sub-forum, instead of in the Rifle and Carbines sub-forum seems like it might be a good idea from a potential legal justification stand point (i.e., it indicates you didn't intend to use your brace-equipped pistol as a rifle..or some such non-sense). Similarly, updating the Shotgun forum to recognize that we shouldn't call Tac14s/Shockwaves 'shotguns', because they are 'other' firearms...

    Could just change the titles of the sub-forums

    Maybe that's just a way or allowing us to acknowledge that these weapons are between classes, but fall more into one category than another.


    Since you asked though -

    I'd love to see some restructuring/reordering of the order of forums:


    Mindset and Tactics
    Marksmanship and Gunhandling
    Competition Skills and Discussion
    Drills, Tests, and Practice
    Unarmed Combatives
    Law Enforcement


    Semi-Auto Pistols
    Rifles, Carbines, Pistol Caliber Carbines, and Braced Pistols
    Shotguns and 'Other' Firearms
    Ammunition (with Reloading as a Sub-Forum under this Heading)
    Holsters, Accessories, EDC, and Optics (with RDS as a sub-forum under this heading)
    Edged Weapons
    Ask The Armorer


    General Discussions and Miscellaneous:

    P-F Code of Conduct
    P-F News, Info, and References
    General Discussion

    And just because I'm a pedant - I'd LOVE for standardization on whether or not we're going to use the ampersand or the word and (e.g., General Discussions & Miscellaneous or General Discussions and Miscellaneous). I don't care which - just bugs me that we have a mix of them. Similarly - is the official abbreviation going to be PF or P-F - I don't care which - just pick one. This is my technical writing OCD coming out. I'm gonna guess I'm not the only pedant around here who has this mild irritation.

  8. #28
    I voted YES because one thread was broken out into three and made it harder to follow them. There are also other PDW/Shorty threads. I think having them in one sub-forum would make it easier to find and share information. Make PDW/Shorty (or whatever you want to call it) a sub-forum of Rifles & Carbines

    A quick look shows the following threads would be easier to find (and possibly reducing repeat threads) in their own sub-forum-
    We wish to thank the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement, without whose assistance this program would not have been possible.

  9. #29
    The poll above is precisely how third parties fuck up an election

    Every time I see PDW I think PWC.. then I think chicks in bikinis.

  10. #30

    PDWs are something like a scout rifle. Neat to discuss and theorize about, but realistically a dated concept. I’m talking the true PDW concept like the HK P90 and HK MP7. If it fires a true rifle cartridge then it isn’t a PDW, it’s an SBR (or braced-pistol).

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