2,000 Round Challenge
* Shooter must use a single pistol (distinct brand, model, caliber, serial number) for the entire 2,000 rounds. Pistol should be properly cleaned and lubricated before the test begins. Any brand pistol, stock or modified (please list all modifications), any caliber.
* Shooter can take as long as necessary (days, weeks, months) to fire 2,000 rounds through the pistol.
* The pistol cannot be cleaned, lubricated, or maintained in any way during the entire 2,000 round test period.
* Shooter can use any type of ammunition: factory, remanufactured, or hand loaded. Shooter can use as many different brands, styles, bullet weights, etc. as necessary as long as all ammunition meets the SAAMI specifications for the caliber of the gun.
* Shooter must report ALL stoppages, malfunctions, and/or parts breakages that occur during the 2,000 round test regardless of cause. This includes any such problems that are deemed "shooter-induced" or "ammunition-induced."
* If a stoppage, malfunction, or breakage may be ammunition-induced, the shooter can follow this procedure (but must still report the actual results with the original test pistol): if the round still has a bullet, powder, and undetonated primer the shooter can attempt to fire the round in a freshly lubricated and cleaned pistol of different brand than the test gun. If the round fails to fire in this second pistol which is clean, lubricated, and not of the same brand, then although the original stoppage or malfunction must be reported it will not count against achieving the "2,000 Round Challenge" success criteria.
Stoppage: Any failure of the pistol to go through its entire cycle of operation. This could include a failure to feed, fire, extract, or eject. A problem qualifies as a Stoppage if and only if the shooter is capable of fixing the problem without the use of any tools, without disassembling the gun in any way (magazine can be removed), and the pistol is in firing condition in less than 30 seconds. For example, a stovepipe or failure of the slide to go fully into battery would be Stoppages. Added 21-Jan-08: Failure to lock back after the last round in a magazine is fired, even if the shooter believes it was caused by an improper grip, is considered a stoppage.
Malfunction: Any failure of the pistol to go through its entire cycle of operation and which requires the use of tools, disassembly of any part of the pistol, and/or takes more than 30 seconds to resolve, but does not require any parts replacement. For example, a dislodged spring or a front sight that falls off the gun would be Malfunctions.
Breakage: Any failure of the pistol to go through its entire cycle of operation and which requires parts replacement (springs, pins, locking block, anything) to resolve. For example, a broken spring or chipped extractor would be Breakages.
A pistol must fire 2,000 consecutive rounds without any cleaning or maintenance or additional lubrication without any stoppages, malfunctions or breakages to qualify as having met the "2,000 Round Challenge."
Murder Machine, Harmless Fuzzball
Here's the sort of format that should be used when reporting results in the 2,000 round challenge:
Pistol: Smith & Wesson M&P 9
Caliber: 9mm
Ammunition: 115 grain Blazer Brass, 115 grain Winchester White Box, American Eagle (115 grain)
Dates of testing: 7/20-7/22
Total rounds fired: 2,470
Stoppages: 0
Malfunctions: 0
Breakages: 0
The M&P used was my primary carry piece at the time. It had several thousand relatively trouble free rounds down the pipe before the three day USTC class where I shot the challenge.
Pistol: H&K P30 LEM
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: 115 grain Blazer Brass, 115 grain Federal Champion, 115 grain Winchester White Box, 124 grain +P Speer Gold Dot
Dates of testing: Sept. 1, 2010 to October 28th, 2010
Total rounds fired: 2,393
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
The pistol was purchased brand new in August. The accumulated round count results from taking the pistol through four classes, day 1 of Todd Green's Aim Fast, Hit Fast, the Appendix Carry Workshop, a 4 hour session on the range with Tom Givens, and the 3 day Vickers Advanced Combat Handgun class, in addition to two range trips outside the listed classes.
Pistol: HK P30L
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: PMC Bronze, limited reloads
Dates of Testing: 2010 January 31 to 2010 March 28
Total Rounds Fired: 2,463
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: pistol was purchased June 30th, 2009 and prior to the test, had 13,612 rounds through it with zero stoppages, malfunctions, or breakages. The pistol is actually up to 2,720; however, during an AFHF class, the gun failed to lock back on an empty mag twice and this was due to my thumb riding the slide stop during a drill. This occurred at 2,463 rounds. Since this is a 2,000 round test, I thought that it would be more accurate to note the actual rounds exceeding 2,000 rounds without any stoppages, malfunctions, or breakages.
Pistol: Smith & Wesson M&P 9
Caliber: 9mm
Ammunition: 115g CCI Blazer
Dates of testing: 10/10/10 - 1/23/2011
Total rounds fired: 2140
Stoppages: 0
Malfunctions: 0
Breakages: 0
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: American Eagle 124gr TMJ Lead-Free; American Eagle 147gr TMJ Lead-Free; Independence Ammo 124gr FMJ
Dates of testing: 3-Jan-07 to 26-Jan-07
Total rounds fired: 2,183
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Pistol had 22,140 rounds through it before the test began. This pistol had previously suffered one squib round and numerous problems related to Remington UMC "Leadless" ammunition failing to fire and severely fouling the gun. Pistol was detailed stripped, had all springs replaced, and properly lubricated before the test.
After the 2,183 rounds reported above, the gun fired another 1,182 rounds (total: 3,365) before I decided to lubricate it because the slide felt a little sluggish when I loaded a magazine and chambered the first round.
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: American Eagle 124gr TMJ Lead-Free; Speer 124gr +p Gold Dot; American Eagle 115gr FMJ
Dates of testing: 29-Mar-07 to 06-Apr-07
Total rounds fired: 2,409
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Pistol was NIB when test began.
- Pistol: Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm (full size, no mag safety or lockout)
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: American Eagle 124gr TMJ Lead-Free; American Eagle 124gr FMJ; Speed Gold Dot 124gr +p; Speer Gold Dot 115 +p+
Dates of testing: 21-Sep-07 & 22-Sep-07
Total rounds fired: 2,000
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: pistol had fired 550 rounds prior to test; one feed malfunction was recorded during this initial period. Pistol was field stripped and cleaned per owner's manual instructions and lubricated with Mili-Tec prior to 2,000 round test. No stoppages of any kind were experienced during the 2,000 rounds. Testing conducted during four shooting sessions over two days.
- Pistol: Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm (full size, mag safety, no lockout)
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: CCI Blazer (aluminum) 115gr; Federal 124gr +p HST
Dates of testing: 25-April-08 through 2-May-08
Total rounds fired: 2,299
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: pistol had 519 rounds through it at time test began. There had been no(*) stoppages of any kind prior to the test beginning. Pistol was only lightly oiled per M&P manual before testing.
(*) Upon receiving the pistol, I immediately brought it to an armorer for a trigger change. Armorer forgot to re-install the ejector when putting the gun back together. In the first 50 rounds loaded in the gun, 20 resulted in failures to eject. I am not counting that first 50 rounds in the gun's "life cycle" for this reason. To the M&P's credit, it ejected 2/3 of the time without an ejector installed!
- Pistol: Heckler & Koch P30 V4
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: American Eagle 115gr; Atlanta Arms & Ammo 115gr TCJ; CCI Blazer 115gr; Federal 124gr +p HST (1)
Dates of testing: 2-Jul-09 through 8-Jul-09
Total rounds fired: 2,001
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: This pistol had just shy of 10,000 rounds through it before the test began. Intermittent extraction problems had cropped up repeatedly and precluded the ability to run the gun for 2,000 rounds without maintenance. A trip back to HK-USA appears to have solved the trouble. Upon receiving the gun back from their gunsmith, the pistol was moderately cleaned, lubricated with Militec, and then proceeded to fire 2,001 rounds without any trouble over the course of three range sessions: 1,000 rounds, 300 rounds, and finally 701 rounds.
•Pistol: Glock 19 Ext slide release, Dawson FO ADJ sights, 3.5 ghost connector, covered in grip tape
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: CCI Blazer (aluminum) 115gr;Winchester 147gr Rangers, Federal 124gr Nato shit, Wolf 115gr, Brown Bear 115gr
Dates of testing: Jan, 01 2011- Feb 20, 2011
Total rounds fired: 2,180
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
•Pistol: Glock 17 Ext slide release, Warren FO sights, 3.5 ghost connector, covered in grip tape
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: CCI Blazer (aluminum) 115gr;Winchester 147gr Rangers, Federal 124gr Nato shit, Wolf 115gr, Brown Bear 115gr
Dates of testing: Jan, 01 2011- Feb ,05 2011
Total rounds fired: 2,300
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
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Pistol: Smith & Wesson M&P9c
Caliber: 9mm
Ammunition Breakdown:
1,268 Winchester White Box 115gr FMJ
350 Remington UMC 115gr FMJ
200 Blazer Aluminum 115gr FMJ
150 Federal Champion 115gr FMJ
55 Speer Gold Dot 124gr +P
1 CCI 9mm Shotshell
Dates of testing: April 24, 2009 to November 21, 2009
Total rounds fired: 2,024
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: The pistol had fired 391 rounds prior to test; no malfunctions or stoppages occurred during that period. The pistol was field stripped and cleaned per owner's manual instructions and lubricated with Militec-1 on the barrel and Valvoline High Mileage 20w-50 on all other contact points prior to the beginning of the test. No stoppages of any kind were experienced during the 2,024 rounds; even the shotshell cycled the action correctly and ejected without a problem.
Pistol: Smith & Wesson M&P9c
Caliber: 9mm
Ammunition Breakdown:
818 Winchester White Box 115gr FMJ
499 Remington UMC 115gr FMJ
351 Blazer Brass 115gr FMJ
250 Federal Champion 115gr FMJ
190 reloads (115gr FMJ on 6.1gr Power Pistol with Federal match primer - my first ever batch)
32 Speer Gold Dot 124gr +P
3 Herter Steelcase 115gr FMJ
Dates of testing: January 9, 2010 to May 1, 2010
Total rounds fired: 2,143
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: This was the pistol's second time through the 2000-round challenge. The pistol had fired 2969 rounds prior to test; no malfunctions or stoppages occurred during that period, although 2 strikers had broken during dryfire practice (one preceding the original test and one after). The pistol was field stripped and cleaned per owner's manual instructions and lubricated with Militec-1 on the barrel and Valvoline High Mileage 20w-50 on all other contact points prior to the beginning of the test. Nothing but complete, utterly boring reliability through the test.
Site Supporter
Pistol: Glock Gen 4 19
Caliber: 9mm
Ammunition: Winchester White Box 115, Federal 115, Wolf 115, Tula 115, Fed Tac 124, 115FMJ 4.5 gr. Titegroup handload
Dates of testing: 8/2/2010-12/11/2010
Total rounds fired: 2,233
Stoppages: 2
Malfunctions: 0
Breakages: 0
Notes: The pistol was bought brand new on August 2, 2010. I installed a set of Warren sights and other than a quick look inside nothing was done to the firearm (no cleaning, lube, etc.).
The gun experienced a FTE at round #589 with a handload but we could not replicate the stoppage. T.I.P. John Wayne777 contributed to the FTE's by hexing the gun at the beginning of a PistolTraining.com practice. This led to a FTE with no mag in the gun, we could replicate this and did an additional 3 times.
In addition to regular range practice the gun was used in 7 IDPA matches and one 900+ round practice session. The last 12 rounds were two back to back F.A.S.T. runs of 6.83 clean and 6.98 (one body miss, dammit).
Pistol: Sig P226R
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: 115gr Remington UMC, 115gr Winchester White Box, 124gr +P Speer Gold Dots, 115gr PMC, 124gr Speer Lawman
Dates of testing: 3-13-2010 to 10-28-10 (and continuing)
Total rounds fired: 2,027
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: The first 1,200 rounds were shot at Todd Green's Aim Fast, Hit Fast class in Sacramento back in March; the last ~300 were shot during the last two days of a 4-day Front Sight class. Everything in between was normal range use and/or monthly IDPA matches.
Linked photos of inside gun:
Only downside: The academy I'm in makes me clean it!
Pistol: HK P30 V2 LEM
Caliber: 9x19mm
Ammunition: mix of Winchester WB, Blazer Brass, Federal, Remington, Speer gold dot
Dates of testing: 08MAY10 - 14AUG10
Total rounds fired: 2,080
Stoppages: one (failure to lock back slide during a SHO drill)
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: Pistol was NIB at beginning of test (unpacked and wiped it down, gave the barrel one pass with a boresnake and put one drop of Slip2000 lube on the barrel hood prior to test). Finished off the challenge today [14AUG10] with 700 rounds at an outdoor practice session. Pistol was cleaned after today's practice session [14AUG].
Rifle: Noveske N4 basic carbine
Caliber: 5.56
Ammunition: Federal XM193 55gr, Prvi Partizan 55gr, Federal bulk pack (WalMart) 55gr, Federal XM223SP1 62gr, Black Hills blue box 55gr
Magazines: mix of PMAG/Colt/Bravo Company 30-rounders
Dates of testing: 27MAR10 - 16APR10
Range visits: 7
Total rounds fired: 2,340
Stoppages: zero
Malfunctions: zero
Breakages: zero
Notes: The carbine was not cleaned prior to the test (boresnake and several drops of oil were applied several hundred rounds prior to the test starting - those rounds were not counted). Carbine has factory BCG and Bill Springfield 4.5# trigger job. Additionally, a Magpul BAD was in place during the entire test.
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