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Thread: LASIK as a self defense aid

  1. #21
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    The best correction strategy is left to you and your ophthalmologist. I would caution against gimmick, super duper lenses that supposedly correct for astigmatism, near and far in the same eye or near and far in different lenses for each eye.

    So here's my nuance, in TX and in general one has to shield from UV damage to the retina leading to degenerative and damage to same. Thus, wearing UV eye protection is a good idea for everyone, esp. as you get older. In TX like environments, snow reflective environments, shades rule. Thus the idea of worrying about entangled fights is a moot point for the average person. I can see the issue for those in high probability of entangled fights like the law, military, etc.

    I don't recall that the incident of such was high in the civilian SD surveys, such as Tom Givens. I had cataracts done and it was a blessing. Correctly for my astigmatism - glasses, presbyopia, progressive lenses. Always wear shades out side for macular degeneration and light damage. I worked for one of the world's leading light damage experts way back and he drummed in that lesson.

    So ditch your glasses in a sunny environment because you might have to wrassle. For the law or combat perhaps. Also I've had enough gun crap come back at my face not to want to wear glasses all the time.

  2. #22
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    In the desert, looking for water.
    Nearsighted, 20/175 in dominant eye, 20/225 in non-dominant eye, astigmatism in both.

    I already get nighttime starbursts and double images that are worse at night.

    The best correction I have ever had were RGP contacts. No astigmatism effect, perfect vision in both eyes. The first time I tried soft contacts, I returned them - they didn’t correct my astigmatism at all. After I moved to AZ, dust and dry air made RGP contacts unwearable, but tech for softs had advanced and I got reasonable but never perfect correction for my scrip and astigmatism. A series of eye infections several years ago made me give them up in favor of 100% glasses wear. Currently using prescription shooting glasses, +1 no line bifocals in my regular glasses.

    I thought about lasik years ago. Couldn’t get over the cost/risk/benefit matrix and never did it. Probably won’t. Unless vision gets too frustrating for some reason. My 2 years older sister got it done maybe 10-15 years ago and loved it, but her vision was way worse than mine. Presbyopia has started for her, too, so she’s wearing glasses again.

    Have an optometrist appointment this week. He’ll probably try to talk me into a distance/near correction again. I’ll tell him no again. He’s going to have to do something more for my astigmatism this time - haven’t been satisfied with what I’ve got right now.

  3. #23
    Screwed up and quoted myself, what I meant to say:
    ETA: If you are nearsighted and want monovision you might only need to have one eye done.

  4. #24
    Member JHC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmc45414 View Post
    Yeah, I tell friends that if you develop cataracts don't be sad, be happy your vision correction is a covered procedure.
    My right eye degraded ~3yrs sooner than my left, and I asked for distance correction, but not all the way out so I could retain the ability to see pistol sights. Probably got a little more correction than they were shooting for (I crack myself up...), and I am glad. My vision is good enough that I can do recreational motorsports (snowmobile, boat, off road motorcycle/ATV) without correction if I want to (especially important with the snowmobile). I can also shoot well enough without corrective lenses, but need them for hunting and matches with difficult target ID.

    Since my eyes were not bad enough at the same time that left me with default monovision (nearsighted in my left eye) for those 2-3 years. I had tried it with contacts but quit after trying to drive after dark after only a few hours, but was glad I was forced into it for a few years. When my left eye degraded I went with an implant that restored my vision but kept my left eye nearsighted. But, and this is major, you will want glasses for driving even if you are not legally required. I keep glasses at my desk and I keep glasses in my vehicle (when I would be wearing sunglasses anyway 75% of the time), otherwise I do not need to wear glasses. Just back from a week working a trade show in Las Vegas, I wore my sunglasses on the way to and from the exhibits, and that was all. Not sure if you would want to do both eyes on the same day anyway, so no matter what you could experiment with this, but probably should do your strong side dominant eye first (I was also cross-dominant, and this has helped) and until you get proper glasses take the lens out of the strong side.

    And @JCN, you might want to consider doing the lens implants, even if it is out of pocket (you seem to have the means). Not sure there would be much downside other than financial and there is lots of upside (your vision will be pretty consistent the rest of your life).
    My surgeon sort of recommended I take an intermediate lens for my right eye (dominant) after my left eye turned out so strong. I didn't take that advice as I wanted all the distance clarity there was to be had and I've had no regrets. My pistol front sights are not crisp and I've shifted to working more on target focused shooting. Not great for slowfire groups but pretty happy with hitting on the timer under time pressure.

    For example a week ago Sunday shooting the 20 yard stage of the BPD Qual as my "cold" walk up and test from AIWB under a shirt.
    The sight was fuzz but I'll take it.

    Name:  G43 D2 20 yds.jpg
Views: 240
Size:  45.1 KB

    And of course I need readers for work, reading a menu and finer work close of course. Which having spent a lifetime with glasses already doesn't bother me.
    Last edited by JHC; 10-24-2022 at 10:34 AM.
    “Remember, being healthy is basically just dying as slowly as possible,” Ricky Gervais

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by JHC View Post
    My pistol front sights are not crisp and I've shifted to working more on target focused shooting. Not great for slowfire groups but pretty happy with hitting on the timer under time pressure.

    For example a week ago Sunday shooting the 20 yard stage of the BPD Qual as my "cold" walk up and test from AIWB under a shirt.
    The sight was orange fuzz but I'll take it.
    Yeah, full size targets 20yds and in are do-able, and I have gone to dissimilar color FO sights, and it has been working pretty well.
    However doing our local three gun matches there are more and more rather small KD targets, so I am starting the transition to another type of corrective lens...
    Name:  MMc SRO.jpg
Views: 235
Size:  39.9 KB

    Quote Originally Posted by JHC View Post
    And of course I need readers for work, reading a menu and finer work close of course. Which having spent a lifetime with glasses already doesn't bother me.
    I gave up on contacts when I started wearing reading glasses on top of contact lenses when sitting at my desk. Now it is pretty handy not to need to put on glasses every time I read a text message. However, I do have bifocals in some of my glasses, need them to read the map and GPS on the motorcycle, for one thing!

  6. #26
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    I've thought about it off and on, but like others the cost/benefit/risk matrix does not add up so far. I've worn contacts since my early teens...uncorrected vision has been around 20/70 or so. A short stint with glasses left me unsatisfied with the fogging issues, along with losing peripheral vision. I also experience some type of vertigo with seeing the ground beneath the lenses.

    A year or two ago, I had to start wearing readers along with the contacts. Dragging them out on and off all day sucks. This year, my eye doc had me try bifocal contacts, and they are working well. I'm giving up a small amount of clarity at infinity distance, but near and medium distance are both great.
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  7. #27
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    I had LASIK to correct astigmatism a long time ago and it was a good decision, especially with the decades I spent in martial arts. The procedure has surely improved since then.

    Now at age 60 my sight is worsening a bit again, but it's probably age related and unavoidable. I am planning to get a checkup soon though.

  8. #28
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    I was always very near sighted. 20/800 Un-corrected before I developed cataracts.

    I had cataract surgery in 2010. It was life changing in some ways. Now I’m 20/40 un-corrected.

    I’m a right handed shooter with a left master eye. Right eye is set up for close range and left eye for distance. (I shoot long guns right handed)

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by BehindBlueI's View Post
    I went from 20/800-ish to 20/15 and 20/10. Now I'm still about 20/25 and 20/20 with some natural degradation due to age.
    Isn't that great?
    Adding nothing to the conversation since 2015....

  10. #30
    Modding this sack of shit BehindBlueI's's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Lehr View Post
    Isn't that great?
    The improvement or the degradation due to aging...because my answer depends on which you're referencing.
    Sorta around sometimes for some of your shitty mod needs.

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