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Thread: Unarmed Training for the old(ish) and broken(wish) fellow

  1. #1

    Unarmed Training for the old(ish) and broken(wish) fellow

    I would like to get into some form of MA training routine, not only for the self defense aspect but also to offer up something different in the general fitness routine. Cardio and gym get old and boring for me. I have tried BJJ, but according to my orthopedist if I want to keep training he is going to have to do some cutting which is something that I would like to avoid. Anything out there that is maybe easier on the ole joints for us broke-ass fogies? I'm working the PT routines to get the joints stabilized and the surrounding areas strengthened up, but after that I'd like to try adding some defensive arts into the mix. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    \mm/ Guerrero's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Take one of SouthNarc's Shivworks EWO classes.
    Too much rock for one hand

  3. #3
    Boxing? A good coach and gym can tailor your training to whatever level you wish to go at. In know a 73 year old man who still trains. He doesn't spar but he kills the pads and bags.

  4. #4
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warped Mindless View Post
    Boxing? A good coach and gym can tailor your training to whatever level you wish to go at. In know a 73 year old man who still trains. He doesn't spar but he kills the pads and bags.
    Yeah, boxing sometimes gets a bad rap, but I’ve got a good friend that I met through my gym that still trains 4xweekly, and he’s 82.
    I'm not going down the debate rabbit hole regarding candidates for our next president in 2024, but I am truly and completely tired of this particular asshole.

  5. #5
    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the carrying of a cane almost anywhere. Cane (stick) teachers can be found, especially in the immigrant communities, but there are options if no "pure cane" teacher is available. The Scottish Broadsword was trained by way of the single-stick, so if a Filipino escrima teacher can not be found, perhaps a Scottish Broadsword guy is available. If neither is found, Michael Janich has a DVD ("Martial Cane Concepts") that is a very practical alternative.

    I placed the DVD last only because I believe teachers are better (over time) than any DVD. Teachers are able to adjust their syllabus to reflect the growth of their student(s). DVDs can't do that.

    This is unsolicited, but if it were my problem I'd go with the Janich DVD first to see if defense-with-a-cane is for me. If it is, then I'd seek a skilled teacher.

    Good luck, Taz.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrero View Post
    Take one of SouthNarc's Shivworks EWO classes.
    Those classes looked pretty intense to me. You think many 60 year old men could take that class? Guys in their 50s. I guess everyone's idea of old is on a sliding scale.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Clay1 View Post
    Those classes looked pretty intense to me. You think many 60 year old men could take that class? Guys in their 50s. I guess everyone's idea of old is on a sliding scale.
    There was a guy in his 70s in the EWO I attended. It’s definitely the exception rather than the rule but I think it depends on the individual. It’s a physical class but it’s not as big of a deal as it seems sometimes on the internet.

  8. #8
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    For a point of reference, David P. Yamane, a sociology professor at Wake Forest University, took ECQC last year at 50 years old if I'm not mistaken. In his lunchtime presentation last year in April, at the 22nd National Firearms Law Seminar, he mentioned that he was 42 years old when he picked up a gun for the first time eight years ago.


    Scott Jedlinski is somewhere between 49 or 50 if I remember from seeing him last year in March, as he brings up his age to raise a good talking point in terms of not thinking it as a limitation to high performance. Him and his wife are also actively involved in jits if I'm not mistaken.

    One of John Correia's martial arts instructors, Lawrence Robinson, is in his mid-fifties iirc. He is still plenty active too.

  9. #9
    I'm 52

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SouthNarc View Post
    I'm 52
    There's hope for me yet.

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