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Thread: Executive pardons in KY

  1. #11
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    They've changed tactics, WLP doesn't care about what's happening in Virginia right now.
    Getting into a real fight means that's there's a chance of losing. Then the victors can claim "we beat the NRA". But you don't lose a fight if you don't participate.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's shit alone, and be kind to one another. In other words, do not do unto others what is hateful to yourself.

  2. #12
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BehindBlueI's View Post
    If it's sold, used for partisan purposes, used to pardon henchmen, etc. there's nothing to be done.
    If it was sold, then there's the chance of going after him for bribery. The "got a pardon after family gave the campaign $20K" stinks to the skies. Whether anything can be proven is an interesting question.
    Last edited by Stephanie B; 12-13-2019 at 08:26 PM.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's shit alone, and be kind to one another. In other words, do not do unto others what is hateful to yourself.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie B View Post
    If it was sold, then there's the chance of going after him for bribery. The "got a pardon after family gave the campaign $20K" stinks to the skies. Whether anything can be proven is an interesting question.
    The crook who robs the treasury with a pen tends to be more careful then the “7-11” sort.
    The Minority Marksman.
    "When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet."
    -a Ch'an Buddhist axiom.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie B View Post
    Getting outraged over bills that have no chance of passing is inane. Needless, to say, it's what WLP and his group of paranoiacs have been doing for a very long time.
    Who is WLP?
    Never mind I got it
    Last edited by UNK; 12-13-2019 at 08:52 PM.
    I'll wager you a PF dollar™ 😎
    The lunatics are running the asylum

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    They've changed tactics, WLP doesn't care about what's happening in Virginia right now.
    I can literally assure you that isn't true.

    In the primary elections, special session, and general election we:

    Made over 130k phone calls;
    Texted over 150k targeted gun supporters;
    Knocked over 150k doors; and
    Mailed over 20k postcards.

    In the election, these efforts led our supported pro-gun candidates to victory in nine for the fourteen races we targeted. Unfortunately, this was not enough to maintain pro-gun majorities in the General Assembly, but if we're able to beat legislation in the upcoming session, those nine seats we did help win are going to be critical.

    During the special session, we hosted numerous town halls throughout the Commonwealth like this one:

    We also helped educate media at two different media range days before the special session. That led to a number of positive articles in the days before the session like this:

    During the session, we worked with lawmakers and connected Virginians with their lawmakers to ensure that no anti-gun bills advanced. Even the Washington Post recognized the results of our efforts.

    We've sent out quite a few articles on pre-filed legislation. Two more went out just today:

    We'll be hosting more town halls before session and helping to get as many gun supporters to Richmond during the hearings on the legislation (likely the week of the 13th). We'll also continue to engage with lawmakers to help them understand the problems that the legislation poses for gun owners.

    It's true that we haven't directly promoted the sanctuary city/county movement, but we want it to look like the genuine grassroots movement that it is rather than the other side trying to undermine it like this: We weren't involved in NM either because we made the same choice there, but they still tried to manipulate the communications they did find to undermine the sanctuary counties.

  6. #16
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    God Bless,


  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BehindBlueI's View Post
    I think the at least PART of the issue is pardons. There's zero checks and balances on it, especially in these mass pardons as the governor or POTUS exits office. It strikes me as the fuedal lord who can overturn the will of the judiciary and the people (jury) at will with no recourse. If it's sold, used for partisan purposes, used to pardon henchmen, etc. there's nothing to be done.
    Even with checks and balances there are miscarriages of justice. Look at the people who have been released after decades of incarceration.
    Part of this is lack of scientific scrutiny and reproducibility in lab and other evidence? And I realize we have DNA evidence now.....

    At least an ethical governor/president can help right those problems.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by joshs View Post
    I can literally assure you that isn't true.

    In the primary elections, special session, and general election we:

    Made over 130k phone calls;
    Texted over 150k targeted gun supporters;
    Knocked over 150k doors; and
    Mailed over 20k postcards.
    LaPierre's base salary of $1.3 million, bonus of $455,000 and “other reportable compensation” of more than $427,000.

    NRA members are stuck paying WLP:

    More than $1 million annual consulting fee that Wayne LaPierre gets when he retires. WTF!

    Lets not discuss his vacations to Budapest, Palm Springs, Bahamas, $18,300 for a car and driver in Hungary and Italy,The insane $$ on the suits, money diverted to Mrs WLP's "Charity" organizations (AKA he stole our money and gave it to his wife).

    Yep, We NRA members are paying for that.

    William Brewer III was getting paid over $97,000 a DAY.

    24 Million in a 13 month period.
    again WTF!

    97K Every G.D. Day!

    That is more than my annual salary and the NRA has been paying a single attorney this every single day, 7 DAYS A WEEK.


    The NRA can take their phone calls and shove it.

    This Lifetime Member has been stabbed in the back by the NRA.

    The NRA only serves itself, to line its own pockets with the money from hard working American gun owners, and WLP is the most CROOKED of all of them all.

    He does not give a flying fuck about NRA members, other than as a source of his personal piggy bank.

    They will NEVER see another penny from me again.


  9. #19
    Murder Machine, Harmless Fuzzball TCinVA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lost River View Post

    The NRA only serves itself,
    Josh most certainly doesn't, nor do a number of other people in the organization who have fought to protect our rights for years.

    LaPierre needs to go, but let's not be fucking daft and do the work of the fucking Brady campaign by being fucking idiots about everybody who works there.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lost River View Post
    LaPierre's base salary of $1.3 million, bonus of $455,000 and “other reportable compensation” of more than $427,000.

    NRA members are stuck paying WLP:

    More than $1 million annual consulting fee that Wayne LaPierre gets when he retires. WTF!

    Lets not discuss his vacations to Budapest, Palm Springs, Bahamas, $18,300 for a car and driver in Hungary and Italy,The insane $$ on the suits, money diverted to Mrs WLP's "Charity" organizations (AKA he stole our money and gave it to his wife).

    Yep, We NRA members are paying for that.

    William Brewer III was getting paid over $97,000 a DAY.

    24 Million in a 13 month period.
    again WTF!

    97K Every G.D. Day!

    That is more than my annual salary and the NRA has been paying a single attorney this every single day, 7 DAYS A WEEK.


    The NRA can take their phone calls and shove it.

    This Lifetime Member has been stabbed in the back by the NRA.

    The NRA only serves itself, to line its own pockets with the money from hard working American gun owners, and WLP is the most CROOKED of all of them all.

    He does not give a flying fuck about NRA members, other than as a source of his personal piggy bank.

    They will NEVER see another penny from me again.


    You do realize that you're relying on a contractor that we are in litigation against and Bloomberg's "news" outlet for your facts.

    Wayne is highly compensated. He brings in a lot more donations than many people realize. Those "vacations" you're pointing to are, to my knowledge, all big donor events.

    Again, on the legal bills, our 2018 990 shows that those "facts" aren't accurate. Also, we aren't paying "one attorney" Brewer Attorneys and Counselors is a midsize firm.

    The free association cases in NY, LA, and SanFran are literal "bet the company" cases. If governments can intimidate others into not associating with us, then there is no way that we can accomplish our core mission of protecting and expanding the Second Amendment rights of our members. We just has a really good result in the LA case vindicating the 1A rights of all NRA members.

    These government attacks are attempts to ensure that we are not as effective in 2020 as we were in 2016.

    I certainly don't work at the NRA to "line my pockets," and I wouldn't work somewhere if I thought we were in the business of stealing from my fellow gun owners. I continue to believe that we're the most effective advocates for gun owners in this country.

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