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Thread: Lies you tell yourself...

  1. #1
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Lies you tell yourself...

    Here's one of my favorites,

    "I'm going to get rid of all of my guns. Then I'm going to buy two HK VP9s, two Colt 6920s, and two Remington 870s and that's it, that's all the guns I'm going to have for the rest of my life."

    I usually tell myself this bold-faced lie when I'm sorting gun stuff, ammo, or cleaning guns...It's funny when you lie to yourself. I sit around grumbling about it, then an hour later, I find myself sitting on the couch, surfing Gunbroker, putting obscure antique handguns on my watch list and contemplating how awesome it's gonna be, when I make the permanent move and get my C&R FFL...

  2. #2
    Site Supporter OlongJohnson's Avatar
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    "carbine-infested rural (and suburban) areas"
    Kitten you, I like guns.

    Said it before... The best way to talk yourself out of another gun is to go do something with the guns you already have. Even if that's just taking them out of the safe and wiping them down with some fresh oil. Your lizard brain is an idiot with a short memory and forgets about all the cool guns you already have if it doesn't get a chance to see them often enough. And when all the guns are locked away in a safe, the lizard brain doesn't get a chance to see them. It needs frequent reminders.

    Buying a nice set of grips or something for a gun you already have is a less expensive way to keep the lizard at bay, if it still wants something new.

    My thoughts along the lines you describe are more like, "If for some horrible reason I had to start all over and found myself living in Cali, what guns would I get?" Fortunately, that's a distant hypothetical.

    On the other hand, go over your whole collection, and figure out the one you have the least reason to keep. Maybe even would be happy to see it go if you could get enough money for it. Then just sell that one. If it goes well, repeat. You can definitely thin the herd that way.
    Not another dime.

  3. #3
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    No way am I gonna sell anything, I'm nowhere near my acquisition limit. When I have too many to count, I'll have close to the right number.

    I'll say this, I'm getting pickier about my guns. I'm buying fewer, but more expensive or more rare things. I've (mostly) given up on chasing the crowd of new (he says as he views three open search tabs looking for the best deal on HK45Cs...). New(er) guns rarely excite me, unless they are new versions of cool old guns...or sweet new revolvers...

    The above is also a lie I like to tell myself...

  4. #4
    "I will find a more practical use for my money than buying a few centuries old Japanese wakizashi"
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  5. #5
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    "I will find a more practical use for my money than buying a few centuries old Japanese wakizashi"
    I had a centuries old Japanese tanto...which I owned for a few years and then gifted to a knife maker of Japanese ancestry who is a close friend.

    It was a fascinating piece to hold and study.
    There's nothing civil about this war

  6. #6
    "tomorrow will be better"

  7. #7
    Site Supporter OlongJohnson's Avatar
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    "carbine-infested rural (and suburban) areas"
    Quote Originally Posted by RevolverRob View Post
    No way am I gonna sell anything, I'm nowhere near my acquisition limit. When I have too many to count, I'll have close to the right number.
    Do you have an inventory list somewhere?
    Not another dime.

  8. #8
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    I’m going to get a control on the amount of Mexican food I consume.

    I’m going to break my 8-10 cans a day habit of Coke Zero.

  9. #9
    Site Supporter SeriousStudent's Avatar
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    "I will stop buying a neat old revolver every paycheck."

    "I will stop spending my annual bonus registering for next year's training classes."

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by theJanitor View Post
    "tomorrow will be better"
    Genius. Also, stolen.

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