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Thread: Is your strong hand grip position the same SHO vs freestyle?

  1. #1

    Is your strong hand grip position the same SHO vs freestyle?

    Aside from your thumb placement, should your strong hand be in the same position when shooting 1 handed as when shooting 2 handed? I seem to wrap my strong hand a little farther forward when shooting 2 handed, but it seems wrong somehow...

  2. #2
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    Is your strong hand grip position the same SHO vs freestyle?

    It is exactly the same in SHO, except I flag my thumb.

    I’m a firm believer that each person has to explore what works best and why.

    Why are you using a deeper grip Freestyle? Is your trigger reach a problem?
    Last edited by Clusterfrack; 09-18-2019 at 03:58 PM.
    I don't speak Woke. Can you say that in English?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Clusterfrack View Post
    Why are you using a deeper grip Freestyle?
    It wasn't a conscious decision - just something I've noticed lately when working on SHO shooting/draws. I think maybe it was so I could fit the lower heal of my support hand on the back of the grip?

    Is your trigger reach a problem?
    Trigger reach was a bit of an issue with my first pistol (glock 35), but is not a problem with anything else I shoot.
    Last edited by 0ddl0t; 09-18-2019 at 04:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Jun 2013

    Is your strong hand grip position the same SHO vs freestyle?

    Quote Originally Posted by 0ddl0t View Post
    It wasn't a conscious decision - just something I've noticed lately when working on SHO shooting/draws. I think maybe it was so I could fit the lower heal of my support hand on the back of the grip?

    Trigger reach was a bit of an issue with my first pistol (glock 35), but is not a problem with anything else I shoot.
    Makes sense. Have you tried shooting SHO with the same “deep” grip? You don’t want to alter your freestyle grip if that works best for you. Try flagging your thumb and trapping the beavertail when you grip SHO.

    I’ll be at the range tomorrow training for an upcoming match, and can upload a pic if that would be helpful.
    Last edited by Clusterfrack; 09-19-2019 at 12:47 AM.
    I don't speak Woke. Can you say that in English?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Clusterfrack View Post
    Makes sense. Have you tried shooting SHO with the same “deep” grip?
    Yeah, that's what brought it to my attention. If I try shooting SHO with the same hand placement there is less recoil control and the gun just feels unnatural. My freestyle grip is more of a palm crush against the sides of the gun, while SHO is more of a choking grip applied mainly front to back..

    Try flagging your thumb and trapping the beavertail when you grip SHO.

    I’ll be at the range tomorrow training for an upcoming match, and can upload a pic if that would be helpful.
    I'm not quite sure what that means so a picture would be helpful, thank you.

  6. #6
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    Mine is in exactly the same position one handed or two handed. I shoot as well one handed with my dominant hand as I do two handed. However, not nearly as well with my off hand as two handed. Need to practice some more I'm sure.

  7. #7
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0ddl0t View Post
    Yeah, that's what brought it to my attention. If I try shooting SHO with the same hand placement there is less recoil control and the gun just feels unnatural. My freestyle grip is more of a palm crush against the sides of the gun, while SHO is more of a choking grip applied mainly front to back..

    I'm not quite sure what that means so a picture would be helpful, thank you.
    Recoil control is compromised SHO/WHO, and it’s gonna feel unnatural. Try not to worry about that and focus on trigger and sights. Be patient about the fuct up orbit that the sight takes and wait for to return.

    Here’s a couple of pics with my carry gun.

    I don't speak Woke. Can you say that in English?

  8. #8
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Here’s a pic firing:

    I don't speak Woke. Can you say that in English?

  9. #9
    Site Supporter Clobbersaurus's Avatar
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    Waaaay out west.
    This is a good question by the OP and many people don’t give it enough thought. I don’t grip it the same as with a freestyle grip. I get a little bit deeper on the gun and grip hard front to back to get the most surface area covered and get the web of my have high into the beavertail. I rotate my thumb down to get as much contact on the grip as possible. Works okay for me, but as already stated, you have to find a method that works for you.
    "Next time somebody says USPSA or IPSC is all hosing, junk punch them." - Les Pepperoni

  10. #10
    I actually had to pick up a gun and see, because I've never really thought about my SHO grip position. Turns out it's exactly the same SHO as it is when I'm shooting freestyle, at least with the M9s I have laying around the office.

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