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Thread: The Specialized Clothing Issue Always Seems To Crop Up.

  1. #201
    Member orionz06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ubervic View Post
    I tend to think that casual observers either don't notice the somewhat tactical clothing
    I'm pretty sure this has already been mentioned, but who are you trying to not be noticed by, the casual observer or someone who may bring trouble to you? The casual observer may not even notice someone open carrying. My personal goal is to remain in the background to all people, cops, super ninja bad guys, gun guys, etc. I just wanna be a guy in the mall.
    Think for yourself. Question authority.

  2. #202
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Wore my "shoot me first vest", with Kuhl shorts and my "operator beard" (not trimmed in three months) - when I walked the dog earlier. I walked past three parked cop cars where three cops were lounging and chatting. No one looked up longer than to say, "Nice dog!" as we walked by.

    The gardener I walked past didn't seem to notice. Nor did the garbageman, the UPS guy, or the Postman.

    Or maybe they ALL noticed and just didn't care?

    I'm going with the first one.

    People don't care about your appearance unless you make them care. The dog park we go to is frequented by off duty cops. I know, because they all have the look and sometimes wear Chicago PD apparel. Never once did anyone look at my vest twice this summer. If you don't look or act weird, people really won't notice.

    What do we notice? People with pink hair. People wearing virtually no clothing. People wearing clothing that doesn't match the season (e.g., it's 85-degrees and homey is wearing a hoodie with the hood up? That's hinky). People wearing clothing that doesn't match the scene (showing up to the Opera in your ragged out t-shirt and nasty Chuck Taylors). We're a very casually dressed nation and thus casual or semi-active apparel just doesn't stick out.
    Last edited by RevolverRob; 09-05-2019 at 03:26 PM.

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevolverRob View Post
    Wore my "shoot me first vest", with Kuhl shorts and my "operator beard" (not trimmed in three months) - when I walked the dog earlier. I walked past three parked cop cars where three cops were lounging and chatting. No one looked up longer than to say, "Nice dog!" as we walked by.

    The gardener I walked past didn't seem to notice. Nor did the garbageman, the UPS guy, or the Postman.

    Or maybe they ALL noticed and just didn't care?

    I'm going with the first one.

    People don't care about your appearance unless you make them care. The dog park we go to is frequented by off duty cops. I know, because they all have the look and sometimes wear Chicago PD apparel. Never once did anyone look at my vest twice this summer. If you don't look or act weird, people really won't notice.

    What do we notice? People with pink hair. People wearing virtually no clothing. People wearing clothing that doesn't match the season (e.g., it's 85-degrees and homey is wearing a hoodie with the hood up? That's hinky). People wearing clothing that doesn't match the scene (showing up to the Opera in your ragged out t-shirt and nasty Chuck Taylors). We're a very casually dressed nation and thus casual or semi-active apparel just doesn't stick out.
    They noticed you so far ahead that by the time you noticed them not noticing you, they were already done planning how they would kill you if necessary, and were therefore done noticing you except to keep track of your proximity.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevolverRob View Post
    The dog park we go to is frequented by off duty cops. I know, because they all have the look and sometimes wear Chicago PD apparel.
    Thanks for proving my point.

  5. #205
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cypher View Post
    Thanks for proving my point.
    The keywords in there were I know. My wife didn't know until I pointed it out. The other people in the park didn't know. Just me.

    Criminals know what cops look like, people who hang around and/or are friends with cops know what they look like.

    Otherwise they are just people.

    Also the dog park is two blocks over from second or third largest police substation in Chicago. It's a place where you see a lot of cops in general in uniform or just out of uniform going to or from work. A number of officers clearly live in the area.

  6. #206
    Site Supporter psalms144.1's Avatar
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    I don't even OWN any 5.11 pants, have one 5.11 soft shell and a couple of their long sleeve shirts (that almost never come out of the closet). I've been at my new work station for about 7 weeks now, daily attire is jeans and an untucked shirt. The other day, one of the contracting officers in a cubicle I pass by once or twice a day en route to the head stopped me and asked what firearm I was carrying. He said "I know you're armed, because you always have an untucked shirt."

    So, everything is cyclical. When I lived in NY, three out of four seasons I could wear a fleece or soft shell vest over a shirt and never get a look. Now I work with guys who wear fleece vests when it's 90 degrees outside, and, guess what, it's plenty obvious why they're wearing them. And apparently now in the "gun savvy" crowd, my untucked shirt is a "tell."

    What's my point? (1) Don't be a tool. I work with some guys who come to work with 5.11 pants and untucked polo shirts, with their Glocks in OWB Serpa holsters that extend past the bottom of their shirt. That's not concealed. Neither is a G19 AIWB with an extra smedium t-shirt - that shit still prints. (2) Folks who are looking for your gun WILL figure it out, unless you're carrying something super tiny (LCP/P32 sized) in a pocket holster and/or you're using Thunderwear. (3) People who AREN'T looking for your gun won't see it, unless you're breaking rule #1.

  7. #207
    Member ubervic's Avatar
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    What it boils down to, as already referenced many times: don’t open carry, do let concealed mean concealed, and just be discreet. Move about as the common human would in the same environment.

    If concerns still persist beyond that, no disrespect intended at all, but you might be more comfortable staying permanently in your home with doors locked, lights out and shades drawn. Not making fun. That’s a preferred environment for many.

    I’m going to go about my daily business as well and efficiently and cleanly as I can. And I’m going to devote more attention to risk scenarios that are statistically and directly more relevant by far, such as my family history of cardiovascular disease, or the likelihood of being involved in a car wreck.

    Life is already too short, so I’m gonna live the hell out of it. YMMV

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevolverRob View Post
    Criminals know what cops look like, people who hang around and/or are friends with cops know what they look like.
    I'm sorry but again, you're confirming exactly what I've been saying from the very first post of this thread.

  9. #209
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Apropos of not terribly much, but, my buddy Matt Graham stopped by for a visit coming and going on his way through town to hang out with Hack at his place in Idaho (they’re pretty good friends at this point). Some of you have met Matt, most haven’t. He’s a reasonably big dude, with the sort of gravitas that a guy who used to do security/protection work for the agency would have. The guy’s beard is more in line with a watch company CEO’s at this point, and he was wearing plain, button down collared shirts, khaki shorts, and flip flops. By appearances, should have been pretty non-descript.

    We met at one of my favorite local coffeeshops in the arts district the first time. So there we are, Americanos in hand, on the patio shooting the breeze, and I keep seeing all these regulars I know looking over, trying to figure out WTF is up, and who I’m with this time. They’re used to random touring musicians, students, whatever; and this dude doesn’t have that vibe. Even in his vacation wear, Matt sort of still exudes death. It’s hard to put a finger on. The Mrs and my boxing coach came in for a latte (3rd-gen boxer, retired prizefighter, ex-bouncer at one of the long time late-night places downtown) and he had a hard time letting it go when my response to his asking Matt what he does for a living was "watch company owner."

    Coach wasn’t buying that as the whole story, from me or Matt. He still wants to know who the hell that big, inked dude was, and he’s not the only regular that asked me about Matt over the following week.

    I was giving Matt a little shit about his vibe after our coach took off, and he’s all "What, I’m just sitting here... I’m not doing anything. I’m not ‘exuding’ shit..."

    "Uh huh... you keep telling yourself that, bro...just a teddy bear out for coffee with the kid..."

    Point being: bearing means more than garb. It was an interesting experiment having Matt on my artsy fartsy home turf, as opposed to me being on his turf, with his guys, at a 3-day course. Which is a whole ‘nother cross-pollination.

    Anyhow, just an observation. The guy was definitely a deviation from the oat milk latte and live music/arts baseline, and that's just the way it is. Doesn’t matter what he wears, or if he’s sitting stone still.

    Carry on.
    I'm not going down the debate rabbit hole regarding candidates for our next president in 2024, but I am truly and completely tired of this particular asshole.

  10. #210
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidheshooter View Post
    Even in his vacation wear, Matt sort of still exudes death.
    For some reason I read that and immediately envisioned it on an employee performance review.

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