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Thread: The Shit Storm that is the NRA Today & How We Got Here

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    It's really sad. I've been a life member since before I was old enough to purchase a shotgun. I cannot in good conscience give them another penny until I see some massive changes made to the organization. Anyone start donating to GOA?

  2. #12
    Site Supporter 0ddl0t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CWM11B View Post
    Damn, how do I find a job that pays me that much not to show up?

  3. #13
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    The State of New York may indeed be able to pull down the NRA as a functioning non-profit. But if they do, blaming Cuomo would be like blaming a windstorm for blowing down a house that has had its posts and beams eaten away for decades by termites.
    If we have to march off into the next world, let us walk there on the bodies of our enemies.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash41984 View Post
    It's really sad. I've been a life member since before I was old enough to purchase a shotgun. I cannot in good conscience give them another penny until I see some massive changes made to the organization. Anyone start donating to GOA?
    GOA, 2 A Foundation, state and local orgs. Your choice, plenty of places to spread your money around that'll probably do more good than sending it in to the NRA, AKA Wayne's slush fund...

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie B View Post
    The State of New York may indeed be able to pull down the NRA as a functioning non-profit. But if they do, blaming Cuomo would be like blaming a windstorm for blowing down a house that has had its posts and beams eaten away for decades by termites.
    This is Wayne’s trouble and it’s been coming for a while.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidheshooter View Post
    I was starting to lean this way a few weeks ago, with comments about "knoxing." Not much in that article sways me away from that line of thought.

    I suppose the real question is: what are our options? And by "our," I mean us; joe and jane gun owner, who remain invested in preserving our rights, country, and liberty. Seeing Chris go and Wayne stay concerns me, from my admitted outsider viewpoint. Getting pissed and complaining isn’t doing much for our blood pressure, or the bottom line.

    Writing letters appears to not be making enough difference thus far; Tiffany J penned a decent one that was signed by more than 300 people, including many notables (and at least one unremarkable, ie. myself) the response—with a couple of fine exceptions—appears to have been lackluster.

    Honestly, absent any countervailing information, I’m feeling like it’s time to rip the band-aid off. We’ve already come to a site consensus (mostly) that 1, WLP needs to go, and 2, the NRA could use a major remake of it’s outreach to move away from primarily serving country and western concerts and jingoism to wealthy old white guys (nothing against: some of my favorite people are rich old conservative farts; keep as many onboard as will stay.)

    But, what are "our" options? The correct drumbeat has always been that the NRA isn’t a "thing," rather, it’s the 4-6 million members. So how do those of us who are in the millions of members begin to unfuck this? These problems won’t be solved by the same minds that created them, and if we need to adapt and start widening our base to preserve the 2A anyways, may as well put this cancer under chemo and go all in.

    I’m not generally much of a revoluti0nary fervor sort of guy, but in this case, you know, ‘che’ or whatever... if we do what we’ve been doing, I’m concerned that we will get what we’ve got, and my concern is that what we’ve got won’t cut the post-20th-c. mustard.

    So now what?
    It has to start with what is going out in my mail today. I just got an invitation to join and enter in one of their famous sweepstakes. I checked the "I'm not joining at this time, but enter me anyway" box. I then took a sharpie to it and wrote "Not one dime until Wayne is gone". Will anyone see the message? Of course not, but if they get enough of them word might filter back from their servicing company to the NRA.

    NRA needs a major overhaul, top to bottom and inside out.

    1) 2 year term limits on execs.
    2) 2-4 year term limits on board members.
    3) Cut the board to 10-15 members max. It's ridiculous. It's nothing more than a politburo.
    4) Published independent financial audits made available to all members.

    That's a start.

    Question is, will it survive long enough to make that happen?
    Last edited by Spartan1980; 07-02-2019 at 02:46 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie B View Post
    The State of New York may indeed be able to pull down the NRA as a functioning non-profit. But if they do, blaming Cuomo would be like blaming a windstorm for blowing down a house that has had its posts and beams eaten away for decades by termites.
    Agreed..It's pretty clear that the NRA brought alot of this on themselves, I find it stunning that the BOD hasn't found the guts to shitcan WLP, especially after all that's been brought out. They're either incredibly stupid or complicit, and in up to their ears. At this point, unless sweeping changes are made, the NRA is pretty much dead to me, I'll send my money elsewhere..
    Last edited by ralph; 07-02-2019 at 02:53 PM.

  8. #18
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    This is Wayne’s trouble and it’s been coming for a while.

    From what I can glean, that somebody hasn't gotten themselves in a position before to make the NRA into their own cash cow is a wonder in and of itself. The Board is unwieldy AF; it is so large that there almost no chance of the Board ever exercising that good practices require.

    If the OP's cited article is close to being correct about the financial condition of the NRA, I would not be shocked if the lender(s) foreclosed on the headquarters building and the NRA went bankrupt.
    If we have to march off into the next world, let us walk there on the bodies of our enemies.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan1980 View Post
    It has to start with what is going out in my mail today. I just got an invitation to join and enter in one of their famous sweepstakes. I checked the "I'm not joining at this time, but enter me anyway" box. I then took a sharpie to it and wrote "Not one dime until Wayne is gone". Will anyone see the message? Of course not, but if they get enough of them word might filter back from their servicing company to the NRA.

    NRA needs a major overhaul, top to bottom and inside out.

    1) 2 year term limits on execs.
    2) 2-4 year term limits on board members.
    3) Cut the board to 10-15 members max. It's ridiculous. It's nothing more than a politburo.
    4) Published independent financial audits made available to all members.

    That's a start.

    Question is, will it survive long enough to make that happen?
    I got a mailer from the NRA-ILA, I put almost the same message in the envelope "not another dime until Wayne and his $13,000 a month chippie are GONE!!! Do I think it'll get back to DC, at NRA HQ? I don't know, but if enough people did it, and quit sending money, sooner or later they'd notice, especially the money part, that's their lifeblood. As President Regan said.." If you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat" if you want change at the NRA, quit sending money..
    Last edited by ralph; 07-02-2019 at 03:02 PM.

  10. #20
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    The reaction to not send another dime is legit; I get the anger—and have been returning empty envelopes with notes, myself. We don’t need *this* NRA. But we do need "the NRA;" we need the brand. The NRA is the 800lb gorilla in the game on our side, and that’s just the facts.

    Frankly, I’d like nothing more than for a million members to march on the NRA, demanding that WLP and co go. Because, that many gun owners speaking up would get *everyone’s* attention—not just Wayne’s.

    A large chunk of the NRA member body politic needs to all be pointing fingers at the leadership, and saying "fuck you guys; fix this" and then turning around while they’re up off the couch already to point their fingers at their reps and say "and fuck you too, by the way, we haven’t forgotten about you either." JMO.
    The most powerful and harmful influence Trump has had on our politics…has been the effect on his opponents. They have been triggered into an orgy of self-mutilation—eager to amputate their own history and disfigure their own political traditions.

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