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Thread: The Shit Storm that is the NRA Today & How We Got Here

  1. #1
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    The Shit Storm that is the NRA Today & How We Got Here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I am increasingly worried about this. Regardless of how you feel about the NRA, we must have a lobbying arm in Washington. Sounds like we need an uprising like the one (before my time) in the 1970's.

  3. #3
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    The Sticks
    Quote Originally Posted by cmoore View Post
    We've been down this road before, I don't want to see the NRA fail, but after reading that, it's clear that WLP is going to ride that horse right into the ground..I think the time has come to consider spending your money elsewhere, state, local orgs, 2nd A foundation, GOA, your choice, but it looks like the time has come to start thinking about a post-NRA era.. It's pretty clear the board of directors is'nt interested in removing WLP, or their new law firm.. this is going to end badly, and if the NRA does manage to survive, it will be forever crippled by the shadow of corruption..

  4. #4
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slalom.45 View Post
    I am increasingly worried about this. Regardless of how you feel about the NRA, we must have a lobbying arm in Washington. Sounds like we need an uprising like the one (before my time) in the 1970's.
    I was starting to lean this way a few weeks ago, with comments about "knoxing." Not much in that article sways me away from that line of thought.

    I suppose the real question is: what are our options? And by "our," I mean us; joe and jane gun owner, who remain invested in preserving our rights, country, and liberty. Seeing Chris go and Wayne stay concerns me, from my admitted outsider viewpoint. Getting pissed and complaining isn’t doing much for our blood pressure, or the bottom line.

    Writing letters appears to not be making enough difference thus far; Tiffany J penned a decent one that was signed by more than 300 people, including many notables (and at least one unremarkable, ie. myself) the response—with a couple of fine exceptions—appears to have been lackluster.

    Honestly, absent any countervailing information, I’m feeling like it’s time to rip the band-aid off. We’ve already come to a site consensus (mostly) that 1, WLP needs to go, and 2, the NRA could use a major remake of it’s outreach to move away from primarily serving country and western concerts and jingoism to wealthy old white guys (nothing against: some of my favorite people are rich old conservative farts; keep as many onboard as will stay.)

    But, what are "our" options? The correct drumbeat has always been that the NRA isn’t a "thing," rather, it’s the 4-6 million members. So how do those of us who are in the millions of members begin to unfuck this? These problems won’t be solved by the same minds that created them, and if we need to adapt and start widening our base to preserve the 2A anyways, may as well put this cancer under chemo and go all in.

    I’m not generally much of a revoluti0nary fervor sort of guy, but in this case, you know, ‘che’ or whatever... if we do what we’ve been doing, I’m concerned that we will get what we’ve got, and my concern is that what we’ve got won’t cut the post-20th-c. mustard.

    So now what?
    The most powerful and harmful influence Trump has had on our politics…has been the effect on his opponents. They have been triggered into an orgy of self-mutilation—eager to amputate their own history and disfigure their own political traditions.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidheshooter View Post
    I was starting to lean this way a few weeks ago, with comments about "knoxing." Not much in that article sways me away from that line of thought.

    I suppose the real question is: what are our options? And by "our," I mean us; joe and jane gun owner, who remain invested in preserving our rights, country, and liberty. Seeing Chris go and Wayne stay concerns me, from my admitted outsider viewpoint. Getting pissed and complaining isn’t doing much for our blood pressure, or the bottom line.

    Writing letters appears to not be making enough difference thus far; Tiffany J penned a decent one that was signed by more than 300 people, including many notables (and at least one unremarkable, ie. myself) the response—with a couple of fine exceptions—appears to have been lackluster.

    Honestly, absent any countervailing information, I’m feeling like it’s time to rip the band-aid off. We’ve already come to a site consensus (mostly) that 1, WLP needs to go, and 2, the NRA could use a major remake of it’s outreach to move away from primarily serving country and western concerts and jingoism to wealthy old white guys (nothing against: some of my favorite people are rich old conservative farts; keep as many onboard as will stay.)

    But, what are "our" options? The correct drumbeat has always been that the NRA isn’t a "thing," rather, it’s the 4-6 million members. So how do those of us who are in the millions of members begin to unfuck this? These problems won’t be solved by the same minds that created them, and if we need to adapt and start widening our base to preserve the 2A anyways, may as well put this cancer under chemo and go all in.

    I’m not generally much of a revoluti0nary fervor sort of guy, but in this case, you know, ‘che’ or whatever... if we do what we’ve been doing, I’m concerned that we will get what we’ve got, and my concern is that what we’ve got won’t cut the post-20th-c. mustard.

    So now what?
    Starve the beast..quit sending them money. Money is their lifeblood, we quit sending, then there's less to steal, keep it up long enough and these people will move on, as there's nothing left to take.. Not sending them any more money is about the only thing left we, as members can do that will get their attention, and it's something we, as members can control. Everytime they send you a mailer begging for money drop a note in the postpaid envelope that says "not another dime until WLP is gone"
    Last edited by ralph; 07-02-2019 at 11:53 AM.

  6. #6
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    A few days ago I emailed an old friend from the early 70s who is now a NRA board member - asked him about LaPierre. My old friend replied saying that he could not comment as the board members were sworn to not comment on these matters.

    I've had it with the NRA. They won't see a dime from me for anything, not even things like my NRA range membership, until WLP is gone and a new leadership team installed. It might be a good thing to get rid of the entire board of directors too, including my old friend, as I've come to believe they too are collectively complicit in this fiasco.

    The NRA is all but tits-up. It's questionable if it can survive.

  7. #7
    Site Supporter JodyH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmoore View Post
    My old friend replied saying that he could not comment as the board members were sworn to not comment on these matters.
    At this point, if the board members aren't resigning or defying the gag orders then they should be considered complicit (and liable, both criminal and civil) if there is anything illegal going on within the organization.

    There's way too much smoke pouring out of NRA HQ for there not to be a fire somewhere in the building, somebody needs to pull the alarm and get the FD in there to investigate.
    "For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night."
    -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy --

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmoore View Post
    A few days ago I emailed an old friend from the early 70s who is now a NRA board member - asked him about LaPierre. My old friend replied saying that he could not comment as the board members were sworn to not comment on these matters.

    I've had it with the NRA. They won't see a dime from me for anything, not even things like my NRA range membership, until WLP is gone and a new leadership team installed. It might be a good thing to get rid of the entire board of directors too, including my old friend, as I've come to believe they too are collectively complicit in this fiasco.

    The NRA is all but tits-up. It's questionable if it can survive.
    In it's present form, it can't, If it was reorganized, from top to bottom, with a realistic sized board of directors, full transparency of all the funds/funding operations, people working for the NRA who can pass a backround check and aren't career criminals. Then, yeah, a new NRA, focused of presevring our rights, and the new motto being "No Compromise" could work.. but, a major housecleaning needs to happen first, and until that happens, not another dime!!!!

  9. #9
    Marion Hammer gets $300k a year and doesn’t make the BoD meetings.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    Marion Hammer gets $300k a year and doesn’t make the BoD meetings.
    Damn, how do I find a job that pays me that much not to show up?

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