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Thread: "Knives don't work well and you will go to prison no matter what!"

  1. #71
    I may have lost track of this discussion but blades are deadly and can stop people fast when used properly. Distance is the challenge against a gun but in terms of deadly effect, a short movement can pretty much bisect a liver, a kidney, take away breathing, prevent the ability to grasp tools, leave intestines flopping about on the ground. They can also do a smashing job at making people not want to screw with you. They do a great job at getting people off you. All of these options are of course performed best with good training. Blades have a place somewhat like a 380/38. Great option when you cannot carry a pistol, or your pistol needs a friend.

    Let me know if you are in DFW and want some stabby practice or an espresso.
    Last edited by Oukaapie; 02-18-2019 at 10:05 PM.

  2. #72
    Site Supporter SeriousStudent's Avatar
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    I am thinking espresso, then stabby practice.

  3. #73
    Here is a link to a video showing two people take a solid stab to the body and neither drop immediately. The lady stabbed in the lung even had the presence of mind to pick up her purse afterward. Even though these people were gravely injured they were not "stopped".

  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactical Black Belt View Post
    We are surrounded by long cylindrical objects, tubes, pipes, rods and dowels. With a little imagination you can stash one at work and as long as it serves some other function, no one will notice or think of it as a weapon. For example, I have a two piece pool cue in a sheath. The butt half is the weapon. The thin half is just a prop. No one can prove that you are not going to play a little 8 ball on your lunch break.
    When I worked the retirement center/nursing home security, I kept a number of pipes and such in various places. Also I kept a big pair of needle nose pliers on me. I was already approaching senior status and would have lost any fracas taking me to the ground. I required a legal motivator. For me danger arose from angry men showing up to beat wives and girl friends. Also employee drug use was rampant and drug dealers tried entering. I was under orders not to call police. Bad publicity. My defense rested in a firm demeanor where I said little and spoke with courtesy. Once when walking the grounds, a man to whom I had denied entrance appeared out of nowhere and spoke in an unkind manner, and while referring to me as an old white haired son of a bitch exclaimed that he could whip me. I agreed that he could but pointed out that for $8.00 per hour I was not going to take an ass beating. He understood and left. The old folks said that they felt safe when I was there. That was a wonderful compliment.

  5. #75
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    In the pistols for ladies thread in the semiauto subforum, one poster reported his wife using a Spyderco Delica (2.9 inch blade folder) to dissuade two attackers with one deep slash cut to each attacker’s arm. Although using a knife is clearly deadly force, I do not recall that story including police involvement.

    The one time I saw a knife used, my former neighbor in another city used a kitchen knife to drive off an abusive ex-boyfriend. She did not land any serious cuts or stabs, despite his weak, tenuous, ineffective attempts to disarm her almost resulting in getting his hands cut up. He ended up running off with her chasing him.

    A knife is not my first choice, but I would not be without one.

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  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by BillSWPA View Post
    In the pistols for ladies thread in the semiauto subforum, one poster reported his wife using a Spyderco Delica (2.9 inch blade folder) to dissuade two attackers with one deep slash cut to each attacker’s arm. Although using a knife is clearly deadly force, I do not recall that story including police involvement.
    That would be my wife and the only police involvement was the couple hours she spent on the phone with a chosen brother of mine that is a certified crisis counselor for his department.

    Another chosen brother and I visited the bar ourselves. The bartenders remembered the bogies and were under the impression that they were staying at the nearby hotel. They didn't mention two bleeding guys coming back in, so I didn't bring it up either, better part of discretion and all that. I'm not all surprised that two assholes that are willing to attack women were not willing to tell the authorities that a 5'3" killer elf tried to take their lunch money. I truly hope she crippled both of them and that they hurt to this day. If there'd been a couple of guys sporting fresh bandages when we visited, I would have ensured it.

  7. #77
    I knew a man years ago who worked as a bouncer in a rough beer joint out in the county. He carried a big heavy Buck 110 in a belt pouch as a weapon. He explained to me that he NEVER opened it but used in a hammer fist motion or to add weight to his punches sort of like a roll of nickels. His objective was not to kill or seriously injure people but to stop them. I think that he was right. Blunt force trauma is a far superior "manstopper" than gradual blood loss.

  8. #78
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactical Black Belt View Post
    I knew a man years ago who worked as a bouncer in a rough beer joint out in the county. He carried a big heavy Buck 110 in a belt pouch as a weapon. He explained to me that he NEVER opened it but used in a hammer fist motion or to add weight to his punches sort of like a roll of nickels. His objective was not to kill or seriously injure people but to stop them. I think that he was right. Blunt force trauma is a far superior "manstopper" than gradual blood loss.
    Blunt force trauma is a vastly superior fight stopper in most instances, because of the simple fact that leverage is increased and force is applied to a wider area. Meaning it often renders a human mobility limited in short order.

    I'd rather smash someone with a flat sap or jack than stab them any day of the week. Short strikes to the ribcage with the edge of a sap or point of a jack can break ribs. Edge hits to joints can mangle them. Solid hits to the face can knock someone out more or less instantaneously. I have a little Foster cable jack that is a no joke, nasty little weapon (should say "had", my wife stole it five years ago and refuses to give it back, but I picked up a midget sap to replace it). My brother-in-law is 6'5" 280 pounds and wanted to find out if the cable jack would "work". One ~30% speed hook shot to the mid-thigh bowled him over. If, I'd wanted to fuck him up, it would have been easy. (For comparison purposes, I'm 5'7" and ~190 pounds, he is quite a bit bigger than me).

    I've been smashed with non-loaded, relatively soft leather training saps, and they...fucking hurt, maybe worse than aluminum knife trainers.
    Last edited by RevolverRob; 02-26-2019 at 12:35 PM.

  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevolverRob View Post
    Blunt force trauma is a vastly superior fight stopper in most instances, because of the simple fact that leverage is increased and force is applied to a wider area. Meaning it often renders a human mobility limited in short order.

    I'd rather smash someone with a flat sap or jack than stab them any day of the week. Short strikes to the ribcage with the edge of a sap or point of a jack can break ribs. Edge hits to joints can mangle them. Solid hits to the face can knock someone out more or less instantaneously. I have a little Foster cable jack that is a no joke, nasty little weapon (should say "had", my wife stole it five years ago and refuses to give it back, but I picked up a midget sap to replace it). My brother-in-law is 6'5" 280 pounds and wanted to find out if the cable jack would "work". One ~30% speed hook shot to the mid-thigh bowled him over. If, I'd wanted to fuck him up, it would have been easy. (For comparison purposes, I'm 5'7" and ~190 pounds, he is quite a bit bigger than me).

    I've been smashed with non-loaded, relatively soft leather training saps, and they...fucking hurt, maybe worse than aluminum knife trainers.
    Agree 100% with the effectiveness of a sap or jack for stopping a fight as compared to a knife. I would add that I recall a member of the Dog Brothers posting on SDF that hits to the arm with a stick often causes a dropped weapon, while cuts with a knife seem to be far less consistent in doing so.

    Unfortunately most of us live in states where a sap or jack is not a legal option. In most states one need not fear arrest simply for having a folding knife of reasonable length clipped to a pocket.

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  10. #80
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Also, edged weapons work while grappling. I’m not good enough with a stick to make it work in a FUT.
    I don't speak Woke. Can you say that in English?

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