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Thread: Turnover in the Trump Administration

  1. #1

    Turnover in the Trump Administration

    From BBC News:

    White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been fired after less than 10 days in the post.

    The former Wall Street financier had drawn criticism after calling a reporter to give a profanity-laced tirade against his colleagues.

    Mr Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts over his appointment.

    The decision was made by Mr Trump's new chief of staff, John Kelly, who was sworn in on Monday.
    Trump hasn't been especially kind to Sessions in recent days, either. I'm not a Trump fan, but I don't fault the guy for being unorthodox - that's why he was elected. I am curious what impact the turnover is going to have on his ability to get things done.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    One thing is for sure. For better or worse; the dude is decisive.

    God Bless,


  3. #3
    Member Irelander's Avatar
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    This kind of thing should have happened more in the previous administration.
    Jesus paid a debt he did not owe,
    Because I owed a debt I could not pay.

  4. #4
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    Priebus got what done exactly? Delivered how many fewer votes to repeal than when Obama was president... Buh Bye.

    Scaramucci was soiled goods after his recent tirade. Adios.

    I really liked Trump on his "Hell no, we're not giving up on healthcare".. Keep Congress in session until the job is done...

    I still hate the guys loose rhetoric....
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

  5. #5
    Member Peally's Avatar
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    The only thing better than an efficient federal government is a gridlocked one due to daily Vader chokings. Net gain either way.
    Semper Gumby, Always Flexible

  6. #6
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    its all quite refreshing.

  7. #7
    Site Supporter PNWTO's Avatar
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    The Mooch will readily replaced by another hobo who wants the front row at the dumpster fire.
    "Do nothing which is of no use." -Musashi

    What would TR do? TRCP BHA

  8. #8
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    How people who love liberty cannot appreciate Trump is beyond me. Is he perfect? No! Perfection does not exist.

    He is stopping the left from further destroying America. That's what I care about.

    I too wish he would tone down the tweets, but I'll take that over some wuss who has lived in a bubble their whole life.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Chance View Post
    From BBC News:

    Trump hasn't been especially kind to Sessions in recent days, either. I'm not a Trump fan, but I don't fault the guy for being unorthodox - that's why he was elected. I am curious what impact the turnover is going to have on his ability to get things done.
    The turnover is not going to negatively impact his ability to get things done; the members from the party he ran on will. He will never be able to drain the swamp. The RINO's never supported him during the election so why would they do it now? Even worse they never really worked on any viable solutions to any of the issues he campaigned on.


  10. #10
    Site Supporter Sensei's Avatar
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    I'd say that Kevin Williamson hit the nail on the head, again:

    It is brutal but probably accurate.

    Trump is the political version of a pickup artist, and Republicans — and America — went to bed with him convinced that he was something other than what he is. Trump inherited his fortune but describes himself as though he were a self-made man.

    We did not elect Donald Trump; we elected the character he plays on television.
    He has had a middling career in real estate and a poor one as a hotelier and casino operator but convinced people he is a titan of industry. He has never managed a large, complex corporate enterprise, but he did play an executive on a reality show...He fixates on certain words (“negotiator”) and certain classes of words (mainly adjectives and adverbs, “bigly,” “major,” “world-class,” “top,” and superlatives), but he isn’t much of a negotiator, manager, or leader. He cannot negotiate a health-care deal among members of a party desperate for one, can’t manage his own factionalized and leak-ridden White House, and cannot lead a political movement that aspires to anything greater than the service of his own pathetic vanity.
    The best thing that could happen to the country is for Trump to shut the hell up and do exactly what Kelly, Mattis, and Tillerson say. They are the capable men in the room, not Trump.
    Last edited by Sensei; 08-01-2017 at 12:13 AM.
    I like my rifles like my women - short, light, fast, brown, and suppressed.

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