SSD comes across as really whiny as a result. Different situation; they've decided to go with the "YOU'VE BEEN WARNED STAY IN YOUR LANE" approach to random readers on an internet news article site, which is completely ineffective and makes them look like twats.
Semper Gumby, Always Flexible
Respectfully, I would have to agree that the way the SSD admonition was worded (and comes across) just sounds like it would stifle much relevant discussion with heavy handed and unnecessary "moderation".
Moderation is best when its presence is not constantly felt and drawing attention to itself. Imho, of course, based upon my years of experience moderating elsewhere. The key word in this regard being "elsewhere" since this is Tom's site.
There's nothing civil about this war
I think that makes great sense for SSD. They exist as a distribution mode for disseminating industry news esp products. They are probably on many a marketing dept's short list to get the press releases. That is a good thing.
And they don't want to be the place where scores of somedoods act out their vast knowledge. That's what enthusiast forums are for.
“Remember, being healthy is basically just dying as slowly as possible,” Ricky Gervais
How does he know?Quote Originally Posted by Soldiers Systems Daily
Consider Yourself Warned
You aren’t a comedian
I was relieved to see in this massive crackdown, so far at least, use of the thoughtful haiku remains unscathed.
Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.