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Thread: Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester/Possible terrorist attack in UK

  1. #21
    Site Supporter walker2713's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    I was just watching Sky News live, referring to an audience of mostly teens and young brought home the fact that our enemies are willing to play for keeps, but we aren't. At least we haven't been for the last 16 years or so. When will enough be enough?
    Gun Free Zones Aren’t an Inhibition….they’re an Invitation.

  2. #22
    Site Supporter SeriousStudent's Avatar
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    My next door neighbors are from Manchester. They are still trying to track down friends and relatives.

    Please hold good thoughts for them, they are very kind people and terrific neighbors.

  3. #23
    Member Peally's Avatar
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    I've said it before and I'll say it many times again before it becomes false, but aside from the people who's families are now crippled in a month's time this won't mean a thing to the vast majority of folks over there. That's the part that really boils my blood. Expect a flower hand holding nothing accomplished memorial, brief news coverage, and no real change.
    Semper Gumby, Always Flexible

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Peally View Post
    I've said it before and I'll say it many times again before it becomes false, but aside from the people who's families are now crippled in a month's time this won't mean a thing to the vast majority of folks over there. That's the part that really boils my blood. Expect a flower hand holding nothing accomplished memorial, brief news coverage, and no real change.
    Sad but true. We will have candles and platitudes, but nothing will truly change.

  5. #25

  6. #26
    Tom Kratman's blog has some thoughts on terrorism.

  7. #27
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    May 2017
    As the token Brit: Manchester has suffered 22 dead and 59 injured due to the actions of a cowardly, misguided, suicide bomber, doubtless a a follower of the religion of peace. I offer my sincerest condolences, Rest In Peace little ones.

    This is not the first time Manchester has been hit, and yes we do remember, we never forget, and we do repay, with interest. The UK has lived with this type of threat since the early 1970's, we are good at preventing most and effectively dealing with incidents when they do manage to happen. As the UK is not a mish mash of private health organisations and small police and fire departments it is easier to coordinate regular large scale exercises to simulate dealing with such incidents.

    The last time Manchester was hit was in 1996, by the IRA with a truck bomb placed in the city centre. The explosive content of the device back then was over 3000lbs of HME, consider it a lucky day that you have never seen the effects of 3000lbs of HME in a city street. The buildings funnel the explosion, turning anything not nailed down into shrapnel, then the blast and its mild vacuum effect as it initially goes off sucks out the windows turning the glass into shrapnel. After that incident the entire city centre of Manchester had to be rebuilt, remembering that in the UK city centres are pedestrian shopping and office areas. I have seen the result of several IRA culvert bombs and truck bombs, all in the 2000lb - 3000lb range - the favorite IRA trick used to be to plant around 2000lbs of HME in a culvert under a road that it was known police patrol vehicles would drive down, and wait. Not nice.

    Have no doubts, people will be working overtime on this, and the interest payment will be forthcoming.
    Last edited by Chuteur; 05-23-2017 at 09:39 AM. Reason: grammar

  8. #28
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    TEXAS !
    Attacker ID'ed as 23 year old Salman Abedi who was "known to authorities".

    Islamic State is claiming responsibility.
    Last edited by HCM; 05-23-2017 at 09:26 AM.

  9. #29
    Member StraitR's Avatar
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    Anyone willing to kill, or even intentionally hurt, children, has a special place in Hell.

    Consider this sentence a substitute for a rant overflowing with gratuitous cuss words and everything inflammatory that would get me all scored up on the new infraction system.

    I hate these bastards, but I love you Tom.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Bit of an FYI. The wife tells me that some parents whose daughter attended the concert have reported her missing. She has not been ID'd as one of the dead or hospitalised. Knowing the UK they would have stuck her face all over the news media if she was found wandering around with amnesia.

    The fear is that one of the "good samaritans" who was offering the shocked and stranded teenagers lifts home after the bombing has found himself a new toy, or a product to sell.

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