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Thread: Trump press conference 2/16

  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Dddrees View Post
    You mean Japanese interment camps? Which of course isn't one of our greatest shiniest moments. So maybe Trump can do things one step worse. Maybe that's why he admires Jackson so much.
    Yesterday, I shot guns. Do you like shooting guns?

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    Yesterday, I shot guns. Do you like shooting guns?


  3. #163
    Quote Originally Posted by Dddrees View Post
    Yep, eerie similiarities not just because of these but because of other things that I mentioned previously such as his doubling down on his claim that the fourth estate is nothing more than fake news. Yep, one of those very things not unlike Putin or any other dictator for that matter. Oh wait, Putin has established a state run media outlet. Me thinks Trump would favor that very same thing. A media outlet which only agrees with his way of thinking.
    So having struck out on "literally Hitler" and "eerie similarities," we are back to the media. Now back at post 133 you said in response to my discussion of the media, "The media whether you like them or not are not the President of the United States. Maybe I should have done a better job of not even mentioning them."

    Maybe that is still the right answer. Seriously, if you really believe that they are the "fourth estate" (which I regard as not only stuff and nonsense but an unfortunate conflation of the French parlement and the US system) certainly they have their responsibilities too, right? And if they aren't--if for example they are a gibbering pack of monkeys unable to avoid pack behavior--then why should we care about how Trump handles them.

    Yes, the US has freedom of the press, but it is fatuous nonsense for our gibbering monkeys to claim that the Constitution entitles them to any access to Trump at all, and since they prove their bias against him daily, why should he play their game. Heck, Obama went many months with no press conferences at all. The press privately complained, but because they loved him so deeply and truly they didn't make their grumbles public. And they never claimed that Obama was constitutionally bound to hold press conferences, much less call on the reporters who thought of themselves as the most important.

    Suddenly, though, it is a first amendment violation for Trump to tell the world what he thinks of the gibbering monkeys or not give the New York Times and CNN the access they demand.

    Again I have to ask, do you guys really believe this stuff? Jefferson (you know, the guy who wrote the Declaration--third President of the United States--hero of the Democratic party) thought so little of the partisan press that he not only didn't cooperate with it, he regularly denounced opposition journalists and had at least one tried.

    In other words, you guys have lost sight of reality here. There is a lot to criticize Trump for, but in your group-think (and forgive me, but anyone who says right now that Trump = Hitler is engaging in group think) you guys have gone beyond hyperbole and have entered the realm of utter fantasy.

    And the incredible thing is you don't need to do this. Trump is a target-rich zone. Yet you guys continue on with an apparent "who can engage in the most hyperbole contest", just like the DC media.

    By the way, the rest of the country is watching this and isn't impressed. You have the "Hillary was cheated" crowd (she wasn't--she was just so terrible a candidate that she lost to an oranged-face reality TV star) but the rest of the country looks on you guys as incredibly sore losers, some of whom are inching close to violence.

    America will survive Donald Trump. She might not survive your guys apparent desire to depose him. You guys need to back way off. If Trump is as bad as you claim he will give plenty of ammunition to be constitutionally removed. But your guy's apparent desire to remove him after a month because he is "eerily similar" to Hitler smacks of exactly the tactics you say you are against. Talk about "eerily similar" to banana republic government.
    Last edited by Jeep; 02-18-2017 at 09:25 PM.

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeep View Post
    So having struck out on "literally Hitler" and "eerie similarities," we are back to the media. Now back at post 133 you said in response to my discussion of the media, "The media whether you like them or not are not the President of the United States. Maybe I should have done a better job of not even mentioning them."

    Maybe that is still the right answer. Seriously, if you really believe that they are the "fourth estate" (which I regard as not only stuff and nonsense but an unfortunate conflation of the French parlement and the US system) certainly they have their responsibilities too, right? And if they aren't--if for example they are a gibbering pack of monkeys unable to avoid pack behavior--then why should we care about how Trump handles them.

    Yes, the US has freedom of the press, but it is fatuous nonsense for our gibbering monkeys to claim that the Constitution entitles them to any access to Trump at all, and since they prove their bias against him daily, why should he play their game. Heck, Obama went many months with no press conferences at all. The press privately complained, but because they loved him so deeply and truly they didn't make their grumbles public. And they never claimed that Obama was constitutionally bound to hold press conferences, much less call on the reporters who thought of themselves as the most important.

    Suddenly, though, it is a first amendment violation for Trump to tell the world what he thinks of the gibbering monkeys or not give the New York Times and CNN the access they demand.

    Again I have to ask, do you guys really believe this stuff? Jefferson (you know, the guy who wrote the Declaration--third President of the United States--hero of the Democratic party) thought so little of the partisan press that he not only didn't cooperate with it, he regularly denounced opposition journalists and had at least one tried.

    In other words, you guys have lost sight of reality here. There is a lot to criticize Trump for, but in your group-think (and forgive me anyone who says right now that Trump = Hitler is engaging in group think) you guys have gone beyond hyperbole and have entered the realm of utter fantasy.

    And the incredible thing is you don't need to do this. Trump is a target-rich zone. Yet you guys continue to in you hyperbole contest, just like the DC media.

    By the way, the rest of the country is watching this and isn't impressed. You have the "Hillary was cheated" crowd (she wasn't--she was just so terrible a candidate that she lost to an oranged-face reality TV star) but the rest of the country looks on you guys as incredibly sore losers, some of whom are inching close to violence.

    America will survive Donald Trump. She might not survive your guys apparent desire to depose him. You guys need to back way off. If Trump is as bad as you claim he will give plenty of ammunition to be constitutionally removed. But your guy's apparent desire to remove him after a month because he is "eerily similar" to Hitler smacks of exactly the tactics you say you are against. Talk about "eerily similar" to banana republic government.
    Sorry, but I had to stop reading about the time you started going into that whole media diatribe. Maybe your too young too remember Nixon. I guess Watergate means nothing too you. Maybe you have absolutely no idea what things besides Watergate Nixon actually did and tried to do. But whether you like them or not at least by having another check and balance on unrestricted power they do serve a useful purpose.
    Last edited by Dddrees; 02-18-2017 at 09:28 PM.

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Dddrees View Post
    Sorry, but I had to stop reading about the time you started going into that whole media diatribe. Maybe your too young too remember Nixon. I guess Watergate means nothing too you. Maybe you have absolutely no idea what things besides Watergate Nixon actually did and tried to do. But whether you like them or not at least by having another check and balance on unrestricted power they do serve a useful purpose.
    Actually there is a good chance I'm older than you. And I not only happened to live in DC back then, but I happened to know a Washington Post reporter who was scandalized by Watergate. Not because it was reported on, and not because he thought Nixon was a good guy, but because he happened to know that LBJ was having the FBI follow and bug a number of GOP senators. (Maybe Dems also but he didn't know that). He knew it because LBJ called him in as a very young reporter and gave him a dossier of FBI dirt on those senators, which made it clear they were being followed, photographed and wiretapped.

    LBJ wanted a story reporting the dirt, and the Post did publish hints of it, but the real story was that LBJ was using the FBI to gain dirt on members of Congress.

    The Post would not report that. The reporter (a liberal himself) was told that wasn't a story. When Watergate came along, and lesser crimes were a story, he understood that the Post was simply a partisan operation. And shortly thereafter it came out that the Post had known all along that JFK was sharing a girlfriend with the head of the Chicago mob.

    He remained a liberal, but changed career fields and wanted nothing more to do with politics.

    Anyway, you can believe that the Washington Post did a wonderful job on Watergate but in fact it only did so because Nixon was a Republican. If he was a Dem not a word would have been printed. Little has changed since, except the press has gotten more arrogant, less well educated, and their editing has fallen apart.
    Last edited by Jeep; 02-18-2017 at 09:46 PM.

  6. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeep View Post
    Actually there is a good chance I'm older than you. And I not only happened to live in DC back then, but I happened to know a Washington Post reporter who was scandalized by Watergate. Not because it was reported on, and not because he thought Nixon was a good guy, but because he happened to know that LBJ was having the FBI follow and bug a number of GOP senators. (Maybe Dems also but he didn't know that). He knew it because LBJ called him in as a very young reporter and gave him a dossier of FBI dirt on those senators, which made it clear they were being followed, photographed and wiretapped.

    LBJ wanted a story reporting the dirt, and the Post did publish hints of it, but the real story was that LBJ was using the FBI to gain dirt on members of Congress.

    The Post would not report that. The reporter (a liberal himself) was told that wasn't a story. When Watergate came along, and lesser crimes were a story, he understood that the Post was simply a partisan operation. And shortly thereafter it came out that the Post had known all along that JFK was sharing a girlfriend with the head of the Washington mob.

    He remained a liberal, but changed caureer fields and wanted nothing more to do with politics.

    Anyway, you can believe that the Washington Post did a wonderful job on Watergate but in fact it only did so because Nixon was a Republican. If he was a Dem not a word would have been printed. Little has changed since, except the press has gotten more arrogant, less well educated, and their editing has fallen apart.
    I have little doubt that news agencies aren't partisan. This unfortunately is this case with our judicial system and every thing else. People tend to have beliefs and because they are human sometimes they act on what they believe because it sometimes serves these interests. Gee, sure would be nice if everything where just right and wrong. However in the real world not so much.

    I have even less doubt that TV news isnt more so now that they have to show a profit which is based on viewership were once it was a given that the main three prior to cable news did not. No longer is there a most trusted man when it comes to news. No proof that he acted entirely impartial on everything but the prevalent poles at the time had him more trusted than any President was at the time.

    However this all does not mean a critical press regardless of their partisanship can't be useful. It certainly doesn't mean when Trump goes into one of his whatever behaviors that most reasonable adults aren't extremely concerned. Heck most can see without the press that he's ducking, dodging, lying, alternative fact telling, conspiracy pedaling, authoritarian acting, and any number of things which should set off all kinds of red flags.

    Maybe all of us concerned would be better if Korea and Japan had the Nuke.

    NATO is absolute.

    Putin is admirable.

    Women who have abortions should be punished.

    The guy doesn't like to read let alone even read memos. How in the heck can he possibly be even semi informed yet as he says an expert on anything?

    He looked like and sounded like a complete fool at every press briefing he's shared with all the foreign leaders to this date. Completely uninformed and a complete bumbling idiot. One solution, two solution whatever solution you choose. At least two of the foreign leaders had to speak for him when it came to Israel and The UK. He doesn't like to attend briefings. Duh, can you tell?

    He likes to market. He likes to sell. He does not like to govern. Duh, can you tell?
    Last edited by Dddrees; 02-18-2017 at 10:22 PM.

  7. #167
    You don't have to ask why.

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