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Thread: Environmental idiocy

  1. #11
    Site Supporter JodyH's Avatar
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    Human arrogance has no limits.
    We barely rate flea status, yet we think we're the tail wagging the dog.
    "For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night."
    -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy --

  2. #12
    Anthropogenic global warming is a farce. It is a hyper-inflated, scaremongering tactic by the government so they can choose the winners and losers of capitalism and use the taxpayers money in doing so.

    For one, current data (read: right this moment) detecting the temperature of the entire surface of the Earth, not to mention the temperature of sub layers below the surface and the temperature of that which is surrounding the Earth is by all accounts a modest guess. Claiming you can measure the average temperature of the whole Earth for a whole year is academically absurd to say the least.

    Secondly, historical quantitative data regarding the temperature of the Earth since what we can only guess is the beginning is a tiny fraction of less than one percent. One hundred and fifty years of less than reliable data (that has been cherry-picked with "rounding anomalies") showing a change of 288 degrees Kelvin to 288.8 is by all accounts an amazingly stable temperature shift.

    Third, qualitative data such as "the arctic is melting" have been disproven and the Antarctic sea ice has had record-breaking growth for the last three years. The sea levels haven't risen like the alarmists noted a few years back.

    Fourth, we've been on a cooling trend for the past 20 years and that's including the doctored statistics and more CO2 output than ever.

    Fifth, the spawn of the cult of climate scientist. This college major was invented faster than any that I can recall. They're statisticians, that's it. Some of the greatest scientists of our time have resigned from the American Physical Society due to these lockstep followers. I attribute the new age of the climate scientist due to an undoubted, never-ending influx of capital to save the planet from a crisis that does not exist and thus cannot be disproven. How can you prove the world will not end from man-made global warming? It just doesn't and then they'll rebrand it "Climate Change" so they can attribute any weather anomalies (even the rise of ISIS if you're a Bernie Sanders fan) to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, bathtub farts or whatever other dumb shit they can think up.

    The temperature changes. It swings up for a period and down for a period. We've been on the upswing. That has nothing to do with the Industrial Revolution or fossil fuels or more people fucking more people.
    Last edited by BobLoblaw; 12-02-2015 at 10:55 AM.
    Bob Loblaw lobs law bombs

  3. #13
    By staying home, and shutting up, the participants at the recent conference could have saved a whole lot of fossil fuels
    and expelled less carbon dioxide as well.

    When those folks start acting like the problem they cower from is real enough to effect their behavior, they can talk to me
    about the thermostat on my wall and the truck in my driveway. Until then, don't bother me, eh?

  4. #14
    Member Hatchetman's Avatar
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    Up the Blue Ridge a Ways.
    Though it contains elements with which I don't agree, this piece captures my thinking where the Church of Anthropomorphic Climate Apocalypse is concerned:
    "I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Lets start with typewriters."

    Frank Lloyd Wright

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    We gave a Spanish renewable energy company 2 billion. Two billion. They are declaring bankruptcy. Gotta love those green jobs. Meanwhile, Obama is doubling down on ethanol production because "green."

    Words fail me on both topics.
    Don't forget the "bio-diesel" that the administration is buying at $20+ per gallon and which takes far more energy to make than is in the diesel that is produced. The administration is requiring the DOD to spend billions per year on this kind of crackpot stuff.

    One can debate whether human-produced CO2 is measurably warming the planet (my best guess is that it has some warming effect but much less than predicted by the more extreme prophets of doom), but almost all current alternative energy technologies make little or no economic or environmental sense, and many--like bio-diesel--ignore the first law of thermo dynamics.

    In addition, if you look at these projects in detail you will find that a huge number of them are run by large Obama contributors. In other words, they are political payback, but they escape media scrutiny because they are "green" and hence automatically good.

    We continue to be fleeced by a permanent governing class that uses scare tactics to gain power and enrich itself.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeep View Post
    We continue to be fleeced by a permanent governing class that uses scare tactics to gain power and enrich itself.
    Agreed. But I blame our own ignorance. Willful ignorance.
    Once ISIL brings home the pain maybe some folks will wake up.

    At first glance I read "prophets of doom" as "puppets of doom" (still apropos), and thought that would be a great name for a rock band.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

  7. #17
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    I saw something very ironic this week; a passenger that I saw in the airport this week was wearing a "No Fossil Fuels" T-Shirt.

    As we set the takeoff thrust on our first takeoff roll that morning, we had big shit-eating grins on our faces just knowing that while those big turbofans roared to life, someone in that airport posed a threat to puppies and kittens.

  8. #18
    Note the gap between the public's belief and scientist's beliefs about anthropogenic climate change:


    Make of it what you will, but one would think that such a wide gap denotes a failure somewhere in the system.

  9. #19
    Who cares.

    Seriously. The nature of an industrious society means we will always be running out of SOME critical resource.
    That's the nature of the beast.
    2000 years ago, entire kingdoms fell and rose because of salt being the economic cornerstone of that society. Now there's bulk packs of the stuff in every corner store.

    200 years ago, it was projected by 1950 civilized society would end. Not because of alien calamity or global war. But horses. The quantities of horses being used in every urban city of the time meant by 1950 there'd be 6 feet rivers of literal horseshit in the street. Hokey solutions like complex , Rube Goldberg type sewers, staggered streets, and other logistically impossible schemes were floated to solve the problem.

    Then , in the early 1900s ,comes the automobile. A century later we now bellyache about emissions and climate change. I'll wager a century from now the Big Environmental Problem will be disposing of old fusion batteries and expired jetpacks, and so on it'll go.
    The Minority Marksman.
    "When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet."
    -a Ch'an Buddhist axiom.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by LittleLebowski View Post
    We gave a Spanish renewable energy company 2 billion. Two billion. They are declaring bankruptcy. Gotta love those green jobs. Meanwhile, Obama is doubling down on ethanol production because "green."

    Words fail me on both topics.
    Stripping organic matter out of the soil and burning it in our cars is idiocy. Ethanol is absolutely the wrong choice especially since it messes with my chainsaw.

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