Gentlemen and Ladies:
This is a great idea. I would hope that we try to keep this subforum focused on the positive. I want all shooting sports to be successful and to grow because shooting sports improves shooter safety and skills and mental discipline, and those are good things.
Since safety is the first thing we should always be concerned about with firearms, let's start with safety. As I have been a safety officer for over a year now, and Match Director I have noticed the area where most people need improvement is finger discipline. Too often I see people allow their trigger finger slip down into or close to the trigger guard. I would like to see that trigger finger up firmly on the side of the frame until the firearm is on target.
I have heard some people say that having the finger near the trigger guard is fine as long as it is not ON the trigger. But as the SO it is often difficult to observe and confirm. If the finger is on the frame, there is no question. Am I being too concerned about this?