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Thread: Whos Worse QC Wise:Kimber or Taurus 1911?

  1. #11
    New Member BLR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamara View Post
    I'm amazed there exists even a question as to which is superior.

    The PT is an abomination. The Kimber needs work. The PT needs to be remelted into door knobs.

  2. #12
    Site Supporter _JD_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tamara View Post
    The machining looks like it was done with chain saws and the investment casings were done in railroad ballast.
    I know right? I have Zebra ball point pens that have better machining.

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  3. #13
    Site Supporter _JD_'s Avatar
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    You guys remember when the PT1911 first came out the ads said "$2100 worth of features"

    Proper fitting and machining must have not been included.

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  4. #14
    Site Supporter Tamara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Riehl View Post
    I'm amazed there exists even a question as to which is superior.
    I know, right?
    Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.

    I can explain it to you. I can’t understand it for you.

  5. #15
    Site Supporter _JD_'s Avatar
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    But remeber, it you hate on Taurus despite never having owned one, you're a gun snob...

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  6. #16
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Jeezy Creezy - The $350 Armscor 1911 I owned looked a hundred times better than that Taurus and probably functioned a hundred times better too.

    Per OP - I'm going to be completely honest. I kind of hope both companies go out of business. Kimber has occasionally a produced a gun that didn't suck, but then their Customer Service would ruin it. The number of Kimber and Taurus horror stories I could tell from personal experience could probably run this board out of bandwidth. But here's some basics - I had more than one PT1911 come into my shop with ambi safeties where the left hand safety was broken and wouldn't engage or disengage right out of the box. My father bought a Kimber 1911 (on my recommendation when I was young and dumb), it wouldn't chamber a round (chamber wasn't properly reamed), it went back to Kimber three times, before they actually reamed the chamber out and only because I had an attorney write them a nastygram. That was just the start of problems with that gun...never again.

  7. #17
    Site Supporter _JD_'s Avatar
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    I've had my fair share of issues with Kimber. EGW sorted out most of my issues but the stuff I've seen with Taurus 1911s is ridiculous. It was almost ok when they first came out and cost like $400 but lately the cost of them has almost doubled in some cases while the quality or lack thereof has stayed the same. Every PT 1911 I've laid hands on has been like the two I pictured above, I just never had oppurtunity to take pics.

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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by nyeti View Post
    Ruger.......for the out of the box "inexpensive" 1911, that is where I am at these days. Don't own one, but have shot a bunch and it is my current recommendation over the current Kimbers.
    I keep hearing that. And the price is nice.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Riehl View Post
    I'm amazed there exists even a question as to which is superior.

    The PT is an abomination. The Kimber needs work. The PT needs to be remelted into door knobs.
    Word. Although some early production Kimbers from the plant in Clackamas OR tend to need much less work than the modern crop. Still, I wouldn't take one of their external extractor models if I was paid to take it.

  10. #20
    Recovering Revolverist Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha Sierra View Post
    I keep hearing that. And the price is nice.
    The 'Smith over at my friendly LGS/range/training center has good things to say about the Ruger for the dough. And he's about an 8/10 on the 1911 snob meter.

    Taurus. 1911 shaped object. I'd respect it more if it was made out of glass and filled with tequila.

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