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Thread: Maher on the news media.

  1. #11
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccmdfd View Post
    Not sure if this really belongs in the politics section or not since he's not really going after a particular political party but the news media in general. Also feel like DESTROYS might be a bit of a strong word for what he does.
    "If it bleeds, it leads" has been a rule of thumb for a very long time. People forget that the Pulitzer Prize was created to whitewash the yellow journalism of Joseph Pulitzer.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's shit alone, and be kind to one another. In other words, do not do unto others what is hateful to yourself.

  2. #12
    Site Supporter ccmdfd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie B View Post
    "If it bleeds, it leads" has been a rule of thumb for a very long time. People forget that the Pulitzer Prize was created to whitewash the yellow journalism of Joseph Pulitzer.

    I'm not familiar with his particular work. May have to look that up. Thanks

  3. #13
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    If our 2A, RKBA, and gun rights are perceived as being favored only by the country's political right/conservatives, then we'll end up fighting a losing battle. I'd like to think that we're past that point, and that there is substantial support in from the political center/moderates. I'd also like to welcome in the political left to guns/RKBA/2A, and to do it without the political baggage of other issues. We have got to find a way to have good faith conversations

    I'd much rather a world where the gun rights (and lasers and armor and computer code and drones, etc.) are accepted across the left-center-right, and for the political differences to focus on other issues.
    Per the PF Code of Conduct, I have a commercial interest in the StreakTM product as sold by Ammo, Inc.

  4. #14
    Bill Maher is above all things an iconoclast rather than a Liberal pundit--even though he is a liberal. Because he is an iconoclast, he will focus on all of the cringeworthy things and mistakes the Democrats make while in power.

  5. #15
    Here's an article on Free Press from the former (25 years) business editor at NPR:

    The new NPR CEO put him on suspension after the article was published, he then resigned.

    I watched an excerpt from a TED talk she did (NPR CEO) where she was arguing that pursuing objective truth is counter productive, since it leads to disagreements and gets in the way of "getting things done". "Holiday in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedys popped into my mind after that. I think the final line in the lyrics is:

    Holiday in Cambodia, where they get things done... PolPot!


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Tabasco View Post
    Here's an article on Free Press from the former (25 years) business editor at NPR:

    The new NPR CEO put him on suspension after the article was published, he then resigned.

    I watched an excerpt from a TED talk she did (NPR CEO) where she was arguing that pursuing objective truth is counter productive, since it leads to disagreements and gets in the way of "getting things done". "Holiday in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedys popped into my mind after that. I think the final line in the lyrics is:

    Holiday in Cambodia, where they get things done... PolPot!

    Here are the actual pertinent lyrics (actually looked it up):

    "Now you can go where people are one"
    "Now you can go where they get things done"

    I guess the rest of the lyrics fit as well, more utopian "end justifies the means" BS that ends the same.

  7. #17
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    Almost all publications, print or electronic, whether subscription-based or free, sell advertising space. That is their profit center. They make money by delivering eyeballs to ads. They only make money and survive if they cater, more or less, to their audience. If they don't, people stop reading, their numbers go down, their ad rates go down. Then they start laying off the staff that does the work of filling the publication-- reporters and editors. Quality goes down, more people stop reading, and the doom loop goes on.

    There's a market for MSNBC and Fox News, and so they survive.

    In print publications, sometimes some rich family or guy buys a paper and reworks it to fit their political persuasions. But if their political persuasion isn't somewhat matched by the local market, the paper will last only as long as they want to keep pumping their own money into it. Case in point: Pittsburgh, where two papers swung to the right in a union city. Readership dropped, ads dropped and the papers went into doom loops well before Covid. It's probably the largest city in the country without a daily newspaper. Even relatively tiny Norwich, CT has a daily paper.

    Some print publications survive on subscribers alone. There aren't many. But they still have to give the readers what they want to see.

    So when Maher and others decry the way the media does business, the way that they cater to their audience's notions, I wonder what world they think that they are living in. Because it ain't thins one.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's shit alone, and be kind to one another. In other words, do not do unto others what is hateful to yourself.

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