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Thread: Pistol-trainings take

  1. #11
    Site Supporter Chefdog's Avatar
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    I agree with a lot of what SLG said in that article, but not 100%. I consider myself lucky that I don’t have to wear typical business attire for work, but I can certainly appreciate the compromise some have to make to carry in that type of clothes, and the smaller “slimline” guns make a lot of sense for that situation. If I have to be as discreet as is possible, I’ll choose a 365xl on a Mastermind covert belt under my clothes, but that is not typical for me. When hanging out around the house doing chores or yard work, the 365xl is great for the sake of less bulk and the perception of less chance of needing a gun.
    I’m old enough to be slightly fudd-minded when I see grown men out in public in sweats and wife beaters. On the other hand, I’m young enough to not feel the need to wear slacks and a button up when I’m just out and about running errands and such. 99% of the time I’m in jeans and a tshirt if it’s warm, or a flannel or hoodie if it’s cool enough. In those type of clothes I don’t personally find it difficult to conceal g19 at all, and I’m far from a big guy. I just got back from the store today, it was only 50-ish and I chose to carry a g47 because it’s easy to conceal with a hoodie on. Everyone has their reasons, but I find it hard to see any logic in choosing a smaller, harder to shoot pistol because you can’t be bothered to wear a pair of jeans and a belt instead of jogging pants and a tight ass tshirt to the Walmart… YMMV, IMHO etc.
    Last edited by Chefdog; 04-21-2024 at 01:05 PM.

  2. #12
    Site Supporter Jay585's Avatar
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    @SouthNarc used to have a great thread on a similar topic over at his forum TPI.

    I think it was "Building Bruce Wayne" or something like that. It was more NPE office-type dressing, but still as a "regular" blue collar guy it had great info in it.
    "Well you know, it's a toolbox. You put the tools in for the job." Sam

  3. #13
    A relative of a friend of mine told me about growing up in Chicago. He had been mugged a number of times. I don’t know which kind but he did martial arts for years and in several one on ones he prevailed.

    He said The most important thing he learned was to have tight tennis shoes, so one could run (In his situation, muggings were almost never one on one) and Situational awareness. He also learned that taking on two or three people at a time was a fantasy if they were intent on fucking you up. He learned in short order that running was the best option.

    For me personally, if I ever leave the house in sub-shoes I always have a real pair of shoes in the car. In the winter, I frequently wear tennis shoes, but have a pair of appropriate weather shoes in the car.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay585 View Post
    @SouthNarc used to have a great thread on a similar topic over at his forum TPI.

    I think it was "Building Bruce Wayne" or something like that. It was more NPE office-type dressing, but still as a "regular" blue collar guy it had great info in it.
    That is one of the best threads in TPI. Headhunter started it.
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  5. #15
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    Basically the time I stopped worrying a lot about the gun shop counter wisdom that a larger gun was impossible to conceal was when, at an IDPA match I was asked if I wanted to put my gear on to go shoot because I was next. I smiled, lifted my t-shirt to show an empty G34 carried at 4:00, and kept taping.

    Since then, I've carried full size 1911s, M&Ps, a Beretta 92G, and never had an issue with concealment. I don't carry at my NPE job because the consequences of my heater flying into the MRI machine are really bad consequences and would very likely impact the people in my hospital (aside from being fired and getting arrested, the machine would have to be disassembled to remove a stuck metallic object, resulting in delay of care for patients)

    Lately, I just carry a G26 MOS day to day because it's light, easy to shoot, very comfortable, and I have to deal with asinine capacity restrictions.

    I see micro 9mm pistols as a superfluous compromise for my personal situation. A p365 or hellcat or 43x...those are all belt guns for someone of my dimensions. And if I'm carrying a belt gun...I might as well size up for better handling qualities while giving up nothing in concealment. That's at least a G26 to me.

    I get that the 365 is the future or whatever...but every version that shoots as well or better than something like a 26 is the bigger version, so why bother? Plus I have a ton of crap for Glocks already.

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  6. #16
    Site Supporter Crazy Dane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnO View Post

    How any self-respecting individual with the slightest tactical acumen can walk around in flip-flops in public I will never understand.

    It happens.

    Yesterday I went to help my FIL uncover his pool and get the pump running. I should have been prepared for the law of unintended consequence, but I did not and ended up in Lowes plumbing department wearing flipflops, cut offs and a tank top with a LCR shoved in a pocket.

  7. #17
    Member feudist's Avatar
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    The main thing I object to is terminology.
    The "Control" or "Support" hand is more properly referred to as "My other weak hand."

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Dane View Post
    ...I...ended up in Lowes plumbing department wearing flipflops, cut offs and a tank top with a LCR shoved in a pocket.
    Not gonna make it.

  9. #19
    Ready! Fire! Aim! awp_101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    The main thing I object to is terminology.
    The "Control" or "Support" hand is more properly referred to as "My other weak hand."
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  10. #20
    Four String Fumbler Joe in PNG's Avatar
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    One of the better lessons I've learned here is how the right holster & belt combo can make it possible to tote a larger firearm easily & comfortably under even a tshirt.
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