I'm not certain how deep or "unattractive" you want to dive on this, but here's what I currently do.
I think you are spot on at installing proper security door. My limited budget and now fixed income precludes that option for me at this time.
Let me preface this by saying that I live alone since my better half passed. I've layered things to give me a loud warning.
I do have door and window alarms and set up motion detectors at night. This is all Amazon and Home Depot gear.
I do have long, deep screws in all strike plates and attachment points.
My home is tri-level and I no longer have furry early warning critters.
I have several of these Sabre door stops. I even use one in my bedroom.
I also use Sabre 120 dB wedge alarms around the house. These suckers are Loud in my house.
I am always armed when dressed, or have firearms close at hand when in bed. It's not paranoia, just preparation.
I'll try an post a couple of pics. My Missus was totally onboard with these things when I worked 12-14 ER shifts before I retired.
Anecdotal: My 80 y old+ MIL used one of the Sabre door stops and during an illness episode it took some serious kicking by a Deputy to reach her. Not break down proof but certainly work surprisingly well and should make plenty of early warning noise and hopefully serve as a deterrent.
Living room door inside:
Bedroom door inside:
ETA: Good suggestions. FWIW I use 3 inch decking screws on my hinges and strike plate when I was altering the trim (just so I could make certain I was going into the framing).