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Thread: Do you want to be Buried, Cremated or COMPOSTED?

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyDuty View Post
    So, chipper?
    Beat me to it!
    Grab your gun and bring in the cat.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Ventura County
    Cremated…I have taken up enough space on this ball of dirt

  3. #13
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    Cremated and buried as part of an artificial reef seems to be as good as any.

  4. #14
    Last year when my Dad passed, we elected for a "natural burial" following his autopsy. I'm confident that I would like to be buried in the same manner.

  5. #15
    I'm of the mindset that I don't need the body, and funerals are for the living, not the dead. So I can go 1 of 2 ways, both if which please me to think of while still living, and will make 1 of 2 segments of my close peeps happy.

    Push me out into a lake on a longboat, flaming arrows, everyone gets roaringly drunk.

    Just toss me into a whole in the ground, put a nice sapling on top, fill with dirt. I like the idea of the next generation being able to visit a nice maple or oak tree, and be like, "oh, that's Uncle Joe."
    Hamilton certainly should have been working on his dry fire. - idahojess

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnO View Post
    I've just increased my vocabulary. Terramation!

    How should one look at this option? The tree huggers will be ecstatic. Perhaps you always wanted to sprinkle your mother-in-law on the lawn and have Fido defecate on her every day? Gives new depth of meaning to a Memorial Garden.

    Maybe the New York/New Jersey Mob was way ahead of their time digging holes in the Jersey Pine Barrens? Environmentalists! Who knew?

    Side note: I always figured they stuck Ted Kennedy in the ground at Arlington next to his brother JFK to keep the Eternal Flame going. Ted's alcohol content had to be good enough for 50 more years of flame.

    This got me going this morning. Government at it's best.

    Lawmakers Debut Debate Over Human Composting As Burial Option

    Buy a mushroom suit then find green burial location and get out the shovels.

  7. #17
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Sometime older than 90, somewhere in the mountains, drop dead, then be eaten by wolves.
    “There is no growth in the comfort zone.”--Jocko Willink
    "You can never have too many knives." --Joe Ambercrombie

  8. #18
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    In the desert, looking for water.
    Don’t know. Probably buried.

    Grandparents on one side were buried, on the other were cremated and put in a memorial garden.

    Last dog was cremated and is still on the shelf in a little wooden box, even though I planned to spread her ashes. Just can’t do it.

    A buddy’s mom died and was cremated, with funeral at the funeral home, according to plan. His older sibling never went and picked up mom’s urn as they had agreed. Several months passed, and the funeral home called him up and said that no one had picked up mom, and that he had like ten days to come pick her up or the urn would be disposed of (somehow or other).

    He hung up the phone and left work and went and picked up mom’s urn. And strapped mom in the back seat of his truck, and carried her around for a year or so in the back seat of his truck. Finally, he figured out what he wanted to do (sibling didn’t want anything to do with it) and he went up on top of a mountain his mom took him camping on when he was a kid, and spread her ashes.

    Another friend’s wife passed. At the funeral, there was no casket - just an urn sitting on a pedestal at the front of the church. At the end of the service, they put the urn in a velvet bag, and their little boy cuddled that bag and carried it out of the church. Tear-jerking.

    I don’t know. I think anything is really fine - I’ll be dead. I’d almost be as happy donating it to a university for an anatomy cadaver as anything else. Or eaten by wolves.
    Last edited by Duelist; 02-05-2023 at 02:01 PM.

  9. #19
    Modding this sack of shit BehindBlueI's's Avatar
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    Traditional Islamic burial rituals are simply washing the body, wrapping in a clean cloth, and depositing said body in a hole. I'd like the addition of a tree and I'd like to be buried on my own property. I can't, legally, though. Or rather it's foolishly expensive, requiring a $100k trust fund be set up to pay for tending my grave in perpetuity even if it's on my own land. I can be cremated and buried without a fund. Personally I think its stupid I need a fund to "tend" my grave even if I don't have a marker, which I also don't want. We're all 2-3 generations from being completely forgotten as anything other than a historical footnote or less and my ego doesn't require a monument to my date of birth and date of death. Gravestones are the original participation trophy.
    Sorta around sometimes for some of your shitty mod needs.

  10. #20
    Member Outlier's Avatar
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    I got a good belly laugh from this thread but I'm going with cremated.

    Mix my ashes with some gunpowder for shotgun shells or fireworks. Send me in to orbit or use me for target practice, take your pick.

    Though being turned into a tree doesn't sound bad either.

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