Now available on Kindle and Paperback: "How to have a law suit thrown at you faster than you can say 'take off that cross'."

A Sonoma State University student was ordered to remove a cross necklace by a supervisor who thought other students might find it offensive, in a case that prompted even one campus official to speculate that “political correctness got out of hand.”
Audrey Jarvis, 19, a liberal arts major at the northern California university, said she had no choice but to seek a “religious accommodation” in order to wear the cross. Her lawyer said she deserves an apology, and the school seems ready to oblige.
“It’s amazing in this day of diversity and tolerance on university campuses that a university official would engage in this type of obvious religious discrimination,” said Hiram Sasser, an attorney with Liberty Institute, which is representing Jarvis.
I'm not a religious person, but if by diversity/tolerance you mean anything is acceptable but what the majority of people stand for, then I guess you need to re-write Webster's for us knuckle-draggers.