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Thread: 5 of 19 indicted Austin PD officers suing city, SJW groups

  1. #1

    5 of 19 indicted Austin PD officers suing city, SJW groups

    Not a good town to be a cop in. This is NOT posted in GD.

    The lawsuit states “plaintiffs were ordered to respond and were given less than lethal beanbag rounds, for which they were provided no training and some of which proved to be defective or expired

    Adam Muery, the attorney representing the five officers, says they filed now because the statute of limitations for certain legal action stemming from the May 2020 protests expired last night.

    “We brought this suit now because it’s only been three months since their indictments and that’s when the fullest extent of damages became known to my clients. Because before that their damages were different,” said Muery.

    The Austin Police Department has previously addressed the faulty beanbag rounds
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  2. #2
    Site Supporter Lon's Avatar
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    Dayton, Ohio
    Hope they got it filed in time. My last lawsuit got tossed because they filed after the statute expired. There argument was like these guys - “we didn’t know the extent of the damages until later”. All the federal courts (Southern District of OH and the 6th Circuit) ruled in our favor and said the clock starts when the complainant knows “something” happened. Went all the way to SCOTUS, but they denied certiorari.
    Formerly known as xpd54.
    The opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not reflect the opinions or policies of my employer.

  3. #3
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    Moving any trial to another county would give the officers a better chance of winning. Maybe the city should give the cops paint ball guns with optics and require that cops only shoot protesters in the ass. Those with big lard asses could be shot twice.

  4. #4
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    I hope the officers prevail in their suit against both the City of Austin and the groups that undoubtedly encouraged and committed anarchy.

    An AAR on 2020's riots in "The Tactical Edge" addressed lack of sufficient training in less lethal weapons as a cause of unintended injuries during the riots. I suspect many agencies approached less-lethal training the same way my former department did with minimal initial or sustainment training. Training that may or may not be sufficient for dealing with a n armed offender alone in his backyard is clearly inadequate if the suspect is in a crowd of "mostly peaceful" protesters.
    This is especially true if the officers have never training to deploy less-lethals when wearing respirators.

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