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Thread: Electric vehicles catch-all thread

  1. #1
    Site Supporter rob_s's Avatar
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    Electric vehicles catch-all thread

    We have a thread on hybrid vehicles, and ones specific to the Hummer EV, the Mach E, and the Tesla Truck (maybe others, this is what I found with a quick search), and the Truck and Car threads have had tangents regarding EV, but I thought it might be interesting to consolidate and also talk about where the tech is headed. Based on some of those other threads it sounds like there are folks here that have some relevant professional experience as well.

    I think the topic can be pretty open, but if your sole contribution is “you ain’t takin mah vee ate” then maybe not reply?

    I myself would have never thought I would even consider an EV, but the Mach E started to turn my opinion with this video, and the Rivian has definitely gotten my attention by ALSO being innovative in ways that aren’t limited to the drivetrain.
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  2. #2
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    It will definitely be interesting to see the direction electric vehicles take in the next 30 years. I'm pretty sure accessible charging stations will keep popping up and more affordable EVs will keep coming to market.

    Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Site Supporter NH Shooter's Avatar
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    For the green factor, no. Short of recharging by solar or wind, who's kidding who?

    For the performance factor, hell yeah. There's something to be said for making torque at zero RPM.

  4. #4
    Site Supporter JohnO's Avatar
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    I drive a company car. A number of years ago my place was looking to appear the good corporate citizen. They decided to put everyone they could into EVs. Everyone with a fleet vehicle had to fill out a questioner used to determine if your job function and driving requirements could be accomplished with an EV. Included in the process was a company provided and installed charging station at the home.

    The program kicked off in another part of the country first, a pilot. We heard someone's home caught fire and sustained significant damage. The company installed charging station & car caught fire damaging the home. Years have passed and there is zero talk of going electric. The idea died fast.

  5. #5
    We had a deposit on a Tesla 3, to dip our feet into the EV thing, but my wife took to calling it Chairman Mao's car and put her foot down. She wants a Mamba green Cross Tourismo.
    Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.

  6. #6
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Chairman Mao's car, General Tso's chicken...what's next?

    The people's court?

    There's nothing civil about this war.

  7. #7
    I'd be interested in not going to gas stations anymore. I had some electrical work done on my house and had a 220V outlet put in my garage while they were at it. I think my next vehicle will plug in, but probably hybrid. Take a road trip a few times a year and just don't want the hassle.

  8. #8
    Electric vehicles make sense for commuter cars and low load short range work vehicles at this time. They are not logical for long range or high load applications.

    Electricity is not free and cannot be had from wind and solar in adequate amounts to support a large shift to electric vehicles.
    Nuclear power could fix this. California has rolling brownouts now in the summer what about when you put another 4 or 5 million electric cars on the grid.

    The Japanese have been slow to go electric because they believe hydrogen is a far better answer as it is truly zero emission unlike electricity.

    Remember it is not recommended to charge the batteries above 80% except on occasion for long trips so figure that into your mileage. Also performance is always measured at near full or full batteries .......try measuring performance at 30% battery.

    Comparable electric vehicles cost 30% more than ice vehicles yet resale value is poor even in my area where we have cheap hydroelectric power.

    Yes for all practical purposes the V8 is gone as we're going to go to smaller boosted motors. Service departments call that job security btw.
    If you're going to buy an electric vehicle for heavy use like a truck buy one from a manufacturer that knows how to build trucks.

    I love the idea of being able to charge my vehicle at home and never having to go to a gas station so it's ready to go every morning even if electricity cost is much as regular fuels.

    I don't know much about charging stations but was told by a guy no that he paid to use a rapid charger and it cost almost as much as filling up his other car.

    The industry is in its infancy and vehicles are likely to improve leaps and bounds over the next 5 years and prices should come more in line with ice vehicles.

    Smaller lighter batteries (The one in the upcoming avalanche weighs as much as a Honda Civic) and the ability to charge to 80% in 15 to 20 minutes are at the types of improvements that need to happen to be more mainstream. And pricing.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Navin Johnson View Post
    The Japanese have been slow to go electric because they believe hydrogen is a far better answer as it is truly zero emission unlike electricity.
    And where do they say the hydrogen is to come from?
    Code Name: JET STREAM

  10. #10
    I just want a Cyber truck so I can put a diesel generator in the back and when people ask me why, pause dramatically and say 'Bitcoin' throw on shades and drive off.

    I have a tri-motor reserved but I have absolutely no idea when it will show up, or if. I have lots of ways of producing my own electricity and very few of producing my own diesel, and I don't have a lot of faith in supply infrastructure scaling without hiccups.

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