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Thread: Feel good images and videos only!

  1. #261
    This was not easy for me to verify. Yes, it's in the Netherlands:

    So the manufacturer is "based in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands." (This is only 50 miles away from where I live, sometimes the world is small. )

    On the way I found out there is also a Berliner who developed such an e-trike. And a paraplegic woman from England, social entrepreneur and TV host, is "a passionate Can-Am rider" (modified for her).

    Last edited by P30; 01-29-2022 at 05:50 AM.

  2. #262
    Site Supporter
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    Quote Originally Posted by P30 View Post
    The woman riding with the dog in the trike - I would like to know, where this is. Do you know?
    Looks like Netherlands to me. But I only guess.
    Thanks for finding the answer to your question!
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

  3. #263
    Quote Originally Posted by RoyGBiv View Post
    Thanks for finding the answer to your question!
    My pleasure!

    Wow, Sophie Morgan, the English rider said something great (it's written on the page I've linked above):

    Why do you ride?

    I ride because I love nothing more in life than getting out to new places and seeing new things! I also ride to get out of my comfort zone and spice up my life. I had planned a trip around the world on my Ryker in 2020 with the hopes of being the first disabled woman to complete the adventure solo, but currently the trip is on hold due to the global pandemic.


    What advice would you give to other women who might be afraid or hesitant to try riding?

    As someone who is paralysed, I believe that any fears we might have are self limiting. Fear itself can be paralysing. So, we have to find a way to face those fears and ride towards them, knowing how good it will be on the other side!

    What is your biggest takeaway from Women of On-Road and riding?

    There is nothing more important than finding the thing you love and making sure you get out of your comfort zone. My role as a mentor is to help other women like me enjoy the road. So, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me!

    Awesome mindset! Also note the carbon fibers on her wheel-chair. If I should ever need one, it would have lots of carbon fibers on it (in order to make it light and fast).

  4. #264
    Member Bobaloo22's Avatar
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    Attachment 83478sorry I can’t embed the video or delete it

  5. #265
    No problem. We can imagine what the guy is doing.

    Tail-wagging big time, warming-up, jumping-up in order to kiss your face! And just fully enjoying life!

    At least this kind of stuff is what our dog used to do when he understood what's going on. "Rausgehen?" (="Going out?") was the trigger.
    Last edited by P30; 01-29-2022 at 11:15 AM.

  6. #266
    Site Supporter Rex G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobaloo22 View Post
    Attachment 83478sorry I can’t embed the video or delete it
    I found it:

    Longer version:
    Retar’d LE. Kinesthetic dufus.

    Don’t tread on volcanos!

  7. #267
    Hillbilly Elitist Malamute's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex G View Post

    Thats cute.

    My dog is closing in on 13, her hearing isnt so good any more, I clap out in the yard to get her attention to come in, and if she doesnt want to come in, have hand signals to tell her what I want. Shes usually the one to tell me its time to go for a walk though. Clicking the snap on the dog rope also gets her attention and she hears it.
    “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”
    ― Theodore Roosevelt

  8. #268

    Not an Image

    Sean Dietrich

    Brain Surgeon at TIME

    Studied Rocket Science at Harvard University

    Went to Harvard Law School

    Followed by 219,435 people

    “People are [beeping] awesome,” the young man’s email began. “People are really, [beeping] awesome.”

    The author’s name is Denny. He’s an 18-year-old a single dad in Charlotte, North Carolina. He works triple overtime just to pay for babysitting and food. He lives in a one-bedroom apartment. He earns squat for a living.

    Times have been tight for Denny, his checking account is on E. And ever since his wife died, Denny has been struggling.

    For dinner that night, he was going to make a frozen chicken pot pie for himself, and a feed his daughter a PBJ with pureed spinach. Gag me.

    When Denny got to the checkout-line conveyor belt, he met a teenager cashier. The cashier asked Denny if he would allow her to pay for his groceries. Denny refused, but the cashier kept insisting.

    Finally, Denny relented and let the young woman pay so he wouldn’t attract any more unwanted attention. When the transaction was finished, the girl told Denny flatly, “My father gives me this money and tells me to help anyone who needs help.”

    Denny thanked the young woman and said, “Your dad sounds like a great guy.”

    The cashier winked. “He thinks the same about you, sir.”

    On the way out to the car, Denny’s vocal 2-year-old asked him why he was crying.

    “Daddy’s just really happy, sweetie,” he said.

    Meantime, 413 miles north, in the sleepy hamlet of Canal Winchester, Ohio, we have Jenni. Allow me to introduce you.

    Jenni is early 50s, born in Ethiopia, but immigrated to the U.S. when she was in her 30s. The first thing you should know about Jenni is that she is a bit of an underachiever.
    After earning numerous college degrees, raising kids, and carving out a rewarding career with a major technology company, Jenni took a side-gig—why not?—driving for Uber on weekends.
    “The reason I drive Uber,” she told WSYX ABC Channel 6, “is to help others.”

    Which is putting it mildly. Among the reasons for Jenni’s side job was earning extra cash to send to Ethiopian orphanages. Simply put, Jenni is that rare kind of person so saintly she makes Santa look like a jerk.

    One spring day, Jenni got a call for an Uber. On the phone was the aged voice of an 88-year-old man named Paul. Jenni felt an instant connection.

    After giving Paul a few Uber rides, they really hit it off. Jenni took a special interest in the old man. She started hanging out at his house. She began visiting on weekends, or just to shoot the bull.

    Not long thereafter, Paul started going downhill healthwise. His dementia became worse, until it was soon obvious that Paul needed round-the-clock care.

    The decision was a cinch for Jenni. She quit her job with Uber and became Paul’s caregiver. She took a 50-percent pay cut without hesitation.

    Currently, Paul and his new caregiver spend a lot of time together. They visit the supermarket together, they run errands, they visit doctors, and they often finish out their days at O’Charley’s, eating platefuls of saturated fat.

    When asked why Jenni chose to become a caregiver for a total stranger, Jenni answered:

    “Sometimes you don’t know what you’re created for. I am created for taking care of others.”

    And now let’s travel 1,032 miles southward into middle Florida (state motto: “Ask about our grandkids!”).

    Meet Mason. Mason is 46 and lives in an average subdivision, with an average suburban lifestyle. He has a beautiful wife, a Mr. Coffee machine, two-point-six kids, and he actually owns a genuine picket fence. “I just like the way it looks,” says Mason.

    One day, Mason caught a young woman behind his garage, stealing water from Mason’s hosepipe.

    The girl bolted. She carried a bucket of sloshing water down the street, sprinting away from him. Mason chased the kid until they reached a ramshackle house several blocks away.
    Mason’s middle-aged quadriceps were about to rupture, and his glutes had already gone to be with the Lord. He confronted the young woman and asked why she was stealing water, but the answer became immediately clear.

    The young woman’s family was living in a dilapidated house without running water or electricity.

    The next day, Mason made a few visits to local utility company offices and, voila, the needy family’s power and water was restored.

    Mason tells me, however, that he has no idea where the 82 random bags of groceries anonymously left on the family’s porch came from.
    “Beats me,” said Mason.

    Let me close by saying this: Yesterday morning I made the mistake of watching cable news while eating my Cornflakes. A journalist with a perky haircut eagerly informed me about a high-school-age shooting, numerous car wrecks, rapes, drug busts, and about how a woman was charged with murder for allegedly kicking a pregnant woman.

    To finish the broadcast, the news anchor capped things off with a feel-good story about the world’s lengthiest recorded lightning bolt, clocking in at 477 miles long.


    Before I had finished my cereal, I felt like someone had slapped me with a rolling pin. I began to wonder how this world could possibly become any uglier. I freely admit, I was feeling pretty low.

    But then my phone dinged. It was an email from some guy named Denny. “People are [beeping] awesome…” his message began.

    And the heck of it is, I know he’s right.

    I think so, to.
    Adding nothing to the conversation since 2015....

  9. #269
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    La dolce Velveeta

    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's shit alone, and be kind to one another. In other words, do not do unto others what is hateful to yourself.

  10. #270
    Is the boy you were proud of the man you are?

    Fimbo iliyo mkononi, ndio iuwayo nyoka!

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