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Thread: COVID-19 vaccines: medical concerns and recommendations

  1. #211
    Abducted by Aliens Borderland's Avatar
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    Delta Variant Surge May Make Unvaccinated Americans Less Likely To Get The Shot, Poll Finds

    The Harris poll, conducted July 9-11 among 2,003 U.S. adults, found 62% of unvaccinated respondents believe “the Delta variant makes me second guess whether I should even get vaccinated.”

    Those fears appear to be driven by concerns over how well Covid-19 vaccines protect against the variant—even though all three approved vaccines are broadly effective against the Delta strain—and 51% of vaccinated respondents said the variant makes them question the efficacy of their vaccine.
    My apologies if that's behind a pay wall.
    In the P-F basket of deplorables.

  2. #212
    Site Supporter psalms144.1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borderland View Post
    Delta Variant Surge May Make Unvaccinated Americans Less Likely To Get The Shot, Poll Finds

    SNIP My apologies if that's behind a pay wall.
    During my time in the Pearl of the Antilles, I had plenty of opportunities to spend time on the street, just chatting with the local Haitian population. As we were coming into an election cycle, the Embassy wanted to know the level of public support for the upcoming elections, and the feeling on the street about how "legitimate" they would be.

    The most frequent response I got was "I voted last time. Nothing changed. Why vote again?"

    Editorial comment: "last time" was the first vaguely free election held in Haiti in, I don't know, forever?

    Moral of the story is: people who don't want to take the vaccine and don't trust the government are NEVER going to take the fucking vaccine or trust the (current) administration. I chalk part of this up the the public health systems absolutely fucking abysmal communications strategy on this issue, the the current administration's predilection towards heavy handed, Stalinist type responses. BUT, the vast majority of this is based on personally held beliefs that will NEVER change on this issue, because it's become emotional and political, no science or logic involved.

    I can't believe I'm even typing this response, frankly, I'm so fucking fed up with both extreme sides of this debate. Here's the truth: as stated by President Trump's head of the WARP SPEED initiative, if you're not vaccinated, you WILL get the Delta variant. That's a pretty strong fucking prediction. If you get it, you might shrug it off, or you might die. If you are vaccinated, you might get D, but your chances of a bad outcome are VERY small.

    So, basically, if your mind is made up that you're NEVER getting the vaccine, DON'T. JUST STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT WHY OTHER PEOPLE SHOULDN'T.

    If you're already vaccinated, or in the process, great. JUST STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT WHY EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD.

    Let those who refuse the vaccine roll the dice and live or die. Everyone I care about is vaccinated, or I've given up trying to convince them, and will pray like a mother fucker if they get D.

  3. #213
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    I know I'm not going to change anybody's mind, and don't intend to do so.

    But getting vaccinated not only has an effect on the individual that "rolls the dice", but also on the spread of the epidemic and thus general welfare.
    The vaccines prevents you from getting infected at all in a significant percentage, and in the case you do get infected (symptomatic or not) they also prevent you from spreading the virus as much as without vaccination, lowering the viral loads and the period of time you are contagious.

    Every sick person is a small loss for us all, due to economic contraction, government help, etc., even if he/she recovers fully.

    Every sick person that gets to the hospital drains it from much needed resources. Every person that stays in ICU for a few weeks is lots of $$$$ down the drain.

    In countries like mine, the economic burden has been tremendous.

  4. #214
    Member Baldanders's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WDR View Post
    We are. No doubt about that at all in my mind. Short of vaxxing everyone on the planet for perpetuity, this crap isn't going away. Ever. Masks. Vaccines. Distancing. None of those really will slow it down, IMHO.

    Your third sentence is a bit over the top though. Not everyone that is vaxxed avoids complications, though it seems the vast majority do. And not everyone who isn't vaccinated ends up in a hospital ICU either. Hell, a good portion of folks are probably spreading it without ever getting sick or only having minimal symptoms, easily written off as something else. Without widespread surveillance of the population as a whole, no one really knows how many asymptomatic carriers are out there.

    I have so far chosen not to be vaccinated, as I don't work with the general public, and my personal "bubble" is pretty small. I've been working throughout this whole pandemic (essential don't ya know), and honestly resigned myself to the fact that I was likely to be exposed at some point. I'm fairly healthy, without any major known comorbidity, and not in a highly risky age group.

    I may have actually had covid at the very beginning (late Feb/earl March 2020), as there was a bug that went around work that had a lot of similar symptoms. I never lost taste or smell, but I did have 2-3 days of zero energy, fatigue, chills, and maybe a mild fever. I never got tested when I was first sick, because I didn't meet the testing requirements/presenting symptoms at that time. Afterwords I had a good 6-8 weeks of a dry, non-productive cough, and a general feeling of fatigue, and some shortness of breath/rapid heart rate. 3-4 weeks after my original sickness, with my dry cough persisting, I went to urgent care (really, a heated tent in the parking lot), was given some antibiotics, and sent, with a doctors order, to get a covid test. That whole process, even with an order from a doc for the test, was a giant Charlie Foxtrot. At first they wouldn't test me. Eventually I did get swabbed, and waited 3 days for a negative result, before I was allowed to come back to work. I figure if I did have it, after almost a month I probably wouldn't have shown a positive result at that time. I never have bothered to get tested for antibodies. Whatever it was, sucked for a good long while.

    I had recently been considering getting the shots, because I'd like to get back into physical therapy for my shoulder ( I had surgery back in January, PT'd like hell in March/April/June, and still ended up with a "frozen shoulder"). When I was going before, masks were required, vaxxed or not. I don't care for wearing a mask all the time, but I've worn them where asked/required, particularly in places like a hospital or doctors office. They lifted the restrictions for vaccinated patients just before I chose to take a break from therapy to allow the frozen shoulder to resolve itself. I was assuming that they'd ask me to mask up if I went back, and being able to go without, was looking better all the time. That in and of itself would be a dumb reason to get the shots, so I have still been in a holding pattern. With the CDC recommending even vaccinated people wear masks indoors again, I don't think having the shots will matter if I go back to PT in a month or so. The risk of new strains etc bothers me slightly, but I mostly just figure its never going to go totally away at this point, unless it somehow burns itself out ( which seems unlikely).

    Back on the fence I go... I may eventually get the shots. I don't normally get a flu shot (I've felt like I had the flu a couple times after, and had a rough bout with H1N1 despite a shot that year), but I've always been fine with other vaccinations. Something about this one just seems overly forced, which makes me suspicious. It seems to have obvious benefits, but I do wonder about long term effects, and the reported side effects, which are, admittedly, probably not outside the norms of most other vaccines. The fact that the makers of the shots haven been given immunity to liability, bothers me a bit, though I can understand why that would be put into play, when trying to ramp up a new vaccine in short time frames.

    Long rambling post coming to and end here soon: I feel like the vaccine and covid has been politicized by all sides, propagandized by all sides, and I just don't trust anything at this point. The CDC has flip-flopped on things too much for my taste. I feel like if folks want to get it, they should. I feel like the push/shame/propaganda effort in the media has backfired, and brought about much of the pushing back and "anti-vaxxer" attitude. Plenty of DNA changing 5G nanomachine baloney muddying the waters too. I'd rather err on the side of risky freedom, than a locked down "safe" state... that isn't, and harbors other dangers, of greater threat than a mere virus.

    Straying a bit into the politics there, so I hope that can be forgiven. I just wish folks would be less of a nosy neighbor/Karen, and live and let live. I've enjoyed reading the opinions of everyone, and also some of the data points and articles that have been presented. Particularly those in the medical field with first hand experience. I think we here on P-F do a better job talking things out, and presenting the facts of the issues at hand, than a lot of the other corners of the internet.
    Just a thought: getting caught up in the politics of the messaging of covid isn't a good way to make decisions about it.

    I am pretty obviously supportive of the idea of near-universal vaccination. But I have viewed CDC messaging with truckloads of salt for at least a year. I don't really depend on their input on my decision making. There is plenty of good info from other sources. Like @pangloss, @Sensei, and Neph. Too bad I can't point non-PFers to somewhere with a discussion as accessible and intelligent as the PF one.

    We lucked out with our member mix during this epidemic.

  5. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Baldanders View Post
    Just a thought: getting caught up in the politics of the messaging of covid isn't a good way to make decisions about it.

    I am pretty obviously supportive of the idea of near-universal vaccination. But I have viewed CDC messaging with truckloads of salt for at least a year. I don't really depend on their input on my decision making. There is plenty of good info from other sources. Like @pangloss, @Sensei, and Neph. Too bad I can't point non-PFers to somewhere with a discussion as accessible and intelligent as the PF one.

    We lucked out with our member mix during this epidemic.
    For sure. I'm not basing my reluctance to be jabbed on what some politician (or the media, or some goober on social media) has to say about it. I'm skeptical and distrusting of a lot of things, by nature. Maybe that makes me a fool. I just think folks should talk to their own doctors if they wish, do some research and decide for themselves what they should do. All of my closer family have chosen to get it. I am the lone holdout. I had my brother basically attacked me, and called me "Jenny McCarthy" when I conveyed my reasons for reluctance... And he's normally pretty level-headed. Meanwhile, I didn't bash or criticize anyone around me who chose to get the shots.

    I was concerned about my stepson, being a young teen, and having pectus excavatum (a condition in which a person's breastbone is sunken into his or her chest, and can impact lung/heart function) and hearing about the heart inflammation issues with younger men/boys. My wife spoke with his primary doctor, and he suggested the boy be vaccinated. He wanted the shot, and my wife took him and had him get the Pfizer shot. I have not seen much info about his condition, and how covid or side effects from the shots might impact him. Luckily, so far, his case seems to not be impacting his health to a great degree. He may eventually have surgery to correct it, which is a pretty major/risky undertaking.

    Unfortunately, there will never be universal vaccination. And that means this crud will continue to be around for a long time. I'm skeptical that it will ever go away, even in places that have high vax rates. From a medical perspective, I think its been proven that they are effective, and are generally safe, but I do still worry about (seemingly unlikely) long term effects, since there simply hasn't been all that much time passed to study those. I think that is my biggest holdup, besides the mass propagandizing from both sides.

    Having folks like the ones you've mentioned here on P-F has swayed me to considering the shots more carefully, and I greatly appreciate them being here and willing to share, even in the face of some irrational arguments.

  6. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by WDR View Post
    ... but I do still worry about (seemingly unlikely) long term effects, since there simply hasn't been all that much time passed to study those. I think that is my biggest holdup...

    WDR, thank you for a thoughtful point of view. I respectfully note that COVID does seem to have long term and even permanent effects in some victims. I would weigh that risk against the potential of unknown long term risks of the vaccine, which so far seem to be very unlikely. I am personally glad for the vaccine and for the decision I made to get it.

  7. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Baldanders View Post
    There is plenty of good info from other sources. Like @pangloss, @Sensei, and Neph. Too bad I can't point non-PFers to somewhere with a discussion as accessible and intelligent as the PF one.

    We lucked out with our member mix during this epidemic.
    Can't really express how much I agree with this. I had the unfortunate experience of having my mother's medical team's ear. GP, a surgeon, two oncologists and their staff, plus my daughter whose a NICU RN plus all the most excellent info on P-F. It made my decision a whole lot easier, I can promise that at least. I even shared some stuff posted here with my daughter and even got to converse with a member here in regards to damage from COVID that my son-in-law suffers from. It's greatly appreciated!

  8. #218
    Quote Originally Posted by psalms144.1 View Post

    So, basically, if your mind is made up that you're NEVER getting the vaccine, DON'T. JUST STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT WHY OTHER PEOPLE SHOULDN'T.

    If you're already vaccinated, or in the process, great. JUST STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT WHY EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD.
    I really like this. What weighs heavily on my mind, though, and why I wish more people would get the shots, is several loved ones of mine who use to genetic conditions, both cannot get the vaccine, and are not good candidates for coming out of a bout with COVID unscathed. Those people are really in a tough spot.

  9. #219
    Site Supporter Sensei's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe S View Post
    I really like this. What weighs heavily on my mind, though, and why I wish more people would get the shots, is several loved ones of mine who use to genetic conditions, both cannot get the vaccine, and are not good candidates for coming out of a bout with COVID unscathed. Those people are really in a tough spot.
    What genetic conditions? To the best of my knowledge, there are no genetic conditions that are contraindications to immunization.
    I like my rifles like my women - short, light, fast, brown, and suppressed.

  10. #220
    Deadeye Dick Clusterfrack's Avatar
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    Moved a bunch of posts to the Politics Discussion thread in an attempt to keep this thread focused on medical concerns and recommendations.
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