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Thread: Columbus Ohio 04/20/21 OIS

  1. #141
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Blue Ridge Mtns
    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrero View Post
    View from a neighbor's security camera:
    Well, at least she clearly stated her intent, with excellent grammar.
    There's nothing civil about this war.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Nobody is talking about how a 14 yo girl tried to stab someone knowing the police were on the scene.

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  3. #143
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    What would that guy know about stabbing people to death, anyways? Like he’s some sort of expert on the topic...

    The most powerful and harmful influence Trump has had on our politics…has been the effect on his opponents. They have been triggered into an orgy of self-mutilation—eager to amputate their own history and disfigure their own political traditions.

  4. #144
    Lebron James is a basketball player, is he not?
    I refer you to Heinlein on the subject:

    [T]here seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously-after all, if an athlete is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important ... so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.
    Code Name: JET STREAM

  5. #145
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    Living across the Golden Bridge , and through the Rainbow Tunnel, somewhere north of Fantasyland.
    I confess, I'm tired of dancing around these topics. Of not speaking the plain, honest truth. The lies and distortions are now beyond absurd, and that is part of the plan. As Voltaire said, "Those who can make you believe absurdity, can make you commit atrocity." This last year has been an unremitting assault on the culture, laws, traditions and values of our civilization. And those attacks have been based on distortions, willful ignorance, and flat out lies.

    For some time, I've been afraid of the internal developments I've been seeing in big city Law Enforcement. There has been a wholesale abandonment of the traditional law "enforcement" role, as it has always existed....i.e. a focus on those who have been considered "outlaws" due to their rejection of the larger societies laws and values. The Police, in this model, function as the enforcement arm of society for those laws and values. They also were intended to uphold the Rule of Law.....rather than Mob Rule or decree. Granted, this has been imperfectly applied throughout our history. Human societies and institutions are made up of imperfect, fallen human beings after all.

    But in the last few years, there has been a concerted political effort, driven entirely from the political left, to upend that ideal in favor of a tribalist based approach to a redefined concept of "Justice". Our focus has slowly been turning away from those who society would traditionally have considered criminals....and turned towards the so called Law Abiding population. The concept of "Equity" is key to this movement.

    Several years ago a Lieutenant in my department came up with a 'pledge' that all officers were encouraged to recite together out loud. It was big not only on the issue of biased included overt and direct calls to not tolerate, and to confront, bias on the part of members of the public. I pointed out how grotesquely inappropriate the language of the pledge was in this regard, and that it was essentially calling for us to be Thought Police.

    Fast forward a few years to now, and our soon to be adopted revised Use of Force policy. During the discussions and planning at the Training Division about the implementation of this policy, I pointed out how these changing priorities were the result of, and were causing, Moral Confusion. The Moral Calculus that has been part of our civilization for several centuries (i.e. Innocent life takes priority over the life of the criminal whose actions have caused the risk) is no longer 'valid'. The new calculus states that every life must be weighed equally from a law enforcement perspective....including the violent criminal actors. The fact that this makes Law Enforcement Use of Deadly force inherently immoral in all cases, and makes its use essentially 'criminal', is not in my opinion an unintended consequence.

    During our brainstorming of various scenarios of how these policy changes would play out, there was widespread acknowledgement that these policies necessarily mean that we let some innocent people die, in order to avoid the use of deadly force. My fellow use of force instructors were, I'm ashamed to say, okay with that. That is just considered the new way we do business. There's a great deal of "Get on board or get left behind!" talk in these discussions. Getting on the reform train is seen as key to promotion....and that is becoming the entire point of a career in my agency.

    This attitude is also, I fear, the result of the endless attacks on Law Enforcement throughout the last few years. I often hear talk about how LE has lost the public's trust. I'm here to tell you that cops don't at all trust the public in a lot of places anymore either. Which one do you think is a greater threat to a free society?

    We are on a road to some bad shit, my friends. Unless the good people of our nation who just want to be left alone, get off their asses and get involved...and pretty damn quick...this is gonna spiral out of anybodys ability to control it. My 2 cents.

  6. #146
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    @AMC Very well put, and I don't envy your situation.

    My tongue in cheek (out of frustration) response on another board today was that the officer should have loudly shouted "You go, girl!" to no one in particular.

    Since it could be interpreted that he was supporting both parties, one to continue stabbing, one to flee, his actions could only be deemed positive, and in no way discriminatory nor racist.

    Besides, it was only a typical teen knife fight...with no need for police involvement or intervention. What could go wrong?

    There's nothing civil about this war.

  7. #147
    "I grew up in Prince George's County MD and this thread confuses me," said this guy who is fortunate to have been in knife (and scissors) fights with people who had no idea what they were doing.

    Blades are scary and hands bleed a lot!

  8. #148
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    Excellent post by @AMC.

    I wish I had FTOs/veteran officers like him, @BehindBlueI's, @Dagga Boy, @blues, and many others on here when I first started. Would have been a game changer and would have helped me, and my fellow new officers, out a lot.

    There is an old school pot head janitor I know that used to run with a pretty rough crowd. One of the other janitors has been to the pen and been handled by the cops a few times in the past. Guys like them are pro police and have no animosity against cops and know that if your comply things go well.

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNewbie View Post
    Excellent post by @AMC.

    I wish I had FTOs/veteran officers like him, @BehindBlueI's, @Dagga Boy, @blues, and many others on here when I first started. Would have been a game changer and would have helped me, and my fellow new officers, out a lot.

    There is an old school pot head janitor I know that used to run with a pretty rough crowd. One of the other janitors has been to the pen and been handled by the cops a few times in the past. Guys like them are pro police and have no animosity against cops and know that if your comply things go well.

    You have the ability to affect change. Maybe not at the moment, maybe not in your career, maybe not in your life, but you have to do what is right, always...

    You can't live your life fearing the judgement of others...but you have to meet your standards of behaviour...don't fail the cops that come after you by setting a poor example...


  10. #150
    Modding this sack of shit BehindBlueI's's Avatar
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    I haven't read through the thread, but it's pretty ridiculous when saving a life from a bad actor is a now controversial.

    For those who are surprised adults are just standing around, there's a solid chance the adults arranged it. Gladiatorial combat of juveniles for family honor and neighborhood entertainment is a real thing in certain communities.
    Sorta around sometimes for some of your shitty mod needs.

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