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Thread: 2021 Fitness & Weight Loss Challenge

  1. #81
    Site Supporter 0ddl0t's Avatar
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    Feb 2019
    Week 8: Dropped another 2 minutes off my 10K and am no longer considered obese based on the Navy body fat percentage (I celebrated by ordering a Phlster Enigma). On the other hand, with my BMI now under 35 I no longer qualify for a Covid19 vaccine mid March and will instead have to wait until June or July...

    -- JAN 06 Dexa scan: 28.6% body fat --
    Week___Weight_highBIA_lowBIA_NavyBF_Lean_Fat_ Calories
    JAN 01-07: 244.5__31.9%__N/A____30.9%__167.8_76.8__1811
    JAN 08-14: 239.9__32.6%__27.4%__28.8%__169.3_70.6__2190
    JAN 15-21: 236.3__31.9%__27.3%__27.4%__169.0_67.3__1834
    JAN 22-28: 234.4__30.6%__26.0%__26.4%__170.3_64.1__1883
    JAN 29-F4: 231.4__30.3%__25.9%__25.5%__169.5_61.9__2103
    FEB 05-11: 229.1__29.1%__24.7%__25.3%__169.3_59.8__2268
    FEB 12-18: 226.8__27.9%__24.0%__25.4%__168.6_58.2__2489
    FEB 19-25: 225.3__27.4%__23.4%__24.9%__168.7_56.6__2704

    10K time:
    Jan 31: 72:13
    Feb 14: 68:40
    Feb 24: 66:23

  2. #82
    Modding this sack of shit BehindBlueI's's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    01/01/2021 : 221.6

    01/16/2021: 217.2

    01/31/2021: 213.6

    02/14/2021: 212.6

    02/28/2021: 208.4
    Sorta around sometimes for some of your shitty mod needs.

  3. #83
    Space Monkey Mafia Guerrero's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrero View Post
    Almost 180 today. I've been stress-eating a lot. Need to get that under control. Thought my pants were a little snug, but didn't think it was this bad.
    I stepped on the scale this morning and said, "You gotta be f'ing kidding me."


    I thought I had cut back, but the scale doesn't lie.
    I'm a "7" compared to most gun-guys, which means I'm a "3" on P-F.

  4. #84
    Cooper-Test (= 12 min running)
    02/27/2021: 2060 m // relaxed jogging, heart frequency only for 3:51 min in yellow zone
    Goal: 2700 m

    Push-ups in 2 min (real push-ups, all the way down and all the way up)
    02/27/2021: 31 // did not fight for my life but gave pretty much
    Goal: 40

  5. #85
    Hokey / Ancient JAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAD View Post
    01.02 checkin: 174.6, 619 calories under my 1627 daily budget for the month (only calories consumed count, workouts aren't considered), 22 workouts for an average of 234 calories each.

    I'd call that 6 pounds lost for the month where most requirements were met. That's less loss than I would expect for that calorie count, so I bet I cheat with respect to portion size when counting calories; that's what I'll try hardest to fix in February.
    01.03 checking: 176.1, didn’t track calories much of the month but had some problematic evening eating. 16 workouts, about half cardio.

    Need to manage my evening meal better and track a little better on working out.
    Ignore Alien Orders

  6. #86
    Site Supporter EricM's Avatar
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    Down 7.2 in February. Doing 5x5 consistently, but cardio has been sporadic at best, need to work on that in March.

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  7. #87
    Modding this sack of shit BehindBlueI's's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrero View Post
    I stepped on the scale this morning and said, "You gotta be f'ing kidding me."


    I thought I had cut back, but the scale doesn't lie.
    I don't know how often you weigh yourself, but I find I swing +/-2.5 even if weighing in daily. Water retention, bowel load, mucus, the inherent inconsistency of any given scale, etc. If I had just weighed in on certain days, I'd have lost zero weight last week. Other days I'd have lost nearly 5 lbs. So, in short, don't get discouraged over one weigh in.
    Sorta around sometimes for some of your shitty mod needs.

  8. #88
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrero View Post
    I stepped on the scale this morning and said, "You gotta be f'ing kidding me."


    I thought I had cut back, but the scale doesn't lie.
    Hell thats nothing.

    This morning mine said “One at a time, please.”

  9. #89
    Join Date
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    northern Virginia
    I'm now monitoring this thread.

    In my 30s and 40s, I did a ton of triathlons, marathons, ultramarathons, and bike races. I wasn't a heavy trainer, but between swimming, running, and biking, I consistently averaged 7-10 hours a week. I'm 5'9" and have always been a bit broad, so compared to the skinny runners I was slow, but I could still run 10 miles at 7:30 pace. I did OK in the triathlons - I couldn't keep up with the truly gifted athletes, but I finished in the top 20-25 percent and even qualified (barely) for the National championships one year. In addition to my training, I was super active with kids, yard work, and everything else. It was rare that I had a quiet night or a couple of hours of freedom. During my 30s and 40s, I didn't worry too much about what I ate, because I was burning lots of calories.

    When I turned 50, I had a series of small surgeries (two in the feet, and one in the knee), and a few other injuries (including a bad case of plantar fasciitis), and got burned out. I also changed jobs then, and my new schedule made it harder to keep up the training. But through my 50s, I kept eating like I was 10 or 20 years younger and training a lot.

    I turn 60 in a few months, and reality is starting to creep in. A friend of mine, and several business associates have died from heart attacks while in their 50s. My friend was quite overweight and didn't exercise, but a couple of weeks ago a guy in our group who a year younger than me died during a run. My dad had a heart attack at 62, but he had a very poor lifestyle - lifetime smoker, no exercise, and a *very* heavy drinker. Then the other day my wife and I were talking about blood pressure, so we got out the machine and measured ours, and mine had crept up a bit. That prompted me to look at my historical BP measurements in my health record, and while doing that, I noticed that my weight has crept up also. I was never a skinny guy, and your metabolism changes in your 50s, but it was still a little alarming.

    My wife and had a good discussion. We eat pretty well, but we snack too much, and our portions are too big. Snacking comes from idle time - if we're not busy, too often we'll stuff our faces. We agreed to cut down on that - if we need a snack, we'll eat an orange or banana, or just forgo it altogether. Last night we implemented our portion control -- we both got takeout spaghetti, and instead of eating the entire portion, we both only ate half and put the other half in the refrigerator. The old version of me would have scarfed down the entire portion. A couple of weeks ago we decided to try to reduce added sugar in our diet. We're pretty good already in that department.

    In my late 50s, my exercise took a hit, and it became almost non-existent the first half of last year. I was president of our running club, which kept me motivated, but then we stopped having group runs until June. My mother also passed away in April, so dealing with her the last several years has taken a toll on my exercise. But last July, things started getting back to normal, and I resumed exercising consistently. I stopped swimming a couple of years ago, and I don't think I'll ever run or cycle as heavily as I did, but I did take up tennis, and have found that to be both challenging and good exercise (and something I've been able to do during the pandemic). The last several months, I've been averaging over 30 hours of month of tennis, and a little bit of running and biking on top of that, so that's an average of over an hour a day. I have been neglecting my running, but I don't feel too bad about that because I've been playing so much tennis. I try to schedule at least one complete rest day a week; I learned the importance of rest from my triathlon days. Yeah, I should probably do some strength training or yoga, but I've always favored cardiovascular or endurance sports.

    My goal is to lose about 20 pounds. I'm going to do that through diet, mostly through portion control, reducing snacking, and reducing added sugar. A secondary goal is to get closer to my old running form, which I'll do be losing some pudge, and running more.

  10. #90
    Site Supporter
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    Quote Originally Posted by BehindBlueI's View Post
    I don't know how often you weigh yourself, but I find I swing +/-2.5 even if weighing in daily. Water retention, bowel load, mucus, the inherent inconsistency of any given scale, etc. If I had just weighed in on certain days, I'd have lost zero weight last week. Other days I'd have lost nearly 5 lbs. So, in short, don't get discouraged over one weigh in.
    It is a personal decision on how you load your bowel, right? Asking for a friend.


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