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Thread: New Car Buying Shennanigans

  1. #31
    Wow, I have had an awesome sales experience with multiple transactions with Ressler Toyota in Bozeman, Kendall Porsche in Anchorage and LaMesa RV in Phoenix. That is buying and selling. I call the sales manager and typically do the whole deal on the phone. I make sure the relationship is reciprocal, and while I want a good deal, I leave enough there for them that I am a high value customer. The Toyota has bought four of my Tacomas and 4Runners at top prices. You probably just need to find a good dealer and cultivate a win/win relationship.
    Likes pretty much everything in every caliber.

  2. #32
    Site Supporter JodyH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Watson View Post
    But it is 50 or more miles to the Mazda dealer, which makes me reluctant to consider a new or still in warranty Mazda.
    LOL... big city people worries.
    It's 100 miles to the closest Subaru and Hyundai dealers (or Mazda, Honda, Kia, Toyota, Lexus, Volvo, BMW, Audi, basically any maker except shitty domestics) for me.
    Only time I ever had a warranty issue on my wife's Volvo (AC compressor locked up solid) they sent a flatbed truck to pick it up at my house and brought it back a few days later when they were done.
    "For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night."
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  3. #33
    Site Supporter Bigghoss's Avatar
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    Had that happen twice when looking at trucks online. The last time I asked what the price was and if it had a specific feature I was looking for. She had the audacity to ask me what I though I'd be willing to pay for a vehicle. Turns out the price varies depending on how much they think they can get out of you. I asked her if she thought I was a fucking idiot and if she thought we were playing some stupid game and continued to rant for a bit. She emailed me back apologizing profusely and had a price finally. I told her that price was insane and even if I thought it was fair they could get fucked for treating customers like that. If you have something for sale, you list the damn price.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattyD380 View Post
    Because buying cool, interesting guns I don't need isn't a decision... it's a lifestyle...

  4. #34
    Site Supporter Coyotesfan97's Avatar
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    My father in law takes luggage to the dealership to see if it’ll fit in the trunk of the car he’s looking at. If it doesn’t fit he walks. The salesmen apparently aren’t used to that.

    I might’ve posted this one before. Another time he was looking at a Buick. The sales guy gave him their final price. He asked to drive the car again. He drove it to the nearest rival Buick dealership and told them dealer X said this was their best price. They beat that price and he bought it there. He asked them how he could get the car back to X and they laughed saying don’t worry we’ll drive it back.
    Just a dog chauffeur that used to hold the dumb end of the leash.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Coyotesfan97 View Post
    He asked to drive the car again. He drove it to the nearest rival Buick dealership and told them dealer X said this was their best price. They beat that price and he bought it there.
    Years ago a coworker was on a test drive and the car ran out of gas. Coasted into a rival brand dealer and ended up buying something there.

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  6. #36
    Revolvers Revolvers 1911s Stephanie B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coyotesfan97 View Post
    My father in law takes luggage to the dealership to see if it’ll fit in the trunk of the car he’s looking at. If it doesn’t fit he walks. The salesmen apparently aren’t used to that.
    I did that with a case that can hold two rifles. It fit, barely, but it fit.

    I can think of one time in buying a car that I’m still somewhat astonished that I didn’t try to beat the salesman with a folding chair.

    In ‘81, I test-drove a Chevelle. The interior had a panel missing. I told the salesman that I had wanted to time the 0-60 acceleration time, but I had left my calendar at home. (It probably could outrace a Trabant.)

    I hate buying cars. I’d go to the dentist, weekly, instead. I’d go for monthly colonoscopies, instead. Which is why I’m driving an ‘05 Accord with 160k on the clock.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's shit alone, and be kind to one another. In other words, do not do unto others what is hateful to yourself.

  7. #37
    Hokey / Ancient JAD's Avatar
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    I sell stuff for a living so I enjoy interacting with car salespeople. If they’re experienced and not very good, it’s a shitty dealership and we need to fall in love with a different car or go to another dealer. If they’re inexperienced and not very good, I am patient and coach them. If they’re inexperienced and good, I ask them if they’re any good at engineering. Haven’t had a hit yet but I keep looking.

    My wife is fickle as fuck and we test drive a lot of cars, multiple times, with big pauses and frequent ghosting. I owe them a lot of patience and honesty, so I’m patient and honest.

    When I finally believe my wife wants the car, I send her home and work the deal, tell the F&I guy I can’t help him, and set up a delivery (with an extensive walk around) for the next day.
    Ignore Alien Orders

  8. #38
    We bought a CPO Mercedes out of the Dakotas in early 2017. Spent all of 5 minutes talking to the salesman to give them our CC number for the hold payment. Found the car on the MB website, emailed the dealer, no haggle pricing so that was it. They overnighted the paperwork we signed and overnighted it and a check back. Few days later it was dropped off in our driveway.

    This was a week or two after my wife stormed out of the Toyota dealership. We really liked a 4R they had and they made us a good deal on it but that was after about 45 minutes of the back and forth what do you need as a trade in value, how much do you want payments to be, etc BS. We were paying cash and had told them to cut the crap

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    My best experience ever was when I bought my 2006 GTO. I tried going to a local dealer and got the runaround. Bitched about it on a GTO forum and a (young, of course) sales dude on the forum saw my complain, PM'd me, moved it to email, and I wound up driving hundreds of miles in a rental car (that they paid for!) to pick up my new car at their showroom without ever having spoken to the man in any form. Pulled in, test drove, signed papers, handed over rental car keys (that they returned for me!) and drove away. I might have been there


    here we are, damn near 2021, and you still can't just buy a car online.
    This was almost my experience with the Ford dealer I bought my Ranger from. I emailed the “No haggle” Ford dealer I’d bought my last two from (albeit a different location). The sent me the OTD price with no games or anything, appraised my trade over email and gave me a price that was on par with the local dealer’s in person appraisal (plus a better price on the truck than anyone else had).

    The dealer delivered the truck to my door two days after I put the deposit down, took my trade back to Mobile and that was it. There’s a reason why I’ve bought from that dealer chain for the last 5 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
    "fill out this form for your online price"

    fills out form

    "thanks for your email, when would be a good time to call you?"

    "no, thanks. If I wanted to talk to you on the phone I would have *called* you myself."

    None of this is helped by the fact that car salesdoods are probably the people I'd *least* like to have to interact with on any level.
    Annnnnd this describes my experience with a local Ford dealer that I’ll never darken the door of ever again.

    I saw a CPO F-150 that’s 95% the spec I want, high price but who knows. Submit the thing for a quote and put in there that I don’t want to deal with phone calls. Sure enough, they do everything but what I asked for (an out the door price, in writing).

    Finally, fuckery aside, I decide to go look at the truck. Talk to salesdouche 1, he says that truck is at their other lot and that I need to talk to salesdood 2. Go to that lot, talk to salesdood 2 and they can’t find the truck. Turns out someone took it over to the main lot from the satellite location and didn’t tell anyone. Okay, fine. Go to main lot, see truck, go talk to Salesdouche 1. He tosses me the keys and says “I’ve got another client, go ahead and take it for a drive, (never asks for DL, or anything).

    Dude keeps me waiting for a decent amount of time when I return. Do the thing to get my car appraised and shoot the shit. Tell him that he’s way high on price for other dealers. He tells me to give them the chance to earn my business. I tell him that I’m getting a final quote from the dealer in Mobile for the Ranger and I might be interested in one they have, but they’re $6k more. He actually shit talks the Ranger and was clearly talking out of his ass. We part ways, I go home.

    Next day, get an email from Salesdouche 1. They’ve got someone coming to look at the F-150 but if I put a deposit down right then and there, he’ll hold it for me. Back and forth ensues. He tells me he won’t hold the sale from a colleague, I inform him that the F-150 is supposed to be the best selling truck in America so I’ll be able to find another. The exchange ends unceremoniously with me suggesting the dealership wise up to this thing called the internet that allows people to shop across the entire region and his dealer is DFL in being competitive.

    Talking to the other salesman as I was finalizing the paperwork for the Ranger, I mention my troubles with a dealer local to me. He replies, “You we’re dealing with [names dealer]?”

    “Good guess. Their reputation precedes them?”

    “We’ve heard stories.”

    The used car guys at the local Dodge dealer pissed me off royally too, but that’s another rant.

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    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."
    Disclaimer: I have previously worked in the firearms industry as an engineer. Thoughts and opinions expressed here are mine alone and not those of my prior employers.

  10. #40
    Site Supporter OlongJohnson's Avatar
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    "carbine-infested rural (and suburban) areas"
    Quote Originally Posted by LOKNLOD View Post
    There are places, but you pay a premium. We got one of those carvana "vending machine" dealerships locally. It's a really cool building. They'll deliver to your house and stuff. But their prices are HIGH.

    Really it's the trade-in that makes it most difficult. Buying a new or lightly used car is pretty easy but disposing of your current vehicle cleanly/efficiently is the tough part.
    I will never buy a used car without inspecting it first. I've called Carvana to try to find out where a vehicle was to go look at it, and they woudn't tell me even what state it was in. Their program is you buy the car and pay for it, then they deliver it to you and you can finally actually look at it. F outta here with that noise.

    Add me to the list of Carmax sellers. Three years ago, bought a car that was pretty unusual from another local dealer. They'd had it long enough that the Carfax when I bought it showed it going to auction and not selling. Apparently, I'm the only guy in Houston who wanted one of those. Got it for Edmunds trade-in value at the time. Sold it this month to Carfax for a few hundred over Edmunds private party value. The manufacturer dealer next door to Carmax emailed me a flyer about how much they wanted to buy it, so I went there first, and their offer was $2500 below Carfax, close to Edmunds trade-in value today.
    Not another dime.

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