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Thread: Is the "roll of quarters" trick actually a thing?

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark D View Post
    I came to the same conclusion after watching a YouTube SEAL review a new Glock. Early in the vid he explains how he took the pistol to the gun shop to have aftermarket sights installed. That was my first clue. Then he shot the gun on camera and achieved, by P-F standards, a pretty crappy group at 7-10 yards. He noted the group was left of the bullseye, and dismissed the pistol completely because it didn't shoot POI-POA.

    This is a guy with a huge following, and by all accounts, he saw action in the ME. And of course he has the cool guy ink and biceps. But he doesn't know how to drift his fricken sights, I won't include a link because he doesn't deserve any more views.

    So yeah, plenty of derp from guys you'd think would know better.
    Ive worked with several former SOF guys. While almost all of them have been very amazing people, some of them were not as good at shooting as most would believe. Dont get me wrong, all were much better than average and all were competent, but when it came to shooting pistols, many were not some deadshot "I never miss" type as portrayed by the media and Hollywood.

    Its a lot like fighting ability. Many people assume that all former sof dudes are walking kiliing machines. Some of them have great martial ability, some of them... Not so much to put it nicely.

  2. #42
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warped Mindless View Post
    Ive worked with several former SOF guys. While almost all of them have been very amazing people, some of them were not as good at shooting as most would believe. Dont get me wrong, all were much better than average and all were competent, but when it came to shooting pistols, many were not some deadshot "I never miss" type as portrayed by the media and Hollywood.

    Its a lot like fighting ability. Many people assume that all former sof dudes are walking kiliing machines. Some of them have great martial ability, some of them... Not so much to put it nicely.
    They are human and subject to the same strengths and weaknesses as the rest of us. Which makes their accomplishments all the greater, imho.

    I admire them but don't worship them. I have learned from them when I've had the opportunity to train alongside them.
    There's nothing civil about this war

  3. #43
    I think fistloads by opponents is worth worrying about some, but that trying to carry and use “innocuous” items specifically for one’s own fist-loading isn’t worth nearly the effort.

    I don’t chase the idea of a flashlight specifically optimized for hitting or gouging an opponent, as there are plenty of striking options available that can coincide with a flashlight being in-hand without potentially damaging or losing the light or unnecessary exposing me to others’ fluids: like a horizontal elbow shield or some sort of elbow strike.

    If I worked in a place wherein I really had to prepare for hitting people with less-injurious force AND there was overhead cover, and didn’t have traditional options, them something admittedly more overt like a sap or push dagger trainer seems much more effective.

    Otherwise, most options are too limiting in their fill of the fending hand for their limited - if any - contribution to striking effectively. An empty hand can close to strike or manipulate my opponent; but a roll of quarters will mostly feed a vending machine, which I’m not too worried about during an engagement.
    Runcible Works

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Warped Mindless View Post
    Ive worked with several former SOF guys. While almost all of them have been very amazing people, some of them were not as good at shooting as most would believe. Dont get me wrong, all were much better than average and all were competent, but when it came to shooting pistols, many were not some deadshot "I never miss" type as portrayed by the media and Hollywood.

    Its a lot like fighting ability. Many people assume that all former sof dudes are walking kiliing machines. Some of them have great martial ability, some of them... Not so much to put it nicely.

    And here is the great secret of whatever H2H ability that SOF guys have for the most part - it has almost zero to do with technique, and everything to do with attributes. These are people who have been through an incredible crucible of selection and have demonstrated that they have superior physical and mindset attributes at a higher level than 99% of the population. And then that is reinforced through dedicated training (not H2H, but general mission oriented) and for most of them over the past 19 years, they also have actual combat experience. Take that stew and tell them to fight someone else empty handed, they will do pretty well against most people.

    But that does not mean they know much of authentic, TRANSFERABLE H2H knowledge. When I first got to be buddies with Kyle Lamb, I was still in the "man, these Tier 1 guys are deadly fighters" and he set me straight right away. Few of them get any training beyond the already in place military combatives stuff, and even the units who do spend a little more time finding something else tends to do it in a short term course - i.e. maybe a 5 day long class with some expert, and then after have to squeeze in bits of practice time around all the other stuff they do. H2H is not high on the list for most when they rarely operate solo. It is much more efficient when they are in contact with a bad guy to have another unit member blow the guy off them with gunfire than it is to punch/elbow/knee/headbutt/eye gouge/choke. Most guys who go to a BJJ academy 2-3 times a week for two years have more dedicated empty hand training than all but a tiny fraction of SOF members.
    For info about training or to contact me:
    Immediate Action Combatives

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Cecil Burch View Post
    And here is the great secret of whatever H2H ability that SOF guys have for the most part - it has almost zero to do with technique, and everything to do with attributes. These are people who have been through an incredible crucible of selection and have demonstrated that they have superior physical and mindset attributes at a higher level than 99% of the population. And then that is reinforced through dedicated training (not H2H, but general mission oriented) and for most of them over the past 19 years, they also have actual combat experience. Take that stew and tell them to fight someone else empty handed, they will do pretty well against most people.

    But that does not mean they know much of authentic, TRANSFERABLE H2H knowledge. When I first got to be buddies with Kyle Lamb, I was still in the "man, these Tier 1 guys are deadly fighters" and he set me straight right away. Few of them get any training beyond the already in place military combatives stuff, and even the units who do spend a little more time finding something else tends to do it in a short term course - i.e. maybe a 5 day long class with some expert, and then after have to squeeze in bits of practice time around all the other stuff they do. H2H is not high on the list for most when they rarely operate solo. It is much more efficient when they are in contact with a bad guy to have another unit member blow the guy off them with gunfire than it is to punch/elbow/knee/headbutt/eye gouge/choke. Most guys who go to a BJJ academy 2-3 times a week for two years have more dedicated empty hand training than all but a tiny fraction of SOF members.
    Well said.

    At my old BJJ place there was a whitebelt (im sure he is at least a blue by now) who was a former Ranger who had no formal training outside what he got in the military.

    I remember him saying how humbling BJJ was because he was getting dominated by IT computer guys and and small high school kids.

    He had a great attitude, serious work ethic, and great fitness base though so he learned quickly. I moved and started training somewhere else soon after but have no doubt hes a high level blue by now.

  6. #46
    Site Supporter TDA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deaf Smith View Post
    If you guys really want to go the quarters-in-the-sock route I suggest a good bar of soap instead. And Hanes socks work well.

    But if not.. my I humbly suggest a 2 lb weight (barbell that is.) You can punch with it. You can use the ends that extend outside the hand as a 'hammer fist'. You can even throw it at them! And you tell the cops they are for exercise!!!

    Attachment 48465
    It's like Jane Fonda's Kubotan. Which I guess sort of brings up "Kubotan, yea or nay?" and sort of doesn't, since the Kubotan is more like a Yawara than it is like a roll of quarters. My experience with Yawara sticks is mostly limited to the 2004 Ashley Judd vehicle Twisted.

  7. #47
    Site Supporter farscott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TDA View Post
    It's like Jane Fonda's Kubotan. Which I guess sort of brings up "Kubotan, yea or nay?" and sort of doesn't, since the Kubotan is more like a Yawara than it is like a roll of quarters. My experience with Yawara sticks is mostly limited to the 2004 Ashley Judd vehicle Twisted.
    Ahh, the Kubotan. When I first met my wife, she carried one on the keychain she used for work for the USDA. I asked her about its purpose. She smiled, jabbed it into my wrist, smiled even more, and said something like, "Compliance. It makes men compliant." Yes, her USDA job was weird. First time I learned that USDA had special agents.

  8. #48
    Delta Busta Kappa fratboy Hot Sauce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warped Mindless View Post
    I remember him saying how humbling BJJ was because he was getting dominated by IT computer guys
    I believe SouthNarc's term for BJJ-versed IT computer guys was nerd ninjas.
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