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Thread: Minneapolis PD Suspect Dies On Video While Handcuffed. FBI Investigating.

  1. #511
    Site Supporter JodyH's Avatar
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    "Never let a crisis go to waste".
    The commies are making an all in putsch using the coronavirus and Floyd protests as cover.
    Too many organized agitators in too many cities running off the same playbook for all this to be organic protesting.
    They got a early Christmas present with the timing of the Floyd death, which basically came at the most contentious time of the coronavirus situation.
    The country is divided over whether to open back up or not, the economy is total shit for all but a very few, trust in Government and LE is pretty much non-existent and some dipshit cop decides to "skull ride" a black man to death for 8 minutes on camera.

    Fuck this is going to be a rough year...
    "For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and, satisfied, drove on into the night."
    -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy --

  2. #512
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    Sounds like things are heating up in Seattle. Although it also sounds like it is raining, which is probably good.

    "The crowd has set several patrol cars on fire in the downtown core near Westlake Center."

    According to twitter, it also sounds like the Mayor is issuing a 5 p.m. curfew. Which will be honored, I'm sure.

  3. #513
    Quote Originally Posted by ralph View Post
    ... we’re the minority...
    It's not about who has the largest battalions...
    You will more often be attacked for what others think you believe than what you actually believe. Expect misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and projection as the modern normal default setting. ~ Quintus Curtius

  4. #514
    Member JHC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -ad- View Post
    I'd agree with almost all of what you've written. With my simplistic limited experience mindset - I don't think the media should be held responsible for reporting facts - regardless of what people do with them. I'm not an American - but I am jealous about your constitution - including it's amendments , and I support it. As such I don't think the media should be held responsible for reporting the truth.

    HOWEVER - any and all media that has been found fabricating lies or false reporting, or performing other acts outside of reporting the truth (the reporter with his gunfire sound-clip is only one that comes to mind) - should be held accountable for the damage they have contributed to from their acts.

    Keep the constitution - while at the same time dealing with the trash. Finding evidence of media reporting falsely shouldn't be too difficult to prove.

    Maybe this isn't possible (as mentioned - I have limited education) - but I don't want to see your constitution torn up because of the abuse. Start with one, and the rest of it will get torn up quickly - and I suspect that's what a lot of people behind this would like to see happen.

    There’s too much juicy shit on video for journos to have to fake it. Truth is stranger than fiction here.
    “Remember, being healthy is basically just dying as slowly as possible,” Ricky Gervais

  5. #515
    Quote Originally Posted by JodyH View Post
    "Never let a crisis go to waste".
    The commies are making an all in putsch using the coronavirus and Floyd protests as cover.
    Too many organized agitators in too many cities running off the same playbook for all this to be organic protesting.

    Fuck this is going to be a rough year...

    Let 'em bring it on... these commie globalist shitstains need to be purged from the face of the earth.
    You will more often be attacked for what others think you believe than what you actually believe. Expect misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and projection as the modern normal default setting. ~ Quintus Curtius

  6. #516
    Quote Originally Posted by olstyn View Post
    My guess is that the difficult part, assuming it is in fact illegal to produce non-satirical news reports which are untrue, which I'm not at all certain of, would be proving intent.

    I expect in order to actually get a conviction, you'd likely have to prove that they knew they were lying, in much the same way use of force is judged on a "reasonable man" standard of what a person knew/observed rather than what was factually true. In reality, most of it probably isn't outright lies, but rather carefully produced spin and/or creative editing to show only certain, usually inflammatory, parts of an event.
    I suspect you are right in this. There's no simple solution. I know that I'm sick and tired of the media's false lies that hurt innocent people because they're trying to push an agenda - whilst at the same time knowing that if I allowed myself to give in to a knee jerk emotional response to stop that nonsense - that the cure could be as worse as the problem.

  7. #517
    Abducted by Aliens Borderland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralph View Post
    I never said ALL of them were paid, or professional.. I also completely understand that people are ready and willing, what they don’t understand is, the next system that takes over will not tolerate any of their shit. They’ll just get mowed down. I believe there is a post in this thread where somebody stated someone offered somebody else $$$ to throw a rock at a window, if that’s true, then that’s a textbook definition of instigating, plain and simple.. Weimar Germany had a bit more reason to riot than someone getting killed by the cops.. When a million mark note was worth about as much as a S&H green stamp, then you have real problems... How many bills would it take to pay a $100 grocery bill?We’re headed that way..a few more massive stimulus bills, and we should be about there..
    I'm curious what the next system will be. You're probably correct that some basic changes are coming. Congress seems intent on keeping corporations and share holders in the drivers seat. If they wanted some balance they would have already changed the tax code to favor the middle income earner and made some attempt to lessen the health care burden for most families.

    It's a fact that we have had an increasing wage inequality gap since 1980. The last time it was this large was right before the great depression. The stimulus bills are just a temporary measure to keep a lid on a very serious problem that nobody seems to want to solve. Going deeper into debt never solved anyone's financial problems.

    I can relate to the housing problem also. Every time I list a trailer for sale I get calls from people who are trying to solve a housing problem. I can tell the difference between someone who wants an RV for recreational purposes and people who are trying to buy something to put in a cheap trailer park to live in. If you have a trailer for sale under 10K you're going to get those trailer park dweller calls 2 to 1. We have a trailer for sale right now and I'm dealing with phone negotiators who are only interested in the lowest possible price. I had a guy call me a few days ago and got pissed because I wouldn't drop the price to satisfy his budget. WTF.

    Average apartment rent in this area is 2K/month so when you combine that with thousands who just lost their job and thousands more about to loose their jobs it's going to get pretty f'd up.
    In the P-F basket of deplorables.

  8. #518
    Site Supporter TGS's Avatar
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    Jesus christ talk about the "win stupid prizes" game, this guy came so fucking close to getting iced by stealing an M4 from a cruiser:
    "Are you ready? Okay. Let's roll."- Last words of Todd Beamer

  9. #519
    We could isolate Russia totally from the world and maybe they could apply for membership after 2000 years.

  10. #520
    The R in F.A.R.T RevolverRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TGS View Post
    Jesus christ talk about the "win stupid prizes" game, this guy came so fucking close to getting iced by stealing an M4 from a cruiser:
    So close.

    His buddy did him a solid too, yanking him back.


    This one amuses me:

    PS: Wife and I just heard protesters march by about 1.5 blocks from house. I may owe @Grey and @Caballoflaco some crow eating...

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