Recovering Gun Store Commando. My Blog: The Clue Meter
“It doesn’t matter what the problem is, the solution is always for us to give the government more money and power, while we eat less meat.”
Glenn Reynolds
You put a kitten downrange (I know, TLG has probably already agreed to do it this way and isn't bothering to read the rest) so that good use of cover would keep it invisible to the shooter. You put a chihuahua on the shooter's head, trained to bark at kittens.
The answer, it seems to me, is wrath. The mind cannot foresee its own advance. --FA Hayek Specialization is for insects.
It certainly doable with technology -- I've used stuff like light curtains and SICK sensors in manufacturing to do basically the same thing, usually to trigger a shutdown or make something inoperable if something encroached into a certain space. The possibilities are out there but realistically, these are all way too expensive and permanent to use for something like a pistol match unless some billionaire wants to build and operate a dedicated range with a bunch of the things.
One idea that might be in the range of doable would be to use a webcam setup downrange with remote viewing back behind the line. Somebody would still have to watch it and call faults, but it could be recorded if someone wanted to challenge afterwards. I think in order to remove some of the subjectivity, you could put something like an adhesive reflective sticker in designated spots (X" from the centerline at nipple-heighth on each side or something) on the shooter that if are exposed around the cover that becomes a more objective way to say go/no-go.
I think Contour has one of the higher end models with remote view-finding via bluetooth on smartphone which might work for the purposes too...
“Formerly we suffered from crimes; now we suffer from laws.” - Tacitus.
Funny thing about nipple height is everybody comes with built-in index points, kind of like large print Braille.Really though, I was just trying to give an example of a reference point for consistency. Maybe the point is 3" below the clavicle notch.
Maybe it's halfway between the centerline and outside edge of shoulder.
- How far out do you put the indicator so its appropriate for wide and narrow people?
Both of these questions point to the underlying problem with the whole discussion - how much cover is enough, how do you decide that, and is it the same for everyone? How do you measure it in a way that can be applied objectively to all shapes & sizes of people?
Well if could be done as simple as a webcam and a laptop I'd figure somebody in the group already has access to the bits and parts you'd need to make it work... Wireless webcam stuck downrange, somebody's phone acting as a hotspot, and somebody brings their laptop? Looks like you can pick up wi-fi webcams fairly cheap but I don't know if they'd meet the need. If you're looking at this from a sactioned club type setup, then the club would have to buy and keep it just like they do with steel targets and props and scoring programs and all the rest of the stuff....which maybe means somebody wants to play bad enough to pony up for it. Since this is about KSTG specifically, and it's a one off "labor of love" kind of deal, then I'd say you guys running it would have to supply that stuff.
- Who pays for all the cameras, transmitters, and monitors?
“Formerly we suffered from crimes; now we suffer from laws.” - Tacitus.
If none of the ideas won't work and what is in place now doesn't work well enough to prevent a thread why not just scrap it or design the cover in a way to force an off position?
Think for yourself. Question authority.
What if you used a colored laser set at 1 and 4 feet high, aiming down range behind the competitor, on a simple stake in the ground and one person could be a dedicated line judge and see if their body breaks the plane?
The 1 foot laser would cover a leg/foot lean and the 4 foot laser would cover any body lean, right?
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Fairness leads to extinction much faster than harsh parameters.
I'm lost as to why the cover needs to be different for Caleb than it is an ogre. Exposed is exposed.
Think for yourself. Question authority.