looking for a holster owb to use in idpa,etc... with my mac 9 ds with red dot, no light
looking for a holster owb to use in idpa,etc... with my mac 9 ds with red dot, no light
Doubt you will find a direct made-for fit for it. You will probably need to try a few different holsters. Not sure what the idpa reqs are, but try some 2011 holsters that are out there. @Dark Star Gear may have some options. Past that, its one oof the problems going outside the main stream of manufacturers. @Tokarev has a good bit on the mac 9, you might browse his posts
For IDPA legal (so not a drop offset or race rig), I'd look at JM Custom Kydex (OWB 1 or 2 models) or maybe Tier 1 Concealed (Optio or Spara models). Neither lists a holster specifically for the MAC 9 DS, but it's unlikely most holster makers will. I assume (but don't know for sure since I'm not a 2011 guy) that a holster for something similar, like a Staccato P, is going to be what you get to have a holster for your MAC. Both of those shops do support Staccato.
Edited to add, I'm assuming you only want OWB since it's specifically for competition, even though both USPSA and IDPA technically allow IWB concealment holsters. If not, your options do open up to include some other shops like Dark Star, Tenicor, and LAS Concealment, but none of those make an OWB for 2011s sans light (other than Tenicor's OWB specifically for the new Staccato C models).
Any holster for a Staccato P should work. I used a Comp Tac international and a Tenicor Velo with great success. It also fit into my old Safariland 6390 RDS for a G19.
If you're not going to learn to use the front sight properly, don't bother with it. If pointing the gun, screaming "Ahhhhh!" and cranking on the trigger is all you can learn to do, work on doing that safely. -ToddG