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Thread: Will somebody please come out with a better .32 pocket pistol!

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Is adding sights to a P32 an especially difficult task for a properly equipped gunsmith(machinist)? I know a good one local to me.
    The only place that advertises rarely offers the service and they're the only ones I've ever seen anyone mention having it done by.

    I took my LCPII out today(equipped with a Hogue beavertail sleeve and shot 25 rounds of Sergeant Major through it. The hand slap, trigger sting and overall recoil were very nasty, leaving me with a tingling hand and aching arthritic thumb and booger hook.
    The Sergeant Major is hot stuff, a 95 grain pill at an advertised 1050, and not even pleasant in my Glock 42.

    .32 is looking more and more like a default setting. Or possibly rock throwing.
    The problem with adding sights is that there is very little metal on the front of the slide to work with. Working with the rear of the slide is easier.
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by BillSWPA View Post
    The problem with adding sights is that there is very little metal on the front of the slide to work with. Working with the rear of the slide is easier.
    Any idea what Innovative Arms' secret sauce is?
    While they charge a pretty penny for a couple of dovetails, clearly it can be done.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by feudist View Post
    Any idea what Innovative Arms' secret sauce is?
    While they charge a pretty penny for a couple of dovetails, clearly it can be done.
    i do not know.

    The first generation has less material on top of the slide than the second generation. Most of the beefing up of the second generation seems to be on the top of the slide. I would still have concerns about the amount of metal remaining after the cut, even with a second generation. Perhaps selecting a sight which requires a very shallow dovetail is part of the secret?

    Post 241 shows the solution I chose for my first generation gun. Unfortunately David Clay is no longer in business and I do not know of anyone else performing this modification. Unfortunately the tritium is also several years old and the company that originally supplied the vials is no longer in business. I am not sure if I have a way to get it replaced at this point. There is a definite advantage to a front and rear sight which is replaceable with a standard, off the shelf offering.
    Last edited by BillSWPA; 02-06-2025 at 04:51 PM.
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  4. #64
    Site Supporter HeavyDuty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaitcev View Post
    You know they sell .32 ACP barrels for Glock 42 all over SE Asia.
    I’m not seeing any currently being sold over here. I would be interested…

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