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Thread: recoil spring?

  1. #1

    recoil spring?

    looking to replace the stock recoil spring on my mac 9 ds. recommendations on where to buy? looking to go with 12 pound option

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cigargun View Post
    looking to replace the stock recoil spring on my mac 9 ds. recommendations on where to buy? looking to go with 12 pound option
    What’s the symptom you’re looking to correct? Hard to beat Wilson or EGW.
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  3. #3
    softer and faster recoil

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    I like to experiment with different weight recoil springs to whatever load I’m shooting but to really get it fine tuned it’s all about feel and reading the target.

    I usually go to the range with a few different weight springs and shoot a series of Bill Drills at 7 yds or even fast doubles. It seems like if the spring is too heavy my subsequent shots trend lower than the first from the muzzle dipping from the heavy spring causing the slide to slam forward. Too light and the gun feels like it’s all over the place. When you find the right weight the gun just returns to the NPA on it’s own and subsequent shots end up as a fist size group.

    On my 9mm 2011 I’m using a 9 lb recoil spring, but I’m also shooting 132-ish PF ammo. For my .40 2011 I used a 13-14 lb recoil spring.

  5. #5
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    Be careful about going too light. That spring protects your gun from damage as well as helping the gun function.
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