So... I have this 10/22 that my father passed on to me which doesn't hold really any sentimental value. 10/22s are a joy enough to shoot, but I rarely take it out to the range. At some point, my father must have used some break cleaner or other harsh cleaner on the receiver, as the silver is discolored to a yellow slightly in some spots and there are fine almost sand like sized indents across the finish. Doesn't seem to cause any functional issue, it is just an eye sore. I can post a picture if anyone is interested.
It also has a standard weight barrel, but at some point my dad had removed the sights and lost them. lol Again, it isn't that big of a deal because I have a small pic rail on top to mount a red dot. I was looking to clean it up by seeing if it was possible to refinish the receiver and add a lightweight barrel for my son. However, when I started looking at barrels, it became apparent that this endeavor might add up to being the cost of a new 10/22. lol
Any recommendations on a good cheap barrel and a cheap shop that might do a decent refinish to the receiver, or should I just try to offload it and buy a new one for my kid? I can't imagine I would get hardly anything for it without the sights and the finish issue, not to mention that a new 10/22 is like what... $230.00? I'd probably be lucky if a shop gave me $75.00 with the way things are on the used gun market. They might not even take the thing.