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Thread: S15 Modular Pistol System

  1. #1
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    S15 Modular Pistol System

    This looks cool.

    As a side conversation. We have the Ruger RXM, S15 MPS, and Zev all making module not Glocks. Will we get to a point where Glock doesn't make the best Glock because they refuse to innovate?

  2. #2
    Site Supporter Timbonez's Avatar
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    It's probably best to define what we mean by best. That can be ambiguous. One can make an argument that there are already manufacturers that make a better non-Glock Glock.

    The most important thing that Glock has is a proven track record in the hands of citizens, LE departments, and militaries worldwide that spans decades. That's a tough argument to beat even if your gun is a product improved clone. Glock's "failure to innovate" hasn't really halted their success. They still produce an outstanding pistol, which is why it's copied. And when it comes to department support, I bet Glock is still as cutthroat as it was in the 80s/90s to win all those contracts.

    Edited to add: That is a really neat setup that Shield Arms is putting out. Whether all these pop-up "Glocks" are enough to get Glock to put out the next generation of perfection remains to be seen.
    Last edited by Timbonez; 01-21-2025 at 03:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Site Supporter piefairy's Avatar
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    Looks interesting. Does it take glock parts like the RxM or do we not know?

  4. #4
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    That looks pretty cool.

    Looking forward to more details, optic support, sights, price point.
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  5. #5
    Site Supporter Elwin's Avatar
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    I’m interested. I’ve been thinking recently a 48 and 43 combo could be my solution for everything my 1911 is too big and/or heavy for, but I don’t like the lack of mag compatibility between them. I’d also be buying a separate 43 frame to add a 48 slide to because I have no use for a sub-4” barrel, and these are going to be iron sight guns so the sight radius matters.

    If these guns would let me build a system around the 10 and 15 round Shield mags where all the guns have 48 length slides, they’re reliable with those mags, they fit Glock holsters, and they take an SCD, I could see going this route instead of Glock. I’d probably need to check all of those boxes though. Mag reliability is huge because there is no Glock factory mag option for the 43 frame.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timbonez View Post
    It's probably best to define what we mean by best. That can be ambiguous. One can make an argument that there are already manufacturers that make a better non-Glock Glock.

    The most important thing that Glock has is a proven track record in the hands of citizens, LE departments, and militaries worldwide that spans decades. That's a tough argument to beat even if your gun is a product improved clone. Glock's "failure to innovate" hasn't really halted their success. They still produce an outstanding pistol, which is why it's copied. And when it comes to department support, I bet Glock is still as cutthroat as it was in the 80s/90s to win all those contracts.

    Edited to add: That is a really neat setup that Shield Arms is putting out. Whether all these pop-up "Glocks" are enough to get Glock to put out the next generation of perfection remains to be seen.
    Spoken like a true 1911-ist!

    I have been saying that Glocks are the new 1911s for a while. The two are beginning to parallel pretty well. My kids are going to be complaining about how Glocks are unreliable and be speaking if a Glock shaped clone from a company that doesn’t even exist now and using a third party companies magazine.

  7. #7
    Site Supporter Timbonez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOTS View Post
    Spoken like a true 1911-ist!

    I have been saying that Glocks are the new 1911s for a while. The two are beginning to parallel pretty well. My kids are going to be complaining about how Glocks are unreliable and be speaking if a Glock shaped clone from a company that doesn’t even exist now and using a third party companies magazine.
    You caught me, haha. I agree. The Glock is the 1911 of the 21st Century. It is simultaneously a blessing and a curse, because all those aftermarket parts can turn a reliable and functional pistol into a paperweight.

  8. #8
    Compared to the RXM, for me, this is much more useful as a practical carry gun. The smaller size and ability to switch between G43-ish grip and G43X grip fits an underserved niche. G19 and G26 grip with thicc Glock mags doesn't quite fill the same role.

    OTOH, the RXM is much more useful as the core of a PDW style weapon, which is much more interesting to me than another plastic striker fired handgun.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by wmu12071 View Post

    Will we get to a point where Glock doesn't make the best Glock because they refuse to innovate?

    Glock is on top for reasons other than just the pistols.
    I had an ER nurse in a class. I noticed she kept taking all head shots. Her response when asked why, "'I've seen too many people who have been shot in the chest putting up a fight in the ER." Point taken.

  10. #10
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timbonez View Post
    It's probably best to define what we mean by best. That can be ambiguous. One can make an argument that there are already manufacturers that make a better non-Glock Glock.
    I think for the vast majority of casual, non-institutional users in the US, we are at that point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Timbonez View Post
    The most important thing that Glock has is a proven track record in the hands of citizens, LE departments, and militaries worldwide that spans decades. That's a tough argument to beat even if your gun is a product improved clone. Glock's "failure to innovate" hasn't really halted their success. They still produce an outstanding pistol, which is why it's copied. And when it comes to department support, I bet Glock is still as cutthroat as it was in the 80s/90s to win all those contracts.
    Yep. A 40 year track record of "it works all the time, it's accurate, and you can maintain it with a paperclip and an occasional drop of 3 in 1 oil" is hard to top.

    Ruger's RXM is a solid effort, and I like it, but they are having teething issues. Mine has the "tooling marks in barrel" issue, and is currently back at Prescott to address. A member on another forum had fail to eject issues, and returned it for service. The root cause was determined to be the EDP channel was not milled deep enough, resulting in the extractor having no tension. This was fixed under warranty, sent back to him, and he's reported the gun now shoots perfectly.

    But hey for $399, it was worth it to me as an experiment because of the objectively better features the RXM offers over a Glock (again, being a casual shooter, with other "my life depends on it" options to use.) If they get those things sorted out, and introduce some grip module options "soon", the Adult Barbie segment may embrace it like they did the P365, and it could turn out to be a solid, dependable pistol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Timbonez View Post
    That is a really neat setup that Shield Arms is putting out. Whether all these pop-up "Glocks" are enough to get Glock to put out the next generation of perfection remains to be seen.
    Agree. Glock's SHOT releases this year seems to be the Aimpoint collaboration, and a new flashlight. I would guess they will continue to sell every gun they make, which would delay anything really significant, like maybe a chassis system, but who knows.
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