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Thread: Sig Sauer 365 380 Loaders and fforum

  1. #1
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    Sig Sauer 365 380 Loaders and fforum

    So I have a new 380 Sig. Loading the little mags is a pain and their supplied push down one isn't that out. I have a Uplula that I use for my double stack Glocks and 1911. Now it does work with the stubby 386 mags but you have to be careful. The round is short and the bar that pushes the round down can slip past it, jamming the loader. Flipping the lock switch frees it but its annoying.

    I see there is a baby Uplula for 22s and 380s but it seems to say that it is for single stacks. Anybody try this OR is there another good reloader for this gun.

    Finally, is there a good Sig forum - I see a few and don't want to waste time with something like Glocktalk.

    Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.

  2. #2
    I really enjoy shooting my P365 in .380 and just use the 9mm mags and uplula at the range. As for forums, the handful of P365 threads in beats the snot out of....oh weren't looking for something like GlockTalk.

  3. #3
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    Don’t have a .380, but I’ve been on Sigtalk for a few years. Allowing for the fact it’s Gen Pop, it’s not bad.
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  4. #4
    Site Supporter piefairy's Avatar
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    I use a Makershot speed loader for my p365 in 9mm. They make one for the 380 as well. Its simple but it works well.

  5. #5
    Site Supporter jandbj's Avatar
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    If I recall correctly the factory Glock 43x/48 loading tool works on the 365 mags.

  6. #6
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    For plastic SIGs, I guess Sigtalk as described above. [MENTION=9257]RJ[/MENTION] @Rich_Jenkins, and I (undoubtedly others from here as well) are on there and I agree, mostly good folks. Instead of being jerks, my biggest complaint is many there are talking alot considering how little they know.

    For classic SIGs, lots of grey-bearded wisdom found on SIGForum.

  7. #7
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    Since we’re talking about it, can anyone confirm if the RSA for the .380 can fit the 9mm 365 slides? Might be a good solution for anyone needing a reduced recoil spring for the 9s.

  8. #8
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    I use the 9mm uplula for mine. The mags are really tight when new and the supplied sig one does not work well.

    I was tempted to try the speed beez loader, but I'm not sure it would work with my hand issues. Might be worth a try.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by TOTS View Post
    Since we’re talking about it, can anyone confirm if the RSA for the .380 can fit the 9mm 365 slides? Might be a good solution for anyone needing a reduced recoil spring for the 9s.
    Name:  p365rsa-9-380b.jpg
Views: 87
Size:  24.4 KB

    .380 (red spring on the right) fits the 9mm slide and the action can be hand cycled. It is considerably lighter, though. Hard to say how much without a spring tester.

    I'm not sure I would use this for anything other than very sub-minor loads, if at all. It might be interesting to try with that reduced Hornady 100gr critical defense load. Factory says 100gr / 1125fps, and I think .380 averages something like 95gr / 955fps. So similar weight and 175fps difference in velocity. Of course I have no idea how it performs in gel. Even if it cycles the action without damaging the gun it might be pointless.

    I still think we'd be better off with an official .380 +P designation and the big 3 loading up to that rather than trying to load the 9mm down.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jh9 View Post
    Name:  p365rsa-9-380b.jpg
Views: 87
Size:  24.4 KB.380 (red spring on the right) fits the 9mm slide and the action can be hand cycled. It is considerably lighter, though. Hard to say how much without a spring tester.I'm not sure I would use this for anything other than very sub-minor loads, if at all. It might be interesting to try with that reduced Hornady 100gr critical defense load. Factory says 100gr / 1125fps, and I think .380 averages something like 95gr / 955fps. So similar weight and 175fps difference in velocity. Of course I have no idea how it performs in gel. Even if it cycles the action without damaging the gun it might be pointless.I still think we'd be better off with an official .380 +P designation and the big 3 loading up to that rather than trying to load the 9mm down.

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