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Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Executive Director
National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association
A couple of additional details here:
Specs are roughly similar to TLR7 at the same size. Price is also close
I’d be concerned about holster compatibility.
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
This IMO is the single most important thing regarding any pistol light. I have a Streamlight on my Glock not because I necessarily think it's the best light but because I worked backwards by finding the holster I wanted to use (JM AWIB) saw what lights he had molds for and bought that light.
This might be an amazing light but I'm meh about it unless there's a holster for it.
Somewhat discussed previously, here:
Might be worth a thread merger.
If you buy into the theory that Glock's verging back towards the sales model of being a single-point provider for the weapon and attachments, several decades lapsed now, this would follow along with that - organizational customers than being able to procure a weapon, optic (e.g. Aimpoint COA), and potentially this WML (e.g. GTL-II) from a single provider and on a single purchase order or contract buy.
There's advantages to them as a producer to that, irrespective of customer wants/needs/etc.
Runcible Works
Seems to have a decent set of features and form factor, but you're correct. Unless they have some holster backing, this will end up in the fun and games, but useless category. Let's see who debut holsters for it at SHOT or whose websites mysteriously have an additional drop down option since its now official.
I’m not real familiar with WMLs, so I need a steer here. I understand the 1.0 version of this was panned due to the switch mechanism. The one light I have had was a Streamlight, with a pretty simple rotating mechanism, where pushing down one side gave you momentary on, but the other side gave you constant on.
Does the 2.0 Glock WML address this?
I don’t quite understand the little picture on the web site in terms of how the light actually works. I’ll do some more research and try and answer my question, but I’d appreciate hearing from y’all’s more experienced perspective, thanks.
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I wasn't able to locate a pdf of the Owners Manual, but I did find this segment of a diagram online of the switches:
Apparently Glock provides two different switch types, for each side. With one switch type, you "touch" the switch. I assume Glock means you press inward, towards the slide? So on the left side, you'd push inward to the right, and the opposite on the right.
With the other type, you "push", which I assume means you press forward, on the switch.
From the picture, it looks like you can decide how you want them setup, independently, as the diagram says "chose one of two options for each side"?
It's also not clear whether the right or left provides for "momentary" or "hold" settings for the light itself. If one of the sides turns on the light without any further pressure, such as via a detent, Glock doesn't say.
As a (retired) engineer, with a fair bit of exposure to Human Factors Engineering in my former job(s), this seems like an odd way to turn on a WML. My previous experience was with a Streamlight, which had a fairly simple rotating paddle, which operated axially.
I wonder if there is some European cultural norm for light switches that factors in here, kinda like in the UK, in which light switches operate vertically, but in the opposite direction of how they work in the USA.
Anyway, I'll reserve judgement until I can confirm through a video or from someone with hands on experience how this works.
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