At the range/LGS yesterday shooting my S&W 3" 686+ 3-5-7. On the way out while talking with one of the regular counter guys, I made the mistake of asking about a NIB Ruger GP100 Wiley Clapp II 7 shot they had under glass as it looked very similar to my S&W and just wanted to compare. felt great in my hand, the general fit and brushed satin finish was beautiful and the dove tailed Novak rear and dovetailed large dot green/yellow front tritium sight were just outstanding. He told me it had a great trigger (which I knew couldn't compare to the 686) and to dry fire it, so I did. S/A was a little heavier, guessing 4.5 .lbs but zero creep and clean, crisp break. Pulled the trigger in double action and ...holy sh*t... it was every bit as beautifully smooth as my 686 in D/A but it felt noticeably lighter! I couldn't believe it. Not being familiar with Ruger D/A revolvers, he showed me how the crane locks into the frame and explained their "modular" grip frame and actin system. Neat! $995 asking price.
However it would serve the same purpose as my 686+ which I shoot well and has been trouble free for 7 years with hundreds of .38 and .357 down the pipe. Primarily a home defense, nightstand, range fun, truck type gun. Too big and heavy to carry daily for SD. I have several J-Frames and a P365X for that. I definitely do not need two 3" seven shot .357 revolvers. I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it. Problem is I really, liked the WC GP100 and can't get it out of my head. Very little gun rag reviews or typical videos of that configuration. I'm hoping someone here has had some experience with the Ruger or GP100s and could give me a reason or reasons not to by it.