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Thread: Another thing by Holosun

  1. #11
    Site Supporter TGS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    1.1 x 0.87 inch is a big window. Hmm. I know next to nothing about thermal sights, just have experience simulating them in various Tanks and IFVs over the years. Seems to be in White Hot, only. The other option for thermals is typically Black Hot.

    Be interested in more info on what "highlight" or "outline" modes are. Outline might be the same image as white hot, but with an edge detector algorithm applied so you'd get general shapes. Not sure what "highlight" might be. Seems like that could be same as Outline, but with a go/no go filter on the pixels above/below a certain intensity out of the thermal processing?

    In terms of resolution, 256 x 192 at 50 fps is not yuge. Each thermal pixel ends up being approximately 0.004". Almost reminds me of the ancient CGA 320x200 screen resolution we had in the 90s. A frame rate of 50 fps is good, that should not display any artifacts or smearing assuming the glass/optics don't have much persistence. Be great if someone who is up on thermals to comment on all this, I'm not.

    For those of you that are LEO, do you see this as useful as a target discriminator in low light conditions? In other words, how does thermal appeal to you, as opposed say to lighting up the scene with a WML. Like, say it's 2AM and dude has just disappeared on foot into a field filled with trees and low scrub...?
    [Sarcasm] *takes long drag on cigarette while looking in your eyes*

    In my world, first shot lights up the scene.


    Generally, the standard is to not "search through your sights."

    I think this is neat as a technology demonstrator, but not practically useful in LE applications.
    "Are you ready? Okay. Let's roll."- Last words of Todd Beamer

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    1.1 x 0.87 inch is a big window. Hmm. I know next to nothing about thermal sights, just have experience simulating them in various Tanks and IFVs over the years. Seems to be in White Hot, only. The other option for thermals is typically Black Hot.

    Be interested in more info on what "highlight" or "outline" modes are. Outline might be the same image as white hot, but with an edge detector algorithm applied so you'd get general shapes. Not sure what "highlight" might be. Seems like that could be same as Outline, but with a go/no go filter on the pixels above/below a certain intensity out of the thermal processing?

    In terms of resolution, 256 x 192 at 50 fps is not yuge. Each thermal pixel ends up being approximately 0.004". Almost reminds me of the ancient CGA 320x200 screen resolution we had in the 90s. A frame rate of 50 fps is good, that should not display any artifacts or smearing assuming the glass/optics don't have much persistence. Be great if someone who is up on thermals to comment on all this, I'm not.

    For those of you that are LEO, do you see this as useful as a target discriminator in low light conditions? In other words, how does thermal appeal to you, as opposed say to lighting up the scene with a WML. Like, say it's 2AM and dude has just disappeared on foot into a field filled with trees and low scrub...?
    Typically we're using wml's to identify people and what's in the hands. Drones and air units are using thermal to search or walk us in.

  3. #13
    I own this joint, friendo LittleLebowski's Avatar
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    Meanwhile, a certain European RDS company is about 10 years behind Holosun with no signs of catching up. Sad.
    Bert Gummer is my spirit animal

  4. #14
    I used to do a lot of IR thermography for work, generally looking for wetted building materials. We set up a camera at a job expo one time and had to shut it down because you could literally see what type of underwear people were wearing. With proper training you could probably use this to determine whether someone was wearing a plate carrier so you could decide on more effective shot placement, but I don't think the goal is to make LEOs into level 2 thermographers. But it's cool that they can do that.

  5. #15
    Pretty cool technological demonstrator, with unknown use-case, and various ethical contra-indicators for being transposed into the existing WML/optic use-cases.

    The RF linkage between WML/camera and the optic is probably innovative, but it's problematic for high-EMF environments, which may be entered into or generated by either/both offenders and responders. Further, we've got the parallax issue related to the vertical discrepancy between camera-perspective and RDS-display. Additionally, as with WMLs, it is preferential that the WML/thermal-vision casts upon a known target rather than into unknown space or upon an unknown subject; this being non vis-light and not interoperable with the IR range of gear, it follows that the ideal place for thermal is in the niche, minus traditional helo usage.

    We've got plenty of NODs with integrated thermal overlay features, and people just don't overly use them much, if at all. I'd make an exception for man-tracking, but I don't think their thermal resolution is sufficient for that, and you can't exactly run back to the truck to grab the specific pair of goggles for the specific scenario unfolding.
    Runcible Works

  6. #16
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    It's finally dawned on me that the WML hanging off the front of the M&P pictured "IS" the thermal sensor for this thing. Oh.

    I was looking at the MRDS on the top of the slide as somehow all inclusive, but no. Appears this 2025 version of the DRS-TH is similar to the 2024 version of the DRS-TH, which seems to be still featured on the product release part of the Holosun web site. It's now fitted to a pistol, rather than a rifle, which I gather is the discriminator for this year's product.
    Check out the new 2025 Quick Reference Card Web Sites!
    Click here for Pistol Drill QRCs
    Click here for Mini-Red Dot Sight QRCs

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    It's finally dawned on me that the WML hanging off the front of the M&P pictured "IS" the thermal sensor for this thing. Oh.

    I was looking at the MRDS on the top of the slide as somehow all inclusive, but no. Appears this 2025 version of the DRS-TH is similar to the 2024 version of the DRS-TH, which seems to be still featured on the product release part of the Holosun web site. It's now fitted to a pistol, rather than a rifle, which I gather is the discriminator for this year's product.
    All of that makes sense, and me not having been following Holosun's WMLs, I didn't realize what the underslung was until I read this while composing my words for the previous post:

    That the optic looks to maintain normal function, and the WML has a vis-light function, makes it a bit more than a one-trick pony; but matters of cost, holstering, and so forth, in combination with the presumed parallax/mechanical-offset issues, has me holding to my previous words.
    Runcible Works

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason M View Post
    It could assist in locating a "heat source," but I would still want white light to positively identify the potential target and the threat it posed.
    Yeah easy way to find someone at night I suppose but you're right not really something for civilians. Though I suppose military aren't using their pitsols a lot either so I guess this is really for people that want to match their gun setup in Call of Duty.

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