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Thread: Walther P38 Parts gun?

  1. #1

    Walther P38 Parts gun?

    Today I bought an old Walther P 38. I noticed it was missing the extractor and the hammer will not decock when you push the decocker lever. The Locking block is also missing. Does anybody know a good source for these parts? Here are a few pics. Can anyone see anything else that needs to be replaced? Thank you.
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  2. #2
    Four String Fumbler Joe in PNG's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Papua New Guinea; formerly Florida
    Here you go:

    Be sure to also check the listings under Mauser & Manurhin, as both made P-38s
    "You win 100% of the fights you avoid. If you're not there when it happens, you don't lose." - William Aprill
    "I've owned a guitar for 31 years and that sure hasn't made me a musician, let alone an expert. It's made me a guy who owns a guitar."- BBI

  3. #3
    After messing with it, It needs a locking block, and the extractor. I still need to figure out why it doesn’t decock.

  4. #4

    Walther P38 Parts gun?

    I had a 1941 P38. Eventually sold it… but I did get a P1 a few years back. Most of those are in like new shape.

    The war guns are notorious for the decock function to crap the bed. You can try to swap parts, but probably going to get multiples of a few, try different combinations… and it still may not work.

  5. #5
    So….. I ordered a Walther P1 parts kit off Ebay that contained everything but the barrel and grips. I replaced the 4 needed parts.
    The first range outing I attempted to shoot Blazer 115gr ammo. It would not cycle at all. I tried some Aquila 115 which works much better. Reliability is not 100% yet. I am getting an occasional failure to feed. I get it while chambering the first round(if sling shotted) or sometimes mid magazine.
    I am going to eventually get another magazine to try and possibly another extractor. I wonder if the P1 extractor is slightly different.
    Definitely a fun gun.

    Decocker function still doesn’t work.

  6. #6
    Member JonInWA's Avatar
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    Auburn, WA
    Be aware that there are some major component differences between WW2 P38s and post-war P1s and P38s. Particularly in the slides and slide components and barrels.

    Best, Jon
    Sponsored by Check-Mate Industries and BH Spring Solutions
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by JonInWA View Post
    Be aware that there are some major component differences between WW2 P38s and post-war P1s and P38s. Particularly in the slides and slide components and barrels.

    Best, Jon
    Yes. Definitely. It just kinda works now. Getting a malfunction every now and then.

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