BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
I've always tried to shoot with a gun that I enjoy shooting. Life is short, why drive a Corrolla when you can have something nicer?
Glocks win the popularity contest and there is a ton of aftermarket support, but if they don't get you excited about the shooting experience, why not look at other options?
-Seconds Count. Misses Don't-
I have shot 9mm Glock pistols more or less exclusively my entire adult life. Bought my first Glock about 15 years ago and haven't really seriously dabbled in much else. Have a couple nice K frames, briefly owned a beretta 92... but yeah. Just Glocks for me
If I had significantly more disposable income I'd probably dabble with other handguns more willingly, but as it stands I have a good dizen or so Glock pistols, pushing 150-200 various size glock magazines, a litany of holsters and small parts and blah blah. You can tinker with them enough to make them just as shootable as any other plastic striker pistol.
Why would I go to something else? The expense associated with accruing the same depth of support gear would be ridiculous. Plus I am fairly attached to the SCD and there isn't really an equivalent for other guns out there yet.
Probably the only exception I could imagine would be adding 1911s/2011s into the mix, but thats also spendy and no thanks for now.
Meanwhile I can just keep shooting the Glocks and spending the money on my range memberships and ammo...
It’s a good sentiment and something I agree with. The thing is, nothing I’ve tried has been fun or exciting enough to switch away from Glock permanently. Maybe that’s because I tend to stray too far from plastic striker fired guns? Who knows. Either way, I tend to have a stable of glocks for serious use, and then one or two fun pistols that aren’t glocks.
I’ve had a slightly different journey and perspective than most. I got hooked onto USPSA in the early 2000’s when production was big and shot a 34 for 8 years straight. Best way to get good fast is to be consistent IMO and I committed to shooting the 34 until I made M. At certain points I really wanted to try other platforms though exercised discipline and used that to work more towards hitting the goal.
After that I decided I wanted to become a more competent and well rounded shooter by learning multiple different platforms…thus the journey became the goal. I settled on the 92 series to learn DA, did that for a bit until I had master the first shot and could run FAST in the 5s, then caught the 1911 / 2011 SAO bug which is both fun and expensive. Between all of these forays I did return back to my Glocks and it’s been like coming home every time. I have 3 kids under 4 so time is the scarcest resource I have and have thus reverted back to Glock again for practicality.
For now the journey is the goal and it’s been a lot of fun enjoying different platforms and experiences. When I have more time a few years down the road I do want to make a run at GM at which point I’ll buckle down on a division I enjoy and on a platform that is both capable and super shootable in my hands.
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CTC lasers : Pistols = ABS : automobiles
I want to thank you for posting about this - my G19.5 “Backstrap Beavertail” arrived today. It gives a much more neutral grip angle than my prior solution, cut down Glock back straps. I would say it provides about 80% correction for me which I think will be sufficient.
I wish I had known about this before I cut down my 19.4! The good news is that if this works like I think it will, I’ll be able to continue shooting my 19.5s.
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
I found EXACTLY the same! 80% sounds about right. If I present the gun the same as I would with a SIG or HK, with Glocks I find the top of my rear sight will be at the base of my front sight if that makes sense? That extra few degrees of forward wrist rotation is needed to drop the front sight so everything is aligned. With this backstrap I linked, I find that with the same presentation, the top of the rear sight is ~80% up the front sight, so the required wrist rotation to correct is practically nothing.
In the grand scheme of things, it's not like dealing with the Glock grip angle is a big deal. That said, for age and wrist-related issues, it sure is nice being able to reduce these potential stress factors when you can.
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My first handgun was a G22.3 in 2006, but after well over a decade of not shooting pistols seriously, when I did get started six years ago, it was on a 92. The amount of mags, holsters, spare parts, spare guns, I never really planned to change. Had a couple PX4’s just for kicks, and the grips being just enough smaller that I was willing to experiment if maybe I could shoot it as well and accurately as my LTT, so off the slide of the still new to me CC for an RDO cut. I’ve carried it since August, it’s just a tad more concealable for me, and on drills, I shoot it equally well, if not slightly better.
This was the ONLY gun that may have usurped the 92. I already had a fair number of rounds on one, and had mostly enough mags to cover my bases. I want at least 12-15, 10-12 for range, the rest carry mags. I do have 15 or so VP9 mags that came with the gun, but they’re all the 15’s, and I do DA/SA over striker, and had no desire to have to buy a whole other gun, plus trigger work, and a dot to get a P30 set up like I’d need.
I know there’s a huge number of Sig haters, but if I absolutely had to switch to a striker fired pistol, of any that I have any time with, the P320 is the one I hate the least.
I think about this more often than I’d like to admit. Glocks are well made, reliable pistols. They are the easier choice. However, they get boring and I’ve never felt it strikes my personality as a firearm. Like a car, what car is a representation of your personality? For me it is a Porsche 911. When it comes to pistols, I’m not sure I’ve met the pistol that does the same as a 911. I have a nice Les Baer custom that comes close but as my throw on daily it has its limitations. My Staccato C2 falls into the same category as my Les Baer but it does have more bullets. Often times it comes down to what gun can I get a good holster for?
Guns I’d like to try in the near future: H&K VP9-A1 & USP.