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Thread: What does it take for you to switch?

  1. #11
    I transitioned my department to M&Ps in 2006 and have since acquired over a dozen, plus holsters, magazines, etc. I’ve also been through the armorer course twice. I’m not switching.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnO View Post
    I have Glocks and 1911's. I see absolutely no reason to switch to anything else. I've tried other people's guns, M&Ps, XDs, PDPs, PPQs, P7s, P30s, USPs, VP9s and Staccatos just to name a few I can think of off the top of my head. You know what? They all do pretty much the same basic thing.

    Now if your goal is to be one of the cool kids you just might have to get the latest popular blaster. Otherwise develop your skills such that you can pick up and shoot anyone's gun better than they can.
    I'm starting to feel the same way. I went down the full Apex'd M&P path and more recently picked up a G47. Between the two of them, I actually think I like the ergos better on the Glock. I've tried every grip combination on my M&P Compact and I can't find anything that just 'fits'. Either too narrow and shortens my reach... or too fat in the middle. I shoot it fine but it never felt right. After adding the GPT to the Glock, my scores and times are basically the same as the M&P. At that point, does it even really matter?

    I value the reliability / simplicity of Glock's design and trust the safe action system for carry. At the end of the day, if you're a good shooter, you can haul ass on the Glock platform. The more I think about all those things, the more I realize that the Glock was probably all I needed all along. It will perform and *I* need to focus on sharpening my own skills.

    Doubt I'm going to sell anything I have but I can definitely myself slimming down to something like a G26 and a pair of G47s.

  3. #13
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    With my state now being a ban state, it would take a gun that takes my current existing magazines, which, because I'm a dumbass, are not glock magazines, but Beretta 92 magazines.

    So basically, I am locked into Beretta 92s

    There are much less cool guns to be stuck with tho so I guess I'm cool with that.

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  4. #14
    Site Supporter HeavyDuty's Avatar
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    To the original post.

    I like guns and I sample, but it takes a lot for me to change my “serious” platform.

    Before 1992 it was K frames and a 3913. From 1992 until 2006 I was primarily a Glock guy, just two of them - my 23.2 and my wife’s 21.2. I started souring on Glock after one of our investigators had an AD reholstering, it was classic windbreaker drawstring in the triggerguard but it bothered me since I never got over my old PPC habit of thumb on hammer while reholstering. Because of doubts this made me susceptible to listening to a rep that was demoing the then new M&P. I ended up with a M&P40c followed by a 9c, 9 full size (aka shotgun), Shield 9 and 40 and 45c, most with manual safeties. I missed my Glock triggers, though - Apex triggers helped the M&Ps but they weren’t the same. In 2016 I found P-F and discovered the SCD which resolved my Glock holstering concerns, so I went back to Glock in a big way.

    About three years ago I found I was having wrist pain issues with my G19s and to a lesser extent my compacts and full sizes, the hump was aggravating things. Cutting backstraps helped with the grip angle on the subs and fulls, but not the 19s - that got me looking for alternatives. I considered M&P 2.0s but decided to try the P30 LEM ecosystem, it has worked out really well. I’ve also dabbled with P365s, they are easy for carry.

    I leave my jeans set up with a holster and reload. Normally these days those holsters are for a P30SK or a P365XL.

    BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
    revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Hstanton1 View Post

    So, for you personally, what does it actually take to switch main carry/competition pistols?
    For carry guns: features/capabilities not available in previous choices. The most recent example is choosing a p365 over Glock 43 because of capacity differences.
    For competition guns: curiousity.
    Doesn't read posts longer than two paragraphs.

  6. #16
    Was able to get 25% off staccato through the pd so the duty gun changed. Now going to transition my edc to a staccato as well pretty soon. Mainly because the grip angle difference is noticeable switching between the two.

  7. #17
    Site Supporter HeavyDuty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utm View Post
    Was able to get 25% off staccato through the pd so the duty gun changed. Now going to transition my edc to a staccato as well pretty soon. Mainly because the grip angle difference is noticeable switching between the two.
    What are you using for duty and planning to use for EDC?

    BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
    revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”

  8. #18
    Site Supporter CleverNickname's Avatar
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    I bought my first gun in 2001 and started competing in 2002. I carried and competed with some model of Glock (mainly carrying a G19 and competing with a G19/G17/G34) from then until early 2024. I admit I did occasionally carry a few other guns (mainly a Kahr PM9 and then later a Beretta Nano since at the time Glock didn't have a slimline 9mm), but after Glock released the G43 I don't think I even owned a non-Glock centerfire semi-auto pistol from 2015 until last year.

    That said, now I carry a P365X & P365 XMacro, and compete with a 2011. I changed for competition mainly because I wanted to try something else after 20+ years. I changed for carry because the P365X is only slightly bigger than a G43 but carries twice the number of rounds, and my G43's weren't cut for optics so I needed to make some changes anyways. It was easier to buy new guns that were factory optic-ready instead of getting the G43's slides cut. And if I'm going to carry a P365X, I might as well be consistent and replace the G19 with a P365 XMacro while I'm at it.
    Last edited by CleverNickname; 01-10-2025 at 08:48 PM.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyDuty View Post
    What are you using for duty and planning to use for EDC?
    2024c full size grip for duty. Probably going with the compact grip for off duty

  10. #20
    My wife carries a p365xl. I learned I shot a chopped macro to within 10% of my g19 shooting (though it is harder to stay good with the smaller gun).

    Macro more comfortable to carry and being able to narrow down to one set of mags and 2 holsters for competition and daily life)

    I do enjoy the p365 ecosystem.

    If a glock 19 didn't hurt my wife's hands and was too big for her to carry, I doubt I would have switched

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