I transitioned my department to M&Ps in 2006 and have since acquired over a dozen, plus holsters, magazines, etc. I’ve also been through the armorer course twice. I’m not switching.
I transitioned my department to M&Ps in 2006 and have since acquired over a dozen, plus holsters, magazines, etc. I’ve also been through the armorer course twice. I’m not switching.
I'm starting to feel the same way. I went down the full Apex'd M&P path and more recently picked up a G47. Between the two of them, I actually think I like the ergos better on the Glock. I've tried every grip combination on my M&P Compact and I can't find anything that just 'fits'. Either too narrow and shortens my reach... or too fat in the middle. I shoot it fine but it never felt right. After adding the GPT to the Glock, my scores and times are basically the same as the M&P. At that point, does it even really matter?
I value the reliability / simplicity of Glock's design and trust the safe action system for carry. At the end of the day, if you're a good shooter, you can haul ass on the Glock platform. The more I think about all those things, the more I realize that the Glock was probably all I needed all along. It will perform and *I* need to focus on sharpening my own skills.
Doubt I'm going to sell anything I have but I can definitely myself slimming down to something like a G26 and a pair of G47s.
With my state now being a ban state, it would take a gun that takes my current existing magazines, which, because I'm a dumbass, are not glock magazines, but Beretta 92 magazines.
So basically, I am locked into Beretta 92s
There are much less cool guns to be stuck with tho so I guess I'm cool with that.
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To the original post.
I like guns and I sample, but it takes a lot for me to change my “serious” platform.
Before 1992 it was K frames and a 3913. From 1992 until 2006 I was primarily a Glock guy, just two of them - my 23.2 and my wife’s 21.2. I started souring on Glock after one of our investigators had an AD reholstering, it was classic windbreaker drawstring in the triggerguard but it bothered me since I never got over my old PPC habit of thumb on hammer while reholstering. Because of doubts this made me susceptible to listening to a rep that was demoing the then new M&P. I ended up with a M&P40c followed by a 9c, 9 full size (aka shotgun), Shield 9 and 40 and 45c, most with manual safeties. I missed my Glock triggers, though - Apex triggers helped the M&Ps but they weren’t the same. In 2016 I found P-F and discovered the SCD which resolved my Glock holstering concerns, so I went back to Glock in a big way.
About three years ago I found I was having wrist pain issues with my G19s and to a lesser extent my compacts and full sizes, the hump was aggravating things. Cutting backstraps helped with the grip angle on the subs and fulls, but not the 19s - that got me looking for alternatives. I considered M&P 2.0s but decided to try the P30 LEM ecosystem, it has worked out really well. I’ve also dabbled with P365s, they are easy for carry.
I leave my jeans set up with a holster and reload. Normally these days those holsters are for a P30SK or a P365XL.
BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
Was able to get 25% off staccato through the pd so the duty gun changed. Now going to transition my edc to a staccato as well pretty soon. Mainly because the grip angle difference is noticeable switching between the two.
I bought my first gun in 2001 and started competing in 2002. I carried and competed with some model of Glock (mainly carrying a G19 and competing with a G19/G17/G34) from then until early 2024. I admit I did occasionally carry a few other guns (mainly a Kahr PM9 and then later a Beretta Nano since at the time Glock didn't have a slimline 9mm), but after Glock released the G43 I don't think I even owned a non-Glock centerfire semi-auto pistol from 2015 until last year.
That said, now I carry a P365X & P365 XMacro, and compete with a 2011. I changed for competition mainly because I wanted to try something else after 20+ years. I changed for carry because the P365X is only slightly bigger than a G43 but carries twice the number of rounds, and my G43's weren't cut for optics so I needed to make some changes anyways. It was easier to buy new guns that were factory optic-ready instead of getting the G43's slides cut. And if I'm going to carry a P365X, I might as well be consistent and replace the G19 with a P365 XMacro while I'm at it.
Last edited by CleverNickname; 01-10-2025 at 08:48 PM.
My wife carries a p365xl. I learned I shot a chopped macro to within 10% of my g19 shooting (though it is harder to stay good with the smaller gun).
Macro more comfortable to carry and being able to narrow down to one set of mags and 2 holsters for competition and daily life)
I do enjoy the p365 ecosystem.
If a glock 19 didn't hurt my wife's hands and was too big for her to carry, I doubt I would have switched