BBI: ...”you better not forget the safe word because shit's about to get weird”...
revchuck38: ...”mo' ammo is mo' betta' unless you're swimming or on fire.”
I've always tried to shoot with a gun that I enjoy shooting. Life is short, why drive a Corrolla when you can have something nicer?
Glocks win the popularity contest and there is a ton of aftermarket support, but if they don't get you excited about the shooting experience, why not look at other options?
-Seconds Count. Misses Don't-
I have shot 9mm Glock pistols more or less exclusively my entire adult life. Bought my first Glock about 15 years ago and haven't really seriously dabbled in much else. Have a couple nice K frames, briefly owned a beretta 92... but yeah. Just Glocks for me
If I had significantly more disposable income I'd probably dabble with other handguns more willingly, but as it stands I have a good dizen or so Glock pistols, pushing 150-200 various size glock magazines, a litany of holsters and small parts and blah blah. You can tinker with them enough to make them just as shootable as any other plastic striker pistol.
Why would I go to something else? The expense associated with accruing the same depth of support gear would be ridiculous. Plus I am fairly attached to the SCD and there isn't really an equivalent for other guns out there yet.
Probably the only exception I could imagine would be adding 1911s/2011s into the mix, but thats also spendy and no thanks for now.
Meanwhile I can just keep shooting the Glocks and spending the money on my range memberships and ammo...
It’s a good sentiment and something I agree with. The thing is, nothing I’ve tried has been fun or exciting enough to switch away from Glock permanently. Maybe that’s because I tend to stray too far from plastic striker fired guns? Who knows. Either way, I tend to have a stable of glocks for serious use, and then one or two fun pistols that aren’t glocks.
I’ve had a slightly different journey and perspective than most. I got hooked onto USPSA in the early 2000’s when production was big and shot a 34 for 8 years straight. Best way to get good fast is to be consistent IMO and I committed to shooting the 34 until I made M. At certain points I really wanted to try other platforms though exercised discipline and used that to work more towards hitting the goal.
After that I decided I wanted to become a more competent and well rounded shooter by learning multiple different platforms…thus the journey became the goal. I settled on the 92 series to learn DA, did that for a bit until I had master the first shot and could run FAST in the 5s, then caught the 1911 / 2011 SAO bug which is both fun and expensive. Between all of these forays I did return back to my Glocks and it’s been like coming home every time. I have 3 kids under 4 so time is the scarcest resource I have and have thus reverted back to Glock again for practicality.
For now the journey is the goal and it’s been a lot of fun enjoying different platforms and experiences. When I have more time a few years down the road I do want to make a run at GM at which point I’ll buckle down on a division I enjoy and on a platform that is both capable and super shootable in my hands.
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CTC lasers : Pistols = ABS : automobiles