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Thread: Always armed

  1. #21
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    [MENTION=96]KevH[/MENTION]. That post is great! It highlights the benefits of the gun. I have my original no-lock 442 from the early 90's. It has been a work companion throughout my career. It carries well with almost any method and is relatively easy to shoot accurately. Mine will attend its 31st yearly off-duty qualification at the end of the month.
    "Knowledge is good." Emil Faber, date unknown.

  2. #22
    STAFF Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MDFA View Post
    No matter what you carry, train with it...
    I like shooting my 19 and 42, so I shoot them a lot. I do not like training with my 442 or LCP. So the fun factor has led to me wanting to carry the Glocks. If I couldn't carry them, I'd suck it up and work with smaller guns.
    "Gunfighting is a thinking man's game. So we might want to bring thinking back into it."-MDFA

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  3. #23
    banana republican blues's Avatar
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    I recall having heard "judge not, lest ye be judged". Seems like good advice in many arenas.
    Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

  4. #24
    Maybe a new P-F Likes Per Hour record!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by KevH View Post
    No, but it’s better than being unarmed.
    I have always said iffin I am carrying the J-frame I would otherwise not be carrying a gun, so it is actually and upgrade!

    Quote Originally Posted by KevH View Post
    Do I want to only have a 442 when bad guys with AK’s try to kick in my front door?
    But maybe your ninja skills and 442 get ya an AK out of the deal.

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  5. #25
    There’s an old saying in the gun industry I used to read when I first got “into” guns back in the mid 80s through the 90s.

    “Talk .45, shoot 9mm, carry a .38.”

    This was when the pistol to have was a 1911 of course so that’s why on .45. 9mm was the new hotness and was cheaper and easier to shoot. But the ole J frame .38 was still effective and a lot easier to carry daily. This was obviously way before the compact .380s/9mms we have today.

    I forget who it was, maybe Ken Hackathorn or Massad Ayoob, was relating a story about a bunch of writers/trainers talking once and when it came time to “show & tell” almost all of them had J frames on them and not a .45 or 9mm. It was almost like it was a taboo subject no one wanted to admit to, an ego thing.
    Last edited by cathellsk; 01-13-2025 at 10:14 AM.
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  6. #26
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    “Talk .45, shoot 9mm, carry a .38.”

    And the 38 is a Taurus 85 in your wife's purse. She is to give it to you in case of trouble. I know those folks.

    I've told before of the big guy, well over 6 foot who told me that he once shot a 45 and it damn near tore his arm off. Hey, shot 40 230gr WWB day before yesterday, still looking for my arm.

    9s on my belt, 380s or Js in my pocket for the NPE (no pants environment).
    Cloud Yeller of the Boomer Age, My continued existence is an exercise in nostalgia.

  7. #27
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    I have been finding myself in pocket carry mode, much more often than not.

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    The LCR gets the nod for around the house, or to run out to the mailbox, or for gym carry (AIWB in a Dark Star Gear). The P365X loaded 11+1 is for more "normal" situations; trips in the RV, camping, basically when out and about. Aside from the weight difference (LCR rig is 18.1 oz, the X in the Vedder Pocket Locker is 26.0 oz) there's not a lot to pick between them. I'll generally have one or the other on me. The Vedder carries slimmer than the LCR/Desantis. Otherwise they are remarkably the same, at least in plan view.

    Great thread. Could not agree more.
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  8. #28
    Chasing the Horizon RJ's Avatar
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    I have been finding myself in pocket carry mode, much more often than not.

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    The LCR gets the nod for around the house, or to run out to the mailbox, or for gym carry (AIWB in a Dark Star Gear). The P365X loaded 11+1 is for more "normal" situations; trips in the RV, camping, basically when out and about. Aside from the weight difference (LCR rig is 18.1 oz, the X in the Vedder Pocket Locker is 26.0 oz) there's not a lot to pick between them. I'll generally have one or the other on me. The Vedder carries slimmer than the LCR/Desantis. Otherwise they are remarkably the same, at least in plan view.

    Great thread. Could not agree more.
    Check out the new 2025 Quick Reference Card Web Sites!
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  9. #29
    I would say all this is true and continues to be true to this day, but carry options and semis have continued development to the point where there are other options that are just as easy and more capable.

    I think it's more of a mindset thing. I can throw an Enigma on with as much ease and comfort as I can slip a J frame into my pocket. More so, because I have a lot more confidence in retention in weird positions. It takes some work and some adjusting and some aftermarket stuff, but it's very doable.

    [MENTION=10494]Hambo[/MENTION] kind of hit the nail on the head for me. I've met people that carry J frames and love shooting them and love training with them and are very good with them, just as I've met people amazingly skilled with large revolvers because they love shooting the things. I would say I've met more people that would like to be those people but are not. As long as you know what you need to do and can do it, whatever works works.

  10. #30
    Site Supporter KevH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cathellsk View Post
    I forget who it was, maybe Ken Hackathorn or Massad Ayoob, was relating a story about a bunch of writers/trainers talking once and when it came time to “show & tell” almost all of them had J frames on them and not a .45 or 9mm. It was almost like it was a taboo subject no one wanted to admit to, an ego thing.
    ...and I think a large part of this is my point.

    It is only magnified now with the internet where it seems folks think everyone must, or at least must pretend to, carry a full or mid-size 9mm with an optic and light on their person all the time...and whatever it is certainly must have a 10+1 capacity at a minimum . What is being marketed by holster manufacturers and posted on Instagram, YouTube, and the like, would certainly lead you to believe this. That then gets parroted on internet forums and then shows up in real life in-person training.

    There exists an idealized view of what we should be doing, and then there exists the reality of our everyday.

    It is no different in other industries. In my wife's cyber world everyone lives in a super clean 4,0000 sq foot house with perfect seasonal decor, drives a $90k SUV, has a $50k skin care regimen, has well behaved manicured kids, and impeccable meal planning. The reality is that it is 99.9% BS internet marketing as most of us don't actually live that way.

    I recognize [MENTION=410]GJM[/MENTION] and his concern about it being too easy to carry a small gun and therefore people not carrying enough when perhaps they should; however, what I have seen more is people not carrying anything because of comfort.

    Many department's, including mine, have it in policy that you have to carry a gun while driving a city vehicle. I have distinct memories from ten or twelve years ago of sitting in LE classroom settings (not gun related classes) where guys carrying Springfield TRP's and Glock 22's would take them off after about 30 min because of comfort (seen it many times). I now see guys removing SIG XMacro's and the like in their AIWB holsters because sitting in the crappy hotel conference room chairs all day with them on sucks (true story from a couple months ago). Typically I'm wearing a J-frame for these events in an ankle holster and I'm not removing anything.

    I guess the moral of story to all this is don't get suckered by the internet BS and be honest about your reality.

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