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Thread: Rangemaster 2/2/1 Drill

  1. #1
    Mod Clusterfrack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Rangemaster 2/2/1 Drill

    This week's DOtW is [MENTION=15337]1Rangemaster[/MENTION] s 2/2/1 drill from the January Rangemaster Newsletter. If you've already logged the drill in the thread below, feel free to quote it in another post here.

    2/2/1 Drill
    Target: IALEFI-Q, IDPA Cardboard, or RFTS-Q target.

    Scoring: 10 points for any hit in-side the 8 inch circle in the chest, or inside the head ring. 5 points for
    any hit inside the silhouette but outside the circles. Except on IDPA
    target, D Zone is zero points. This drill uses Hit Factor Scoring: Total points divided by Total Time = Score.

    Begin with the weapon holstered and concealed, loaded with 2 rounds only. Shot timer required.
    On signal, draw, fire 2 rounds to the chest, conduct an empty gun reload, fire 2 more rounds to the chest, then one to the
    head circle. Record the time for the string.

    String1: Fire the drill at 5 yards and record the time.

    String2: Fire the drill at 10 yards and record the time.

    10 rounds total. 100 points possible. Add the times for the two strings. Divide total points by the total time to calculate your hit factor.

    Par score = 6HF

    Goal is a score of 6HF or higher
    Instructor/540 Training

  2. #2
    Member MVS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I ran this cold, quite cold, with my carry gear to include 2 cover garments and gloves. Yes those are excuses but the real reason for the poor performance is I just don't shoot my actual carry gear enough.

    365 AXG Legion, AIWB

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  3. #3
    Mod Clusterfrack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Rangemaster 2/2/1 Drill

    CZ P-07 Prograde, EPS in a JMCK WC 2.5 under a fleece pullover. Spare mag in a NeoMag.

    Warmed up with two mags. Then did 3 runs using Mason Lane’s “Finding 100%” approach where you increase your speed/aggression/focus.

    All runs clean, but [MENTION=15337]1Rangemaster[/MENTION] I couldn’t quite break 10HF. Thanks for a great drill.

    Run 1, “80%”: 5.28+6.54: 8.46HF
    Run 2, “90%”:5.23+6.17: 8.77HF
    Run 3, “95%”: 4.72+5.69: 9.60HF

    Last edited by Clusterfrack; 01-08-2025 at 04:50 PM.
    Instructor/540 Training

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Clusterfrack View Post
    CZ P-07 Prograde, EPS in a JMCK WC 2.5 under a fleece pullover. Spare mag in a NeoMag.

    Warmed up with two mags. Then did 3 runs using Mason Lane’s “Finding 100%” approach where you increase your speed/aggression/focus.

    All runs clean, but [MENTION=15337]1Rangemaster[/MENTION] I couldn’t quite break 10HF. Thanks for a great drill.

    Run 1, “80%”: 5.28+6.54: 8.46HF
    Run 2, “90%”:5.23+6.17: 8.77HF
    Run 3, “95%”: 4.72+5.69: 9.60HF

    As the old Brits might say-“Splendid, sir, simply splendid.”

    If my calculator is correct, you are at 141% of the six factor standard with the first run and 160% on the last one.

    Reckon I’ll give it another run after winter blast passes in a day or so.

  5. #5
    G19 build w/ Swampfox Liberty
    Concealed, JMCK AIWB

    Out in the rain, as is the way of things here in the PNW!

    String 1: 6.17, -10 (2 outside lower 8")

    String 2: 6.51, -5 (low left head shot)

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    And ya know, I forgot to put a head circle on this target, so used the can I had ammo in, seems to be about 3.5" diameter.

    First 2 shots on 1st string embarrassingly off, low & left. What can I say...first shots of the day, in too much of a hurry...still failing at regular dryfire.

  6. #6

    It’s still January, right?

    So, I have moved into a semi-retired status, and won’t have steady access to the department indoor range. Just means I dry practice more and confirm with live fire.
    On the 2-2-1 Rangemaster drill we’re on I made sure to get a number of reps of a concealed reload-seemed to help. One shot on “ Cold Heat” before the run-hope that is acceptable.
    5 yards: 5.98 seconds. 10 yards: 6.48 secs.., clean on both runs for 100 pts.on an IDPA target. Math works out to 8.026/ 8.03, from a JMCK IWB concealed under an open fleece vest. Pistol was a 5th generation 19MOS w/P2 ACRO.
    I did some other work with different pistols. I do like this little eval and will work it in with my G26, etc.

  7. #7

    Uh, January 32nd…?

    Apologies, gents, for a bit if foolishness, but I had to run this again, “just ‘cause”, on a relatively nice day February 1.
    Concealed 19MOS w/ ACRO, 3 runs: 6.49, 7.2 and 7.59, last best obviously. “Bozoed” the first concealed reload, dropped points on second, got it together on the third.
    This is going to be a constant going forward…

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