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Thread: Cartoon Guns must sell pretty well...

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Whitlock View Post

    I'd like to get my agency to retrofit our 870s, and $89-ish for a stock and overmolded forend is a pretty good deal, especially when you're talking 50+ weapons.
    I would absolutely say that is a good option to get shorter LOP for agency users wearing body armor or even if not, to keep the weapon in tight and compact as possible

    The Hogue equipment is nice, durable, and light, and for 50+ weapons would be a great investment if you are keeping the 870's in rotation!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GearFondler View Post
    Another problem with 12g box mags is that if they are left loaded over time the spring pressure can deform the plastic shell casings creating oval shells that don't feed properly. Apparently the Russians solved that issue by using brass sleeves instead of plastic but that's not really a solution that helps anyone here.
    This isn't an issue for a field gun that doesn't sit around loaded all the time but it is for a duty/HD weapon.
    That's interesting and something I never once considered about box mags and shotguns.

    Kind of defeats the purpose of a box mag IMO. The benefits of the box is you can have half a dozen loaded and ready but you kind of can't if you aren't using them often.

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