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Thread: Cartoon Guns must sell pretty well...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Cartoon Guns must sell pretty well...

    Sigh,... why does Mossberg keep doing this? I know, I know, they are in business to make money, not necessarily guns, but still. This thing has an MSRP of almost $1,200! Who in their right mind would buy this abomination over an A300? I guess they are selling though. Just, wow... I have an 835 that I actually really like. With just a little more fine tuning and QC, that thing seems like it could be battle-worthy. But I think I would just about rather take a sharp stick to a fight rather than this thing pictured below. It's like all the derp got mashed into one gun.

    Name:  Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 1.37.41 PM.jpg
Views: 975
Size:  21.0 KB
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tensaw View Post
    Sigh,... why does Mossberg keep doing this? I know, I know, they are in business to make money, not necessarily guns, but still. This thing has an MSRP of almost $1,200! Who in their right mind would buy this abomination over an A300? I guess they are selling though. Just, wow... I have an 835 that I actually really like. With just a little more fine tuning and QC, that thing seems like it could be battle-worthy. But I think I would just about rather take a sharp stick to a fight rather than this thing pictured below. It's like all the derp got mashed into one gun.
    Why does it need to be "battle worthy" or be taken to a "fight"? Why can't it merely exist for the joy of shooting an abomination?

    I have no use for it, but some guy or girl ('cause I know a woman who would buy this thing and enjoy the heck out of it) buying and shooting this won't prevent me from buying something "battle worthy", whatever that means.


  3. #3
    Lost River 170gr Hardcast fatdog's Avatar
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    other than the barrel shield I can observe not one single desirable or modestly useful feature (to me) on that abomination, ugh!
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  4. #4
    Site Supporter HeavyDuty's Avatar
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    Better than the ones they did with the chainsaw handle.

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  5. #5
    Site Supporter Trooper224's Avatar
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    Because, some people buy things just because they think they're cool.
    Because, some people just shoot for fun.
    Because the company recognizes demographics, other the the trapist monk gunfighter/gamer and caters to them.

    And that's all okay.

    Not my thing, but it's not hard to figure out.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavyDuty View Post
    Better than the ones they did with the chainsaw handle.
    And that is one I had in mind when I said that Mossberg "keeps on doing this."

    For those who say that not every gun has to be for a serious purpose, okay - fair enough. But you gotta think there are some folks who will plunk down hard-earned money for this thing thinking that they have now obtained a serious home defense weapon. It just seems to me that if Mossberg could focus their considerable resources on making *better* guns/making their guns better, they would be doing themselves, and their customers, a favor.

    ETA: For what it is worth, this gun shows up as the third listing under the section of "Security Firearms" (along with the Chainsaw version of the Shockwave...) - so while you can say this is merely a fun gun/range toy, Mossberg certainly is not marketing it that way. Of course, they also show the image below on that same page...

    Name:  Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 3.36.32 PM.jpg
Views: 909
Size:  43.8 KB
    Last edited by Tensaw; 01-06-2025 at 03:38 PM.
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  7. #7
    Site Supporter RevolverRob's Avatar
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    For real - for real - that AR-style safety is a legit upgrade over most shotgun safeties. Cross bolts and sliding tang safeties suck.

  8. #8
    Okay, so I am not well versed in shotguns, haven't taken classes yet, but other than looks, what about this is so nonfunctional or goofy? How is it all that different than an 870 with a Mesa Tactical stock kit?
    The safety is a major upgrade for me, as I hate the tang safety.
    The mags? They make a regular tube feed version too it looks like.

    It looks goofy? It looks way less goofy to me than that LTT1301 with the weird stock. It just looks like Mossberg put together what people have been doing with 870s for decades.

  9. #9
    Murder Machine, Harmless Fuzzball TCinVA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RevolverRob View Post
    For real - for real - that AR-style safety is a legit upgrade over most shotgun safeties. Cross bolts and sliding tang safeties suck.
    I want to see how it actually works to see if it's genuinely better or just a different placement for the same old concept.

    Either way, it will probably suck unless you're using a pistol grip...which I don't want on any of my shotguns.
    Last edited by TCinVA; 01-06-2025 at 04:27 PM.

  10. #10
    Murder Machine, Harmless Fuzzball TCinVA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MandoWookie View Post
    Okay, so I am not well versed in shotguns, haven't taken classes yet, but other than looks, what about this is so nonfunctional or goofy?
    All of the modifications are based on the use of a pistol grip on the shotgun.

    Pistol grips are a pretty terrible idea on a shotgun because they load recoil into the hand, specifically the thumb joint of the hand.

    There's nothing "tactical" about having a pistol grip on a shotgun. In the old days when practically every gun shipped had a more traditional stock that has a wrist angle that kind of sucks for holding on to the gun with a single hand, the pistol grip had some utility. Magpul pretty much fixed that with their SGA.

    But to the general public, pistol grip means "tactical" and so the general public keeps buying them even if they're fucking stupid.

    The safety doesn't look too bad. I have a feeling it's just a rotating knob on the same sort of safety arrangement which would probably be an improvement over the usual Mossberg safety...but time will tell.

    They have engineered the back end of the gun to match the sight to bore relationship of the AR, which introduces height over bore concerns on a gun that previously didn't have one.

    It looks goofy?
    It looks goofy if you actually know what you're looking at due to having some idea of how to set up a good defensive shotgun.

    You'll note that the people who are most skilled with a defensive shotgun have not been campaigning for pistol grip setups.

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